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Everything posted by Griffsnog

  1. I could talk about a lot but we will talk about why it sticks your fingers together like lightening but can take a million years to stick your models together. There are two types of sweat. Sebatious which is what makes your face and back pimply and nasty because it contains salts and oils. The other kind is only present on friction skin (the name currently eludes me). It contains salts and water. Super glue really likes water. Your body's cells are also mostly water. Friction ridge skin is unlike any other skin on your body there is no "dead" layer. If you take the time to look at it through a magnifying glass you will see tiny holes. Your palms are in acuality a super rough moonscape. Superglue loves to fill gaps as well. Your skin cells are semipermiable. That means chemicals can enter it via osmosis. Your models are made out of pewter or poly-something plastic. These surfaces are usually smother unless you scored or sanded them. They also contain no water. The only way for the glue to dry is to wait for the solvent to evaporate. When it's sandwiched in between two non-permeable layers there isn't alot of places for it to escape.
  2. So I picked up the rulebook along with Mcmortimers crew on Sunday at the hobby shop. I was with my dad and he picked up the bandit guys. I was born in 86 and since 92 I've been building and painting models. That's right at age 6 I was painting Grenadere and ralPartha minis. I also work at a hardware store. I've got lots of knowledge on subjects from painting to terrain and then some. If your interested you can even ask me about the science is super glue. Anyaways no one will probably read this but after 18 years of hobbling among a plethora of other stuff that's too long to list I am more than happy to help out. Anyways after 12 years the most recent GW price increase has pushed their games out of reach for my pocketbook. I've always liked Wyrd minis sinced I discovered them a little over a year ago. Now I have a reason to buy them besides their coolness factor and outside of playing Deadlands. Also in Malifaux I don't have to pander to the dice gods. (I can even mock them). Which is nice
  3. Don't use any tempra paint (thats the big bottle of brown in the GW scenery painting kit). If you use any model paints or even house pants that use latex as a bonder it will be fine. Most hobby paints tend to be acrylic though so I would recommend Liquitex, you can get it at an art store but make sure you get your colors in "concentrated" and not "Soft bodied". The concentrated will be more expensive but its worth it, you might even be able to get away with their cheaper line I think its called "Basic". also anyone with pilling felt could make a small investment into a pill remover http://www.sourcingmap.com/classical-elegant-engraved-palace-pocket-watch-brass-p-13375.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=froogle&utm_campaign=usfroogle
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