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Posts posted by General-Baggy

  1. @ HPSoundwave, I don't want this to come off as an attack, because it is not. I value everyones opinion and try my best to grow from positive criticism. Now you don't have to like me personally but keep in mind we have 10 hard working employees that kick butt at customers service.

    I hardly believe that anyone of our employees would reply back to someone 6 times with a negative attitude. I also know that if a problem with an order reaches even 1 complaint I step in and fix the problem.

    None of our employees or I have ever or would ever tell any customer that "we don't need them". That would be business suicide and completely outrageous.

    I value each person that decides to spend their hard earned dollars on our products and your friend is no exception. If he truly had a bad experience I would welcome him to contact me direct and I would more then gladly make things right or refund him his money. I do this for everyone and always watch the backs for our customers.

    If this is some kind of smear effort to make us look bad, then I have nothing else to say to that. I hope customers can make their own decisions when buying products from Battle Foam or any other company.


    Battle Foam

    Protecting Your Army

  2. Hello guys,

    General Baggy here from Battle Foam. Just to let you guys know the new Malifaux bag will be released August 1st. Pre-orders will begin on July 1st and will continue until the end of the month. We will be attending Gencon and will have the bags at our booth and the Wyrd booth for purchase.

    MSRP for the bag complete with foam trays will be $70.00

    More details and pictures will be available July 1st so stay tuned to the Battle Foam website and the Wyrd Site.

    Hope that helps guys.

    General Baggy

    Protecting Your Army

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