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Posts posted by Twizz666

  1. Nice work on Collodi's dress. The fade as it goes down looks really good. I primed Collodi about a week ago and still cannot commit to a color scheme, so you get bonus points there. :D

    The only tip i have for gore effects is to darken the red a little bit with a brown or just a *hint* of blue. that way you get a more gross somewhat dried red as opposed to someone who bleeds red paint. i was shown a really good tutorial on how to do it... i will repost it here if i can find it. =]

    anyway, overall, they look good, and i look forward to seeing the rest of the puppets!


  2. The biggest thing i ever did for myself in painting was stopped using the pots of paint. I bought a wet pallete and started thining down my paints. suddenly i went from chalky looking tones, to smoother more balanced looks. this made a massive change to the skin tones more than anything as i find that lots of thin layers gives it a deeper look and not such a flat look. that's just me though. :D

  3. I would love these if they had the satisfying *thud* of wooden chess pieces with the felt on the bottom. haha.

    that being said, i don't dislike the idea at all, but with the terrain i usually play on, i don't know how practical this would be... for me anyway. I'm sure someone will like em though. =]

  4. As an ex Warhammer player (dark elves and dark eldar... hey don't judge i thought the only way to be goth AND a gamer was to pick something with "dark" in the name :P) anyway, i grew tired of the half hour turns of constant slaughter before i was able to do a single thing. the back and fourth that Malifaux gives you was really refreshing to me.

    i've been in malifaux for a little less than two years demoing and hoasting games at my lgs and i have to say, one of the things people love the most is the crew size. even the 40k guys love that even in a large game, you'll typically only have maybe 10 pieces (hamlin excluded from that statement... i've seen what he's capable of)

    another thing that i would consider, is missions/goals/stratages... anything to break up the kill for kill monotamy. i love winning a game of malifaux with a crew that wouldn't stand a chance going toe to toe with my opponent in a straight fight.

    I definetly agree with Cannon about the theme of your guys. although, i will say, for fun's sake, you should throw an oddball crew in there that no one would want to play... than usually attracts. look at gremlins... i hate them... yet almost every other game i play is against them at my lgs. hahah... just kidding guys... no need to kill me... :blackeye:

  5. Hmmm, when i first saw it, i thought to myself... "Oh jeeze, that's disgusting..." then i thought, "hey, that's exactly what he was going for! :D

    I hate painting with yellow... i hate it with a passion that consumes my soul. i dig it on Collodi though. I can't wait to see the finished look on him with a couple of those puppets painted up around him. I keep saying him, but the book refers to Collodi as an "it"... lol

    For me, i think i have decided to go with a mostly black, brown, grey, and red theme for the crew. I am painting them up as though they were characters from Sweeney Todd. I thought it would be cool to have Mrs. Lovett be the widow weaver when she finally drops, marionettes playing the victims, and of course, Collodi as the starring role.

    I thought Collodi and Sweeny have a good deal in common. Both bring to mind dreadful creepy murderous stage performances.

  6. your crew looks amazing! i love the colors and the way you tied them all together without getting too "uniform". The primordial magic totem is stunning... i really want to get my hands on that one. if i didn't already have this crew on my painting table... i would once i saw this. your detail work is great, and your ability to keep it clean... i envy that. i dry brush too much. lol. love the look though. oh well

    Also, did you make or buy those bases? Because i custom built bases that look a lot like that for my sin city lady j crew. i was confused for a second when i saw this thinking you snuck into my house and stole my bases. ;)

    Anyway, fantastic work

    stay classy!

  7. I glued them all in place how i wanted them, and then used a small amount of green stuff to it's head and carefully smoothed it around the snakes. I like to think it worked well. I haven't had any break off mid game or anything, and i used a small enough amount that you couldn't tell what i had done after i got him painted.

    Pinning is also a good idea, but they are tiny little buggers

  8. It's funny, i feel the same way about this crew. Wyrd did such a great job with the studio mini's and no one else seems to post their pictures of him, so i have been wracking my brain trying to decide how to paint him. i was thinking red, but i'm not crazy about it after seeing the other picture you posted. I fear my rendition of the red will leave him looking just like Lucious. :P

    anyway, good luck to you! I look forward to seeing your work as you finish him!

