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Posts posted by grave13

  1. It really depends.

    If you bring in Izamu, your tactics will be mostly focused around keeping him alive and killing. The Ashigaru serve as bodyguards and disposable chaff. Your Chi will mostly be coming from killing the other crew and Yan making it himself. You'll likely get a moderate amount of Chi over the game.

    If you bring Toshiro, your tactics are going to suddenly change. Toshiro really brings out the resser feel in the crew, since can bring back the Ashigaru over and over, and he's good at supporting them to make them more of a threat. This can generate A LOT of chi even as Yan is making more himself and hopefully killing the other crew. Having aid that, even under Toshiro's care the ashigaru are kind of meh as a killing minion. They can get 4 attacks a turn with careful use of Lunge and the Wall of Steel trigger (which you should have no trouble getting) but you have to discard 2 cards a turn for that to happen. Toshi really helps them to shine though.

    Long term, get both :)

    Toshiro sounds like a good purchase for a first expansion to the crew box.

  2. More so than some of the other 10T masters I think Yan Lo often likes to stick with his 'core' crew. Where I have often ran a very mix and match Misaki, McCabe, and Mei Feng I see Yan Lo and Lynch like sticking to much of their core crew and only dabbling in the other 10T options for added options. He likes his Ancestor models though he does not need all of them every time. More often than note I imagine his list is himself, the Soul Porter totem for him, and then at least two Ancestors. After that you likely see the lists varying more given what the scheme pool and strategy is.

    As for if he is a strong master I would say, he is better when you know how his tricks work. He is not quite as much of a slow grow master as he was in 1.5, but he builds up a condition called Chi as models around him die. This Chi helps him in two ways. The first is that it gives him a bonus to his Casting up to a +3. This is important for him as he does not necessarily have a high cast on alot of his spells so they go from okay to High when he starts rolling in Chi. This boosts his offense, mobility as he has a movement spell, his healing spell, and some of his upgrades. The second thing he can do is spend the Chi on other things; specifically he has two base spells that he can reduce his chi to gain benefits from. The first is one that grants armor to friendly models, one model per chi spent. So you could blow alot of chi but you could really fortify your crew for a turn with this. The other and one alot of people use is one that lets him purchase additional upgrades; this is the one that changes what he can do as he plays. Several people have preferences on the upgrades they aim for but they can all be useful given the right crew or goal.

    So he gets better as he progresses in game

  3. Im not into ressors just never have been untill Ten thunders showed up and they have this Yan Lo guy with his skeleton samurai.....and me being a fan of ancient chinese mythology and the beauty of the culture in general think to myself "man, thats bad ass" so how is he? Is he fun to play on the table? Is he a strong master. Is he worth getting if for playing him as ten thunders?

  4. Now i recently found something on google search. It is a combo chart for Mei Feng that someone created. It shows how she is able to achieve each combo. I will try to explain what it is showing. It starts with scalding breath and with a tomb and a mask it makes vent steam and vent steam auto goes to superheat. Then shows tiger claws with a tome and mask can go to vent steam to superheat and within two inches with two mask can go to jachammer kick and with crow feathers turns into iron skin.....iron skin im not aware of i didnt know if that is something she has or not because im questioning the legitimacy of this chart.

    It then shows railwalker and with two tomes can go to jackhammer kick and with a feather to iron skin.

    And last it showes seismic punch and with a tome and a mask can go to jackhammer kick and as above with a feather. Iron skin.

    Now if you want to see this chart firsthand google image search Mei Feng combo chart. I stumbled across this when doing an image search on Mei Fengs tattoo...because i want to get a good visual on her tattoo so i can plan it out on her minature.

  5. Well, if you are going the way of the arcanist, I suggest you go to their subforum and ask more around, I only play Mei in the Ten Thunders so I don't really know what yummy stuff she gets from her association there. As for Marcus, he can also beat face like the best of them, respect the beast master!

    Actually I meant i could always have the option running her as archanist. But in her case id rather run her as 10t. So still would like your guidance on her

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  6. Basically, yes, you do need line of sight to the construct you leap to because of the spell wording including the word "target", the moment any action includes that keyword, you will need line of sight. Also, Railwalk is pretty simple, you cast the spell on a construct or scarp marker withing 6" and LoS from Mei Feng, then, if you succeed, you pick Mei Feng and put her base to base with the targeted model in any part of the base you want. Thanks to it's trigger being automatic, it then lets you cast the spell again, usually on a different construct to cover more ground, or it lets you make a Kick attack action. If you have a construct close enough and succeed enough times, you can leap until you are near an enemy and then kick it in the face with the trigger, making it an incredibly efficient way to move up the board, it does require set up though.

