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Posts posted by Anatoli

  1. A return to Malifaux painting after several weeks of side projects. Malifaux will be the primary focus of my painting untill the rest of the Resurrectionists that I have in my collection are painted up (roughly 12 models). Last night I finished the Rotten Belles which are part of the master Seamus and his Redchapel crew.

    More pictures over at my blog, also, a video of the miniatures on a rotating display stand can be seen over at my facebook group.



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  2. I probably could have, but I did not notice exactly how cartoony they looked until I started painting really.... A bit late now as the skin is basically finished on the remaining  two Belels and one is fully painted up. Will see if I can finish these during the weekend, lots of family stuff going on at the moment.

  3. Working on some new stuff for Malifaux. Don't really like the cartoony chins on these Rotten Belles and Seamus. If I had more sensory presence I would have trimmed them down to normal proportions prior to undercoating. Anyway, hope they will look good enough with some paint on. The sculpts are a bit tricky to paint as they have very slim limbs and feel a bit dull. I approach these as I do with low detail miniatures - many layers of paint, patience and picking out details with highlight-wash-repeated highlight to enhance them.

    I also did a weapon swap/conversion of one of my Outcast Freikorpsmen since in M3E you can only have 3 of them in a crew and I had 4 models from 1st edition. Oddly enough you can have up to 4 scouts which I find to be superb in comparison, so this was the easiest solution.

    I also checked the height of the Kazrak Miniatures
    Kickstarter "Chtulhu investigators" models I have received as a preview sample and am very happy that they are in the same style and height as the new Malifaux plastics. I plan to use them for Malifaux as a first option. Just need to find some suitable character from the Guild/Outcasts to represent them.




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  4. Not much in the way of miniature painting being done the last couple of days. I felt I had to rest a little before plunging into the Resurrectionist faction. However it has been something of an arts and crafts department going on instead with a lot of work being put into creating the various tokens / markers etc for the game.



    @luscious, thanks for the heads up man! I see now that the submit button is in white text and hitten in the comment window! Will fix that ASAP!


    • Like 3
  5. Last 3 models to be painted up for our Guild warband for now are the Witchling Stalkers. I could initially not decide on how to paint them. There are only few good pictures online with interesting enough paintjobs but none of them really suited my vision.

    After a while I realized that these guys basically look like Star Wars Jawas, so that was the main source of color inspiration.

    Next bunch of Malifaux miniatures will be a bunch of undead from the Resurrectionist faction. Really looking forward to trying out a few ideas with the airbrush on then when painting the zombie skin.

    More pictures of the Witchling Stalkers can be seen over at my blog: https://www.anatolisgameroom.com/blog/malifaux-guilt-witchling-stalkers  



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  6. Hi guys,

    Started playing 3rd edition with my wife this week and we can't seem to fully understand a few details about the triggers on some abilities.

    1) Actions that have stats that have a suit next to them, do they require you to have that suit on a flip to pull off the action?
    For instance the rifle attack of an Freikorps scout which has a mask next to its stat? Or does this only mean that the mask is included in my pool of suits to be used as triggers at the end of the action?

    2) Actions that seem to include or require two separate suits, such as the Lady Justice leap action? Can someone please explain how to trigger those?
    We tried to look it up but may have been a bit too tired last night to find a proper answer.

    Thanks in advance!

  7. Got a commission to paint up a Guild crew led by Lady Justice for a guy here in Sweden.

    Been posting pictures on other forums over the last couple of days but thought I would share all the painted up and finished stuff here as well in one single post.

    You can see more pictures of each model over at my blog if you follow the link provided above each picture.




    Judge and Death Marshal



    Death Marshals and Guild Guards




    Lady Justice original and alternative sculpt, and Guild Austringer



    Lady Justice avatar and resin graveyard bases (also pictures of added detail to all Lady Justice miniatures hair)




    The customer was going to matt varnish all the miniatures himself, as well as pin them onto the bases in case you guys wonder about the gloss or the basing.

  8. Played a game of Malifaux agaist my friend Daniel this weekend. Trying out the new terrain I've been working on, and Daniel tried out a new Rasputina configuration.

    35 Souls stones per side and the forces and objectives looked like this:


    Von Schill

    3x Freikorpsmen

    2x Trapper

    1x Librarian

    1x Specialist with flamethrower

    3 Soul stones in reserve

    Strategy: "Destroy the evidence" (interact with 3 objective markers in and near the enemy deployment zone)

    Schemes: "Body Guard -> Von Schill", "Stake a claim-> House with Red Roof"


    Rasputina with her "Essence of power" totem

    3x Ice Gamin

    1x Ice Golem

    1x Snow storm

    5 Soul stones in reserve

    Strategy: "Plant evidence" (ironically). Arcanists had to interact with terrain features on my half of the table to drop evidence against me.