  9. No need for hot glue even. Just simple white elmers glue will seep into the fibers, then apply to base while it's still wet. The glue will basically harden in place, into a disk inside the rim of the base. Once dried, it should hold the carpet firm and not allow it to fray.

    This is almost exactly what i did for blankets on the dreamer's bed, and for a "red carpet" look i gave to lillith. I don't know if Webmonkey mean to say this or not, but i actually put the small trail of white glue on the top of the fabric and folded that over, so it created a hem of sorts, protecting the ends from fraying, and the glue dried clear adding a stiffness that kept it from moving around on the base. for the blankets, i actually dipped the whole blanket in the glue and applied it to the bed like paper mache. this allowed me to move it however i wanted without it being evil and causing me to lose my patience. If you'd like, i can try to get you pics of how they turned out. I have been asked about how i managed to "sculpt" blankets before. :D so i'm guessing it looks alright.

    Cheers and good luck


  10. Well, i guess i have to ask what you mean by build? if you are being literal... yeah, Colette's Coryphee and Mannequins are a pain in the butt to keep together if you don't pin them. but otherwise they are fine. i watched my brother put his Ramos crew together without too much fuss. Just be sure to plan ahead with the spiders' foot positions, otherwise they wont stand properly.

    However, if you were talking crew list-wise, i can see a small lack of compatability there. not nearly as bad as either one with marcus... lol. but Colette needs her showgirls and ramos needs his spiders. so for a good split you might find yourself with a rather large crew, and choosing who to field might be a bit tough sometimes. but hey, it's Malifaux, give it a shot! you never know, you might just stumble onto the next "Alp bomb"


    anyway, i hope i helped in some way... if you need anything else, hit me up. i am glad to help out.

    EDIT: i will note that while they do have a bit of a learning curve, BOTH crews are a lot of fun once you figure them out. I regularly field a showgirl crew, and my brother is almost exclusive to Ramos now-a-days.

  11. If i may weigh in on the cracks/folds issue... My fear with switching to folds is that if it is just printed on the card, i don't know how it would look. i mean, when you see a fold in paper you expect it to be raised there. or i do at least. and it would have the same imperfection on the back... thus if you were crazy enough, (or played enough) you would know what card is next. same if you actually folded the cards. plus the actual folds would weaken the cards.

    when i saw the cracked paint, i didn't even think about if ink really cracked. honestly i thought along the lines of the "imperfect stamp" myself.

    but as we have all said, it's personal preference. =]

  12. while he is a beast to play (pardon the pun) Marcus was my favorite crew to paint. i went nuts with the source lighting and got to use some colors i haven't used yet. you will certainly do him justice. good luck!

    EDIT: i do have a question for you. Having just finished a Showgirls crew myself and having a mess of a time with the flesh, how did you get yours to look so smooth? you did a fine job, and i would like to learn the ways.


  13. another thing you could do with Lilith (my choice when i am in a bind) is to transposition everything. divide up your stuff, his stuff, the alps, go nuts. if you are careful you can isolate their guys and have them face to face with Lelu, bad juju, or the mature nephillim. some heavy hitter anyway. or you could throw them off. when you take the Doppleganger, Lilith, and a totem you could potentially get 3 people moving models around the table. this could throw them off their game, mucking up their well laid plans. if nothing else, it gets messy and confusing.

    just a thought. to be honest, i have yet to face any alps. or the dreamer for that matter. i just find that people sometimes forget about transposition and the mess it can make. XD

  14. i love the color choices here. the blues and blacks give them an almost goth look, but without changing the essence on the model. i mean, it doesn't look like you were solely inspired by "The Crow", but i think you get my point. haha.

    anyway, the ladies look great. i hope your Coryphee arms come soon. i to am waiting on an arm.

  15. It's funny you should post this... i am putting the final touches on a "noir" styled Lady Justice crew. i found it a serious learning experience and i can honestly say it was the hardest crew i have ever worked on. i hope to get some pics up this coming weekend. i don't have a tutorial, but maybe it might help. anyway, good luck to you, i look forward to seeing your crew finished.

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