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Posts posted by grave13

  1. Got my Marcus crew up and painted. It took me about a week and a half to compleate and I must say I had so much fun painting this crew box. The detail on this crew box sculpts are beautiful. So With that I gave this crew the honor it deserved and took my time and put the best paint job I have ever done on any minature. Love love loved painting Cojo. Hands down he is my favorite sculpt out of the box set. Myranda in the end proved to be a little pain to paint due to her posture. Razor spine rattler was just meh after painting Cojo. Just to plain of a color scheme. I think if i purchsse any more of RSR im going to look up actual rattle snake colors and patterns and apply that to the sculpt. Ok so now I got this crew box all painted up and ready to go. I got this extra slots to fill

    Out for a 50ss point game and I need some more beasties. I definitly want whatever i get next to be the new M2 plastic line. Because i love the new sculpts on everything. Im thinking maybe Waldgest and Silurids. I can hold off on BoD till she gets a plastic reboot. Maybe Mole men.

  2. Right I think I have 4 that I like, but more suggestions would be awesome.

    Rebel yell reserve

    (k)nob creek, dont know whether to keep the k.

    Famous sow (famous grouse)

    Grem fiddich (glen fiddich)

    That should be enough for a whiskey golem, its only got so many barrels.

    Though I think I will have to make room for some whiskey tasting, for further research of course.

    Im from kentucky where knob creek is.....we keep the k around these parts :) but if you want to get creative with it call it Nag Creek.
  3. Though a viable recommendation it still pains me to hire a character that has absolutely zero fluff tie in with the crew just to have access to an ability (no matter how good). Malifaux's appeal to me has always been the "Character" side of the game. If I want to play a game with uncharacterful "Vanilla" models then there are plenty of other options available.

    Amen to that! I dont like outsiders in my crew. Im strict about that. Ya don't have green skin then git off my land!

  4. You really won't need that much hitting power. I try to limit myself to two expensive models, and keep the rest of the crew reasonably cheap. You can always try Bete Noire and Killjoy for a fun "Surprise!" moment, but I'd generally recommend someone who will make a safe anchor at range, like Alyce.

    Bete Noire is safe for an anchor isnt she? I dont think she will go hack n slash on your own crew like killjoy would lol.

  5. Ok I really want to go with the pariah of bone upgrade so I can field Bete Noire. But Im having a bit of a hard time figuring up a Leveticus crew with her in it at a 50ss level what would you suggest for a crew creation? I would like to include Rusty A, Ashes and Dust, Desolation Engine, Bete Noire. The huge problem is that these are expensive models and i feel that yes it is possible to include all of them in a crew but i also feel it is taking away an important element somwhere.

  6. What I look for in an anchor:

    1. Durability. Lazarus is amazing at this. Ashes and Dust are also great. Most Henchmen are fine. Izamu is very promising.

    2. Ability to protect the Waif. This usually means "Ability to kill stuff that gets close" which is where Rusty Alyce shines. Ashes and Dust is good too for the same reason. Big models are nice because they can block LOS to the waif. Usually the Waif is hiding behind terrain, but other protection helps a lot.

    3. Ability to earn VP while protecting a Waif. This is the big one. I don't want to spend 6 soulstones on a dedicated anchor. I want to hire models that will win me the game, and also babysit. Soulstone Miners are great for this - they appear upfield and run schemes, then hang around and anchor.

    Soul stone miners sound kinda thematic with Levi. I'll have to check them out :)

  7. Im still slightly puzzledvon how it is difficult to pull off a creation of a DE.. mean Levi's crew has multiple ways of producing abominations especially with Rusty A's gun. I do see a problem however in facing a crew that does not have a high model count, giving you less chances to create abominations. I don't want to come off as a person hell bent on creating a DE lol. It would be awsome to make one every game but the truth is it someting that will make you loose a game real quick if that becomes a focus for a player. Im compleatly cool with the Desolation Engine being a boogy man to an enemy player. Because it will be that fear that gives you an edge in a game.

