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Posts posted by bjorkgnu

  1. So now that the contest is over, I thought I'd post up my entries. I managed an entry in all of the categories except Harrowing Harvest. Had one planned, but ran out of time. I had the Halloween Witch, the Boneswarm, the black and white Nightmare Teddy, and "When a boy demon and a girl demon..." I was a little disappointed that my witch didn't place, but after seeing the other entries, not at all surprised. I was pleasantly surprised that Teddy placed second, though. There were lots of great entries all around.

    Halloween Witch


    Nightmare Edition Teddy

    When a boy demon and a girl demon love each other very much...

    I saw a few comments on the voting threads asking how I did the Teddy. It actually wasn't too difficult. I removed the peg from the head, sculpted on some fluff falling out of it, and repositioned his left arm slightly to better hold on to the head instead of the little boy. Painting-wise, the whole thing is done with a "triad" of cool gray craft paints, plus black and white. Well, and red. The eyes were painted pure white, then dotted with Tamiya translucent red, which is the same stuff I used for the blood on the base. The glow around the eyes was done with Reaper Master Series Blood Red. For the base, I used one of Privateer Press' textured bases, and found a good puzzle pattern online. Printed it off, cut it down to fit the base, and scribbled pencil along the back of the paper. I then taped it down to the base and went over the lines of the pieces with a ballpoint pen, which transferred the lead from the back onto the base. From there I just painted them in. The dolls on the base are from Wyrd's orphanage accessories set.

    I'm happy to answer any questions anyone may have about Teddy or any of my other entries, and of course, comments and critiques are welcome. Thanks for looking, and to everyone who voted for any of my entries!

  2. This thread has spiraled a bit off from the original question, but I didn't see anything specifically addressing the background color, and that's one of the things that "hurt" your entry, in my eyes. The bright white background causes the figure to appear to have less contrast than it actually does, simply by virtue of sitting against a pure white background. I think the figure would have been better served against a black or gray background. When the figure is brighter than the background, the viewer's eye is naturally pulled toward it, rather than away from it.

    Painting-wise, I think folks have pretty much covered everything I would have said. Best of luck in future contests!

  3. I've been using Dullcote for the final matte coat, but am fed up. I haven't been turned off by the odd should-have-known-better catastrophe, but that it is so aggressively DULL. Blacks turn dark grey, all other colors get a tinge of desaturation that you hate to see after having worked so hard on getting it just right. It's consistently wrong across the model, so at least it all still works together, but it's not optimal. Especially if you're relying on strong reds in your color schemes or black on your bases, I'd stay away from Dullcote. I can't suggest an alternative unfortunately, I'm left at a brick wall by the decision not to use it again, though I imagine the suggestions in this thread will do the trick.

    That's really surprising to hear. I've been using Dullcote for near a decade, if not more, and I can't say that I've ever had that problem. Do you have any before and after shots or comparison shots to illustrate what you're talking about?

  4. Actually, I think the issue, color-scheme-wise, is the red, not the green. The green and the blue play pretty well together, but the red feels significantly less saturated than the green or blue, so it doesn't mesh as well. But because the green is brighter, the eye is drawn toward it, which may be why people are commenting that the green looks "off." I think a brighter red would help balance out the green and blue here. It's good clean painting, though. I especially like how Yin's hair turned out. And I like the bases - I think the yin yang symbol is a clever idea.

  5. When I've had painter's block, there's a few things that I've done to help.

    - Clean up my painting area. It starts off looking great, but as projects get pulled out and worked on, the clutter builds until what started as a 4-6 square foot space to work has turned into about 8 square inches. The less space I have, the less inclined I am do get anything done. Spending some time cleaning it up and organizing to give myself more room to work often gives me more motivation to get something painted (probably so I can fill it back up again).

    - Paint something small. I'll grab a Reaper familiar and slap some paint on it, and that can be enough to reignite my interest in painting.

    - Take a break. Go outside. Do something fun that's not miniatures-related and come back to it in a week. Granted, this one is harder to do if you're painting on a deadline...

    Buying new paints can help too. In your case, go ogle a display of Reaper MSP's or Vallejo greens and yellows and see if inspiration strikes. Then buy a handful of each to round out your collection and your options.

    I hope this helped a little. Good luck!

  6. And some more. I have a pretty cool color "theme" going with the crew, but I didn't want to have Cheer Bear, who is bright pink, stick out like a sore thumb when I fielded him, so I decided to go with a deep fuschia color for my Madness, and I think it turned out pretty well. The open pages of the books on the base have pictures from The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham.

    Insidious Madness:


    And finally, a family photo:


    The Stitched is one of my entries to the Wyrd Rotten Harvest 2011 contest and likes to hang with Pandora, which is why his base doesn't match the rest. Thanks for looking!


  7. It's taken me forever, but I finally finished off my 35 ss crew for the Dreamer, just in time to discover that the game has all but died out at my store. Oh well. At least I can show 'em off here, right? :) I'm not super thrilled with the Dreamer, but I'm not a big fan of the model to begin with. The spots on the backs of the Daydreams match the primary color of one of the other Daydreams, to try to tie them together. C&C is welcome!




    The Dreamer:


    Lord Chompy Bits:




  8. I could have sworn I had seen a figure of the kid from Where the Wild Things Are, which sounds like it would be a great fit, but I can't find it now for the life of me, so it's possible I may be making it up.

    EDIT: Ah... I think this is what I was thinking of. Probably won't work after all. Nevermind.

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