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Posts posted by Daisylvzim

  1. I had some rather difficult mold lines on him as well. I was a little disappointed, but I got out what a could. The Avatar Seamus I saw had a few terribly deep lines (more so than Snow Storm). Far less QC on the resins compared to the metals. I rarely have any issues (minus a little flash here and there) with Wyrd metals.

  2. Thank you for the compliments, I'm so glad you guys like him...he's the most fun. I have a few little touch ups I have to do before our group varnishes this weekend (and putting my snow on the base so he matches everybody).

    My first crew was Pandora (and she needs to take a Pine Sol bath, big time. We sealed them when it was WAY too hot outside and the matte looks dusty).

    I love this crew, every model that comes out for them I jump up and down. I totally can't wait to get my hands on Raspi's Avatar. Finishing up her alternate (probably today or tomorrow) and I'll put her up here. Big thank you to the folks at Wryd. This is an amazing crew. Very easy to paint, especially for a beginner.

  3. Had to strip my Avatar Seamus because of fuzzy primer, used both Pinesol and Simple Green (not together, one then the other, mandatory dsafety disclaimer: mixun chemicals is bad, um-kay, so dont do it, um-kay).

    Removed everything with in about 40 minutes (5 minute soaks then 5 minutes of scrubbing, 2 cycles thru each chemical). No issues with the Resin (though it does break up the Glue pretty well).

    Have used the same process with great success on my metal models as well (stupid humidity).

    I used Pine Sol to strip some of mine (heat and humidity fuzzed my primer too! Stupid Arizona Monsoon)...It didn't get some out of the finer details, but (after a thorough wash with clean water, of course) a couple hours in acetone nail polish remover works just fine with the metals...though I wouldn't leave 'em in there too long. I didn't dare put plastic in the acetone.

    Scrub with a tooth brush and viola! Clean mini :) **don't forget your latex gloves though, that acetone is some nasty stuff**

  4. would you be offended if i yelled:

    "BRADY BUNCH!!!!"?

    anyway, nice job. and as always, the hoarcats are adorable. i want one.

    I want one too! I bought the original Rasputina (back when Wyrd only did minis) and she came with a Hoarcat, but I have no clue what to do with him now. :( Thinkin' about making him some kind of objective marker.

    Thank you for takin' a look. This crew is super fun to paint.

  5. I think the problem people are having with the sculpts is these are NOT Gael Goumon sculpts...they can't be. I haven't seen the folks at Wyrd giving sculptor credit on the new stuff yet so I may be wrong, but these don't seem like his style. His style defined what was graceful and elegant about the Wyrd female masters. I don't know why they didn't use him for the alts, but he was like the Jes Goodwin of Wyrd, he really helped define the feel of the range. The new Perdita doesn't have the same 'grace' for lack of a better word.

  6. Sounds like the premise for the worst movie ever made (no really I mean it, 2 hours of my life I am never going to get back)...

    Zombie Strippers staring Jenna Jameson, Tito Ortiz, and Robert England (the only redeeming part of the entire movie).

    LOL I saw this on Netflix yesterday and contemplated it...train wreck factor of that combination of actors really caught my attention.

  7. not sure how to save the location of my local gaming store, my tag is obviously thaehl, my Lgs is Imperial Outpost Games, on Thunderbird Road Phoenix Arizona.

    What he said (minus the thaehl part). :) Great store, great people. I've seen Malifaux being played just about every time I've been in there (and I've been in there a LOT lately).

  8. They look great, and did the Seamus models get fixed?

    Thank you! I can't wait to get the rest of her crew finished. These were a blast to paint (especially the Ice Golem).

    And yes, ChaosLenny repainted his Seamus crew (he put the new shots of his models on the same Seamus thread). They came out really really good. I like the lighter, brighter color scheme.

  9. My photography is getting better, but the pictures don't do them justice. They're amazing on the table. ChaosLenny has a great sense of color. If you think Klaar's post on basing with potting soil, you should hear Lenny's lecture on the color wheel. :)

  10. The pictures really don't do these guys justice. They look really good on the table. We'll definitely re-photograph these minis this week. I didn't realize the pictures came out as dark as they did.

    (In the defense of my photography, it was like midnight when we took the pictures and I was sleepy).

  11. Avoid Armory, i have used two cans of it and they were both bad. The paint came out flaky and made the mini fuzzy from BOTH cans.

    OMG do NOT use Armory to matte your models. We bought a can, sprayed my boyfriend's Seamus crew...the entire group of models came out looking dusty. We take high resolution pictures of our finished models (for posting and personal critique) and it was like teeny tiny little pearls of matte all over the models.

    We asked a friend what kind of matte is prefered and he said "Armory." Figured the first can we bought was just crap or we didn't shake it enough, maybe it was too hot, too humid, might have been sprayed in direct sunlight, etc. So we give it another shot and bought a new can. Last night it was not humid, it was midnight (no direct sun), shook the can for like 3 minutes and SAME result. So disappointed in Armory paint. We ended up using an old paint brush and ran it over and it got most of the "pearls" off the model, but it was still a severe disappointment.

  12. With Pandora I used some GW Gravel, tried to paint it to look weird and magicky. Came out like crap (She's taking a PineSol bath this weekend). My Rasputina crew is on the Wyrd Graveyard Bases and I can't even tell you how awesome they look. I really like them and they seem to be cast really well (at least the batch I have). Collette is next and I don't think I will put her on Wyrd bases since they don't have anything I think fits the look I'm going for (not that I've heard anyway). But don't let that sound like I haven't been thoroughly impressed with the Wyrd bases. They've made such a lovely change to my models.

    However, I do recommend if you get the Victorian bases, the Victorian accessory pack is an amazing addition to the bases.

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