    My main concern is having really good anchors to keep your waifs alive. Im going to assume that Rust A and Ashes and Dust are going to be in the crew box and they will be the anchors of the crew box when it is released. So that leaves you two waifs to guard during a game? Now correct me on this I had information overload when I was reading on the M2 pull my finger tactica but does a Waif get created when levi dies? If I remember correct that its an action that levels itself out....or is it the opposite? Where a waif dies when levi is created? Im going to have to re read the tactica. Its an off the wall game mechanic i know that much. I can tell already my GF is going to have alot of WTF moments when i play her with the Levi crew. She plays Seamus shadows of redchappel crew so that will be an interesting game...can kill joy be used as an anchor?

    LOL! After reading up on Killjoy more im thinking maybe he is not a good choice for an anchor for waifs. His blood price ability would just make the job of trying to protect your waifs more of a challenge especially if you dont have anything to hide behind. Pitty for what killjoy sets his sights on.

  8. Im still slightly puzzledvon how it is difficult to pull off a creation of a DE.. mean Levi's crew has multiple ways of producing abominations especially with Rusty A's gun. I do see a problem however in facing a crew that does not have a high model count, giving you less chances to create abominations. I don't want to come off as a person hell bent on creating a DE lol. It would be awsome to make one every game but the truth is it someting that will make you loose a game real quick if that becomes a focus for a player. Im compleatly cool with the Desolation Engine being a boogy man to an enemy player. Because it will be that fear that gives you an edge in a game.

    My main concern is having really good anchors to keep your waifs alive. Im going to assume that Rust A and Ashes and Dust are going to be in the crew box and they will be the anchors of the crew box when it is released. So that leaves you two waifs to guard during a game? Now correct me on this I had information overload when I was reading on the M2 pull my finger tactica but does a Waif get created when levi dies? If I remember correct that its an action that levels itself out....or is it the opposite? Where a waif dies when levi is created? Im going to have to re read the tactica. Its an off the wall game mechanic i know that much. I can tell already my GF is going to have alot of WTF moments when i play her with the Levi crew. She plays Seamus shadows of redchappel crew so that will be an interesting game...can kill joy be used as an anchor?

  9. It is fine to start with a Desolation Engine on the board, especially in Turf War were you just want to chuck it straight into the middle. I find the DE to be fairly cost efficient too, since you get two Abominations back when it goes down, which justifies its otherwise quite steep price tag. Also, when your hire a DE, make sure that you have ways to summon more Abominations so that it can keep coming back. NB: Don't take the DE when Murder Protoge is in the pool.

    It find it quite hard to summon a DE plainly in game, but it can be done. Joss and the Large Steam Arachnid makes it easier with Creative Salvage. The hard part is that unless the enemy clusters your Abominations will often be spread out across the board, with little or no way of reaching each other than using their very slow walk. You will also need to invest in nearly all upgrades which enables Leve to summon Abominations and have the Soulstones to back up the suit requirements. In the end, you shouldn't really force the issue and try your hardest to summon the DE. If it happens it happens, but just the threat of it happening will have your opponent go after your Abominations instead of your Anchors and runners; i.e. the important models of the crew. By summoning Abominations everywhere and having them wobble closer to each other will lead to a dilemma for your opponent, let something else go free or have one of the most destructive models in the game in their face!

    Lazarus is probably the best anchor around, but there are a lot of other good choices. I have tried Stitched Together a couple of times with good results. Their Creepy Fog can provide with some cover, and the threat of their Gamble Your Life will often keep foes at bay. They are also quite hard to take down, and only cost 6. Another low cost favourite is The Drowned. They also cost 6, and there are few melee models want to engage them thanks to their "Resilience" ability. Their attack is ok and can put out paralyse on targets that are already slow (Leve can put out slow so there are some nice synergy there).

    Nice! I love the fear factor that Levi crew has. The drowned sound like a great option for an anchor. DE must be one scary miniature on the table if everyone is commited in trying to stop it or the creation of one. Man I want to play this crew. I hope that we dont have to wait long on the new plastic Levi crew box. I have seen art for his crew and it looks boss.

