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Posts posted by JayBarlekamp

  1. my question is, why the hell did you choose a stolen as your prey? Any model in your crew is capable of killing a stolen.

    As a Hamelin player, I would caution you that everything except Nix and usually Hamelin are fair game to be sacrificed for spells and are as such disposable.

    If you want to use Shikome against Hamelin, prey Nix, but most likely Hamelin will do exactly what he did to the Shikome. You are better off not even taking/summoning a shikome against Hamelin, unless you can do it at the end of a turn (after Hamelin has activated) and use it to kill Nix or maybe a ratcatcher. Those would be the only models worth a Shikome's attention.

  2. I think you'll find that the kin will serve you better than the slop hauler will, especially at lower SS games. Sure you can pull the hauler up with ooh a girl but he isn't going to help with your strategies or schemes.

    I know some people swear by the haulers but I rarely use them. I play gremlins of all sorts as disposable rather than wasting activations trying to heal them.

  3. For shear fun, the Gremlins win hands down.

    I do love Lucius though, there is something about his crew that I enjoy, I think it is the whole bad guy disguised as the good guys thing.

    And of course, I've now joined the dark(er) side and started the Hamelin crew I wanted since book 2 came out. I let the hate die down a bit, but his avatar art made him a must have.

  4. Tinys right I think its on the rule fourms that unless a trigger stats that it effects blasts then only the target of the attack is effected by triggers. I remember this from the old gremlin dumb luck trigger days when we thought it doubled there blast damage as well. Thise were dark days. =P

    Well it was only dark if you didn't have a green (or in my case blue) tint to your perspective. :rocketwho

  5. I've always played you could. Uncheatable in the same way as a black joker is uncheatable. you can still SS it.

    This is a nasty surprise for a Levi player if he's never seen it before, he kills himself and you drop Ophelia back and smoke the waifs.

  6. Thread Necro:

    Ophelia can't HIRE pigs. But she can hire cheap bodies in the form of 2ss Bayou Gremlins, and she can hire the Taxidermist who can turn corpses into stuffed piglets...true?

    Yes, this is true. I've taken the Pigapult with Ophelia before. I usually use it against Levi and if I have deliver a message. I use it mainly to fling gremlins around. I've found that the Kin are going to serve you better in most games than the pigapult/gremlins/taxidermist you will hire in their place.

    I think it's too many points/wasted actions for ophelia to kill the gremlins for the counters, then summon the pigs, not to mention, what will the taxidermist do after you've made your 3 (or however many gremlins you killed) pigs? I wound up having to fling him across the board so he wouldn't be just sitting around doing nothing

  7. I don't mind losing to any master as long as the person opposite me isn't a douche bag. Even the most fun crews suck to play against (win or lose) if the person playing them takes it too seriously.

    Pandora is on a short list of unfun things to see, but she isn't too bad if the person playing her uses some restraint and realizes that every list doesn't have to contain the most powerful stuff she can take.

    The Dreamer players and 1 Hamelin player I've encountered have all been great guys so I have no problem losing to them at all.

  8. and to be perfectly honest Perdita already does just fine shooting the living hell out of everything already - she doesn't need to be able to do it freely into melee as well.

    Again, you obviously dislike the rule because of the impact it has on the models you play. Fitting fluff actions/justification/what happens stuff into rules is often challenging. This really isn't harder than any of a few dozen other situations - if you really can't manage to find a reasonable way for it to fit a story/fluff perspective, well...

    per the Perdita comment, it doesn't matter whether or not she needs to be able to shoot well into combat, it just illustrates the strangeness of the way the system works.

    And, even though I play gremlins, This issue has come up a grand total of 1 time when I have played. There is no Hamelin the plauged players in my area and only one person plays merc Hamelin regularly. So it has no real effect on me at all, I just think it's a silly way to handle firing into combat, trying to force a fluff/story reason onto the ruling isn't going to make it any better.

    I get what you are saying and I understand why you think it works perfectly well. What I'm not really understanding is the need to convince me that I'm wrong. The rule exists, the firing into combat system exists, and I think it could be better. Not a big deal.

  9. Well, there's a difference between the result being random and the intent being random. You're not firing randomly into the melee - you're firing at a specific target, you just aren't guaranteed to hit it.

    But the effect is still completely random. The only thing the intial target determines is whether or not certain models are included in the randomization. If the intent isn't to fire randomly into melee, then the chance to hit shouldn't be spread evenly across all models. skill should have some bearing on whether or not you hit the intended target. As it stands now, Perdita has as much chance of hitting a certain model in melee as a gremlin does. Seems rather random to me.

