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Posts posted by Distaff

  1. A quick suggestion for the (exhaustive!) companion clarification. Make it expressly clear whether or not one model with companion can form companion pairs with multiple models with the required characteristics. None of the examples show this, but it was my understanding that it was allowed.

    For example:

    Model Y has Companion(Showgirl), Models X and Z have the characteristic Showgirl and are both within 6 inches of Y.

    X ------Y------Z

    X, Y ,and Z can activate simultaneously, correct?

  2. Had a little disagreement with an opponent on this subject at a recent tournament. He pointed out that the wording on Assassinate and bodyguard specified that you may choose a different model each time and not a different master or henchman, and therefore you only targeted a single model with both schemes.

    Any reason they changed wording in those schemes? Seems to cause confusion.

  3. yes non-living and construct models can be made to fallback. They are only immune to terrifying morale duels, they are not immune to their effects.

    That's why Pandora's trigger is so evil is because it can make things like the Ice Golem and the Punk Zombies forced to fallback.

    Does Pandora remove the immunity to terrifying ? I ask becuase I alway thought that terrifying was a specfic type of WP duel and therefore Pandora would remove this immunity.

  4. a couple of quick questions about Duty and Lure.

    1.) Does duty prevent a model from being lured? That is does Lure count as switching controllers?

    2.) Does lure count as being activated? For example could I lure someone over a shafted counter which they would then trip?

  5. This is the main reason why you don't see Misaki in many lists. When you think about it, a lot of the Outcasts from book one do the same job, so people usually pick the best ones for each job.

    Kinda sad really, Misaki is a great looking model.

    Your right in so much as both Misaki and Taelor hit stuff with melee weapons, but I'd disagree that they do the same job. Misaki is basically another Viktoria, fast and fragile with a few tricks up her sleeve. Taelor is about as far as you can get away from a Vik, she's slower, has no real tricks, but is tough as nails.

    I think you tend to see Taelor in Viktora lists because you've already got 2 Viks, you need a tank more than you need a third. For that reason Taelor does tend to go into my lists before Misaki, and the choice for me is between Misaki and the librarian, as opposed to between Taelor and Misaki.

    I think Misaki favors more aggressive play than a Librarian, and I like that. On the other hand the Librarian gives your crew a staying power that it previously lacked, and that's not too shabby either. In addition until people figure out the Librarian is stupid easy to kill, it brings a real psychological boost to the table as well.

  6. Your pool of models looks pretty solid, other than a lack of librarian who is almost a little too good with the Viks :) .

    For 30 SS I would go:





    1 of : Misaki or Librarian

    5 SS

    Depending on Weather you take Misaki or the Librarian your crews play style changes. With Misaki you're trying to spread you opponents fire by presenting so many threats that they can't deal with them all effectively. any of the Viks Taelor and Misaki will all beat any shooty/casty crews faces in if they make it to melee range and the gunslinger will annoy them with suppressing fire, and has the potential just blast away a minion a turn with rapid fire/trigger happy so they can't ignore him either. heck even the Ronin is no slouch with its ability to push through enemy lines and attack weaker models hiding in the back. Depending on terrain and deployment, you'll probably lose stuff going in, maybe even one of the Viks but once you get there, the results will be... gratifying.

    If the Librarian is included you'll end up focusing much more on the Viks. Since you're down to 4 Attacking models for your initial push (Sword Vik, Taelor, Ronin and Gunslinger. Gun Vik is probably sticking close to the librarian to act as a healing target for her sister) the enemy fire is going to be much more concentrated, and probably Taelor or the Gunsliger will go down before you make it to Melee range. However baring horrid cards and black Jokers Sword Vik will make it in and at that point she can either call her sister forward and begin the fun , or go it alone with continuous healing flips from the librarian in the back. Keep in mind without Von Schill nearby the Librarian will go down to a stiff breeze. If the enemy ever gets a couple of shots or spells off her she will die, period. If she goes down hopefully it's late in the game and you're already to grips with the opposing crew, otherwise you may be SOL.

    With either List I tend to have Taelor on point as it were. She's scary enough to draw fire, and tough enough to take it for a couple of turns at least, possibly more if the librarian wants to get close enough to give her healing flips.

    Some Questions For You:

    How do your games usually play out? How much Terrain does your group play with? What is your overall plan for advancing, are the Viks out in front, or is someone else leading? Is the enemy giving you the opportunity to use whirlwind by sticking close together, or are they spreading out?

  7. I tried a Frekorps Librarian with my Viktoria crew during my last game.

    Now I've only used this model in a single game, but based on that I think it's almost a must take for the Viks!

    The Librarian allows you to be much more agressive with your Viktorias, since you're only one furious casting of healing energy away from full health on both of them. It allows you to get them into combat as soon as possible,rather than having to wait for the opportune moment to throw in your pair of glass cannons.

    It also allows you to keep tough models such as Taelor in the fight even longer. Backed up by the Librarian I'm not sure any single model in the game is going to get though Taelor in a reasonable amount of time!

    I will have to try more games with a Librarian and see if it makes as large an impact as it did in its first game.

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