    Without going into upgrades, because Misaki can be outright daunting if using her upgrades for it, I find Mei to be a lot harder to take down than misaki, that Armor +1 is a lot more useful than bulletproof, Leap Aside has saved my ass a good chunk of times and Vent Steam is a lot easier to get a good use out of than Deadly Dance even though they both operate against very different threats. There is no denying that Misaki is killier though, specially with upgrades where she goes into overdrive, though Hard Worker lets Mei Feng be better against models with armor or hard to wound (and can ignore illusory forest with it, damn forest has already screwed me over a good number of times...).

    I also find it a bit of a myth that Mei is suit reliant. On her base card, she only needs a suit to get the Intimidating Pose trigger and the rest is on her upgrades, being Rolling Ground the only trigger that you will want to use constantly, since tremors which is the most powerful one does not need a suit since the claws have it built in and Thunderous Smash is a conditional thing that you go for only when you need to remove markers. She does need a 7 or three depending on the turn though since those railwalks can become integral to a plan.

    Also, very important thing about Vent Steam, keep in mind it affects all attack actions that are Sh and Ca on any model within 4" from Mei. So if you wanted to cast an Airburst with Sensei Yu on a model inside Vent Steam, he would be in a - flip and if Mei Feng is in the thick of it and vents steam, your guys shooting the enemy models in the steam are also protected. So basically, really be mindful of what you will want to target with your actions since vent steam works both ways, reason why it's so damn powerful yet easy to activate.

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE both Misaki and Mei Feng and I like to use both of them, but since you've already decided on Mei Feng, it's what I'm focusing on. I do consider them both different enough to be in the same collection and not feel redundant though.

    Im greatfull that your helping me out on Mei Feng. Im sure im going to have many more question later on. There is alot to wrap my head around on her. Shes odd for being an archanist because she is melee focused.. which i think is pretty damn cool. Also I already have the Marcus crew box so i might as well build on the archanist

  7. Im trying to understand how the rail walk ability works for Mei feng. Is it an action that happens before an attack or after an attack and it does have to be in 6" of a construct right? Is line of sight important for this? Say you have a construct behind a wall and it is well within 6" of mei feng is she able to use her rail walk ability for that construct?

  8. Don't worry about the burning condition, it's a very secondary thing outside of Mei Feng hitting stuff with it harder and the Rail Golem using it to get all fired up. The Rail workers have a very hard time actually using their shovel faster action and tend to be best served as beaters that hit incredibly hard for their cost with their cards discard action. Kang's buffs are always awesome, but only actually relevant vs constructs and undead, hell, if neither of those are expected to be on the other side and there is no reason to respect horror duels, Kang can sit that fight out and you can reach for another big boy model, Ten Thunders are choking with them.

    As for what does Mei do in life, basically, engage, punch people and be horribly annoying. She is aggressive control engaging in her terms. If you go into your upgrades, she then goes into "push everyone everywhere" territory though the upgrade I always use no matter what is Vapromancy since the higher attack stat and effective weak damage 3 with blasts that are also weak damage 3 thanks to her burning trigger means she can do very big holes and lets her attack without being forced to push like the kick makes her. The rest of her upgrades are up to taste, Seismic claws is the goto punching upgrade, though I never get that much out of it lately, the kick trigger upgrade can be a life saber when the other master uses counters or in a scheme heavy match and Hard Worker lets her ignore Hard to Wound and Armor, making problm targets become putty in her hands. Recalled training is also always awesome and On Wings of Wind is a huge boon for her.

    Also, Mei Feng is the bane of any ranged crew worth a damn. Vent Steam can utterly cripple any ranged based strategy if stacked enough times

    Hey thanks for the run down on Mei Feng. It clairifies some things

  9. After reading up on each model in the crew box of Mei Feng they all seem to have a theme that they share or can add to. The burning condition. My question is when playing this crew should i run the rail workers with kang and keep them kinda close together so that they can benifit from each other? And with mei feng what shiuld she be focusing on? I know it really depends on what kind of game you are playing i.e. turf war. Or running schems. What is the best way to run them on different scenarios?

  10. Haven't taken a solid look at their rules yet, but a little bummed the old War Rooster model is still a War pig instead of a Rooster Rider in the Gaining Ground rules. That could change though. War Cock is still a far more amusing term than Cock Rider.

    To drag this thing back on topic, I'm assuming I'm going to want to stick the lads in green over our more animalistic options. Mainly to take advantage of her old classic of Aim High.

    lmfao! Spit my mountain dew everywhere after reading war cock......lol
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