    Again, not taking the shot at all makes sense too. The Gremlin thought process probably goes something like this "Boss wants me to shoot that guy. But the big scary Hamelin guy's in there, and I could hit him by accident, and if I hurt him, he's going to hurt me bad. I'm gonna... No, wait... Yeah, gottaa.... No, never mind, not worth it. Hamelin scares me more than the boss."

    By this train of thought, any shot which isn't going to hit the intended target should not occur. It's easy to think of a thought process which can justify the way the rule works, and just as easy to think of one which makes it silly.

    A debate over the merits of the ruling isn't needed. It's been ruled on and it isn't going to change. I've lived with the rule for a while now and it is far from the worst ruling ever to be handed down on these forums.

    I can understand not liking it from a gameplay perspective, because it denies you a way to work around a restriction. But it does make perfect sense.

    We're going to have to agree to disagree on the making perfect sense part.

  10. Who ever said the shot was random?

    It works fine for the rules, keeps it clean, and really makes good enough sense in fluff. What more could you want?

    well considering I have to randomly determine who I hit, I would call that random.

    I realize it fits with the rules just fine, and I'm OK with it (I don't have to like it). Hell, just make it so the shot automatically misses (instead of can't take it) and I'd be fine with it as I still have a chance to hurt Hamelin using whoops. That makes sense.

  11. unfortunately, you have to flip for Hamelin. It was ruled a long while ago in regards to gremlins shooting into combat with merc hamelin. if you wind up shooting an untargettable (word?) model then the shot is wasted.

    I thought the ruling sucked at the time and still do, but since the wording for firing into combat states that the model with the lowest flip becomes the new target then you can't shoot Hamelin.

    Apparently, when firing randomly into combat you have the opportunity to think about who you are shooting.

  12. I've been playing Lucius since he was released and he has some interesting facets to his play.

    Fisrt, don't be afraid to bring him forward to mix it up. his ability that makes all strikes and casts against him :-fate is awesome. And don't forget his slow to die with use soul stones.

    Sure, you can sit back with austringers and shoot 7 times but that is rather boring (for you and your opponent.) My advice is to get a good mix of everything he can take. Every model will be useful in some fashion for different strategies/schemes.

    The guild hounds are excellent for grabbing objectives early and then turning into a 2.5 SS reactivate for Lucius later on. GG Captains are tough as nails and their menace spell is nasty with their starting cast of 8 and 10" range.

    As far as the Lawyer goes, you are going to hear a mixture of opinions on them. I love them at any point level, but against certain crews, they may not do anything. Against anything immune to morale duels, they aren't that great (except Raspy crews and possibly dreamer because you can make models non-friendly to their crew, so no ice mirror and no burying). Versus living models, If you have a high :crows in your hand, it is a pretty good bet that something is running away since casting the morale spell auto triggers -1WP.

    One thing that is very important to remember is the "free" reflip for strategy you get at the beginning of the game. Some strategies are almost too easy with lucius. Treasure hunt being one of them. If you get slaughter reflip it (unless you are playing hamelin.)

    Most importantly, have fun. you are now playing the Dark Side. Don't be afraid to try weird stuff like 6 GG in a 25 pt game or 2 lawyers against living crews (maybe not this, cards will be an issue, but it would be different.)

  13. Arcanists, they need those SS or they they couldn't rival the othe factions because they have high cost spells and average dmg values. In their case it fitness the fluff aswell

    Yes, but Arcanists don't really have high caches. book 1 masters are 4ss cache and ramos with a 2. Not exactly high when there are other masters with 5 and 6

  14. After seeing the discussion about theoretical dreamer changes, and in relation to a discussion we had during our games last night I have a topic for discussion:

    Is the SS cache of a Master a balancing factor or is it for fluff purposes?

    I'm confused as to the intent, as all the outcasts have a 0 cache, which I assume means they either are all more powerful than every other master in the game, or fluff-wise they don't have easy access to SS.

    Sure, the fluff makes more sense, but then you take into account that perdita should have access to plenty of SS, working for the guild and all. And, the arcanists should have the biggest caches of all.

    I realize that they most likely start with a base of 0 cache for all outcasts, and all the other masters get a cache based on their abilities, but why is that? Is it for the fluff reason, or balance. I find it hard to believe that Pandora and Dreamer need a cache of 5 for balance while Som'er teeth, Leveticus and Vikkies need a 0.

  15. I have decided to stick with outcasts and guild so i have a full colette crew to trade. it consists of the following models which are untouched except for being cleaned of flash, and cassandra who has her tab removed:

    colette box

    2 coryphee blisters

    mechanical doves


    I am looking for items from the following list:

    Hamelin box

    malifaux rats






    Leveticus Stuff


    VonSchill box

    Merc Hamelin

    soulstone miners

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