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Everything posted by divrg

  1. Painted another witch hunter and two other models. The red colour on the judge look a bit wierd on this photo. Its red gore highlighted with blood red and then a little fiery orange.
  2. And i also like to add that i think 40k is a crap game.
  3. Are those guys writing a book? lol, no offense...
  4. with GW-colours i mix about 50/50 graveyard eart and sunburst yeallow as base layer. The use sunburst yeallow on top of it. I then highlight with a mix of skull white and sunburst yellow. Works fine. To get her hair to look dirty you could leave som black in the deepest recesses.
  5. Always have a piece of toilettpapper beside you. Then if you have to much colour on your pencil, use the apper to soak it off. There is nothing wrong in mixing like 1 part colour and 10 parts water. If it gets to thin you can always either mix in more colour or apply agains when the first coat has dried up.
  6. Well chosing the crew after the encounter makes sense to me. Thx for the advice.
  7. LAst time i played i got the encounter Assasination and my opponent got slaughter. It didnt seem balanced to me. It seems to me that slaughter is hard to achive when you opponent knows what you are after. I mean you really have to kill his entire army. Thats pretty hard. Any views on this one?
  8. I have only tried this list once and used some proxies. I welcome some tips on how good this list is, i have not played much Malifaux. Perdita Santiago The judge The executioner 1 Death mashall 1 Witchling stalker
  9. This is the first models i paint to malifaux. Instead of buying a complete box i mixed a little. They didnt have the executioner in stock so i had to convert it from an orge using some black orc bits.
  10. Sorry if this has been asked before. But first i would like to know what "Twisted" are? Are they some new fraction without rules? And is there any place where stats of new models are shown to the public here on the forum? thank you.
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