    Schemes: "Body Guard-> Rasputina", "Assassinate-> Von Schill"




    Check the full AAR and the rest of the pictures on my blog:


  9. My second game with the Freikorps and the second encounter with the Guild. THey are scheduled again to meet my friends Arcanists tomorrow so we'll see how well they will do against those guys. Against the Guild I feel pretty confident. Both sides are heavy on guns and most of the Guild advantage of being the gun heavy faction is reduced severely.

    I had learned a lot about the units since my last game, and think I played fairly well this time, becoming more confident in the tricks and combos I can pull off with my Freikorps.

    Anyways, I compiled a summary of the encounter and some pictures from the game on my blog for those interested.

    Link to the battle report: http://anatolisgameroom.blogspot.com/2011/07/in-outskirts-of-malifaux-malifaux.html




    The game was 35 Soul stones per side.

    My Freikorps crew was identical to last time

    Von Schill

    1 Specialist

    2 Trappers

    3 Freikorps

    1 Librarian

    The Guild were made up of




    1 Guild Guard

    2 Witchling Stalkers

    1 Watcher

    1 Judge

    Terrain was Malifaux outskirts, special effect was "torrential rains" which means no charges can be made if the effect is in play during a turn.

    The strategy for the Guild was to "Escape and survive", one of the new ones from Rising Powers expansion book. It meant that they had to have 75% models alive at the end of the turn and at least 8" from their deployment zone to score 4VP. Or 50% models left alive to score 2VP.

    Schemes were body guard Pertida (announced) and hold out (hidden).

    The strategy for the Freikorps was "Deliver a message", which meant spending 2 action points to drop a message into the pocket of the enemy master. 4VP if completed within turn 4. Or 2VP if done before the end of the game. My Schemes were "Gather soulstones" (end the game with more SS than the enemy in my hand) and "Thwart" which meant I had to make sure the enemy failed to achieve his announced schemes. Both my schemes were announced.

  10. My Freikorps were sent out on a new mission, this time to retrieve a lost treasure deep in the hags territory out in the Malifaux wilderness. Searching the area around the house had them bump into the Arcanists, led by Marcus, and a whole bunch of beasts and constructs.

    35 Soul stones as usual


    Von Schill

    3x Freikorpsmenn

    1x Librarian

    1x Specialist

    2x Trappers

    Strategy, "Treasure hunt", retrieve the treasure chest located inside the cabin and haul it back to friendly deployment.

    Schemes "Body guard" Von Schill (keep him alive) and "Gather soul stones" (end the game with more SS than the enemy). Both schemes were hidden.



    3x Ice Gamin

    1x Sabretooth Cerberus

    3x Silurid

    Strategy "Claim jump", move to a specific spot on the table and hold it with at least double amount of models at the end of the game.

    Schemes "Hold out" (prevent enemy models in friendly deployment) and Assassinate Von Schill.

    Both schemes were hidden.

    Check the whole report on my blog: http://anatolisgameroom.blogspot.com/2011/07/treasures-in-hags-territory-maliaux.html





  11. So far my Malifaux playing has been limited to the 3 core Resurrectionist masters and recently von Schill and the Freikorps. I don't find any of those especially difficult or overly complex. Haven't really checked the new masters for the R. in Rising Powers since I didn't find the new stuff interesting.

    What I'm trying to say, I not complaining that Marcus is too hard to beat, I have won against him with my Resurrectionists. And this game ended a draw. It was just that when my friend started to pull all those combos my patience levels were drained rapidly, which has not happened before when facing any of his other masters.

    I also think some of the design choices for some of the masters are really clunky with the 0 actions. Either they are no brainers or overly complicated to perform and keep track off.

  12. Hi, just wanted to say that I was the opponent in that game. My main beef with Marcus was that my head nearly exploded from trying to keep track of all those ridicilous amounts of actions, zero actions and additional triggers and whatnot. That has to be one of the masters that is completely bogged down with special rule combos.

    Every time we came to activating Marcus and engaging in close combat that took 5-10 minutes to resolve. In the end I just thought "whatever" and drew defense flips as I gave up on trying to keep up with all the stuff going on.

  13. Thanks, there is only so much armchair tinkering you can do and even though I read up on the Freikorps and figured out how to use them - having a go in a proper game showed me that some models were better and other more situational than I had thought.

    The Freikorpsmen were really nice with the Flurry ability which I had overlooked during my first read through the rules :-)

    I'll also be more careful with von Schill next time. The Librarian was really nice as the designated medic, I used her healing ability with furious casting and discarded a ram which made her healing flips really easy to pull off - add to that the low amount of wounds each Freikorps has it seems less a waste to heal them than it would be to heal someone with 8-9 wounds.

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