  10. What would you recommend for anchors? I know of mention of Lazarus but just wondering if any other great anchors? Also is it better to not hire on the desolation engine in a levi crew due to abominations having the ability to create one.. is the creation of a desolation engine easy to pull off? After reading the Levi tactica on pull my finger I honestly cant wait to get hus crew box. He seems like a beat on the table with his quirky play style

  11. I hope you post some pictures of him when you finish painting him. Im always interested in seeing other peoples painting.

    I myself plan on doing the gold mask and paint the eye holes white and then hit the white with a tiny bit of shine with varnish.......unless i can possibly find some tiny flecks of granite to fit in the eye hole areas......lol yeah right. It would be different thats for sure

  12. Thinking on going guild minion heavy on a lucius crew. I think hes good at running a crew with alot of choices for different strats and schemes. I wish i could take them all at a 50ss level so more than likely ill have Dashel with two guild riflemen. The scribe. An executioner. Guild Lawyer. And a hunter. Lucius will have Legalese and secret assets for upgrades while Captain Dashel will have watch my back. Unless there is another upgrade I can fit on to lucius for two ss but may just leave off the third upgrade so i can have 6 SS in my pool. This looks like a cool crew to run for a 50ss game. Im sure ill change things up with more games i play with Lucius and see what works best. Test out what I like to use or not use. Lucius is an interesting master to say the least.

  13. If and only "If" I remember correctly.

    They are milky white when filled and black when drained.

    The Green soul stone is the Gorgons tear linked to Molly, Seamus and Kirai.

    I'll be doing it as porcelain mask because I hate the Gold mask and Porcelain goes with the Masque-ball theme I plan to use on all my mimics.

    I hope you post some pictures of him when you finish painting him. Im always interested in seeing other peoples painting.

    • Like 1
  14. Are soulstones supposed to be black in color? Either way im not sure i can pulloff mind blowing soul stone effects with such a small sculpt but if i know the color of soulstones i will damn will try :P

    Ok did a image search on Malifaux soulstones found some results...so soulstones are light green in color. That shouldnt be too hard to pull off... but considering the scale of the sculpt may prove tricky.

  15. Put the executioner on a death Marshall taxi and jobs a good'un... ;)

    Dashel plus two rifleman can be epic in recconoitre as they can help to tip the balance in a quarter with their range. Getting dashel to crack skulls when they get clos isn't such a waste really.

    Main q to ask yourself.... Can you invest over a quarter of your points in such a static combo? If you have fast moving stuff to valence it out then I would say yes.

    Kinda rethinking some things on adding to a Lucius crew. After reading up on the Illuminated and beckoners they seem to be a more logical choice than spending 9ss for an executioner. So a couple of illumunated and a beckoner sound better. Im trying to create a crew using two guild riflemen and the "his name escapes me" the big guild guy with an ax......along with a guild lawyer and two illuminated and a beckoner.....the more i try at creating said crew it seems nearly impossible to have both aspects that i want. So idk..should i run Lucius neverborn heavy or just run him guild heavy? Or is there actually no wrong choice? Im trying to go for a crew creation with Lucius that has good damage output along with being able to do well at schemes.

  16. Crossroads describes him too. They said he has soulstones in the eyes of the mask, so have fun with that part.

    Are soulstones supposed to be black in color? Either way im not sure i can pulloff mind blowing soul stone effects with such a small sculpt but if i know the color of soulstones i will damn will try :P

  17. Lucius appears in stories in chronicles 5 and 6 where the mask is described as golden, in one place it says "gold steel mask", but that may just mean that it is not solid gold, just plated.

    So pretty much gold in appearance. Awsome. Thanks Bengt. Now i wont have to sit for hours pondering on what color and how to paint Lucius mask.

  18. Im aware or the posibility of moving the executioner around via Lucius . Not sure on the extra AP, ill have to read up on that. Personally i know the executioner does not synergize with Lucius but figured it would still be fun to field for the pure damage output from him and his schem abilities. Not to mention I plan on running a doppleganger with Lucius so maybe a possibility to mimmic the executioned on his damage along with other fun uses with the doppleganger.

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