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Posts posted by thekolo

  1. How do you protect your hollowed wraith against Kirai? I was smacker her crew around wonderfully last night using Levi and then all the sudden she summoned her Ikiro 12" fowards right next to my Waif. Then the Ikiro moved once, and used her melee expert action and then it was good night Levi. Now granted this didn't leave him in the greatest of positions but Kirai has ALOT of stupid movement tricks that let her be whereever she wants. So any advice?

  2. So I now have enough Malifaux figures where transportation is becoming an issue. They are growing out of just keeping them in the started boxes and throwing them in the brief case. I have been getting several breakages and my paint keeps chipping. As a result I could use some miniature transportation solutions.

    Currently I have roughly 40 miniatures with mostly 30mm bases. I would like a something that lets me transport them all at the same time and I would rather it not be horribly expensive. IE 75 bucks for that Malifaux game is almost half of what I spent on the actual miniatures so far. I've never shopped for miniature transportation solutions before so I don't even really know what to look for.

  3. Ordinarialy when I run seamus at 35 I take:


    Rotten Bellsx3

    Punk ZombiesX3

    It isn't the flashyest list but oddly enough it is incredibility maneuverable thanks to companion and the belle's 6" movement range. The punk zombies are there to take care of problems, but in general they are there to provide a lethal distraction to my opponent. If they ignore the punk zombies seamus gets them, if they ignore seamus the punk zombies get them. More often than not I will sacrifice at least one punk to get people into position and draw out the opposition.

    I love my three belles, they can take a woopin, they can lure incredibility well, and they are highly maneuverable. This way I can put Seamus into danger and then use companion belle to lure him back out of it which makes the hatter pretty hard to pin down.

    When I do take the convict gunslinger it is usually at the expense of Sybelle. She is neat and should she get rough trade off it really does put a crink in my opponent's plans but she isn't THAT neat.

    Necro Punks are also a neat thing to grab. In general, the way my games go is that turn one we move, turn two we move some more and there are some light skirmishes, turn three is when the real combat starts. Turn three is what I save my necro punks for. Two of them cause slow! Which means if the enemy fails their breakaway roll they are done. Also Hard to kill+a slowed opponent equals all sorts of frustration and that is a happy thing.

    On a final note Arise my Sweet is a nice spell but there are only 5 cards in the deck that let you cast it, those odds kinda suck and since Seamus has trash instead of a defense stat I prefer to use my soulstones for that. Still your choice.

    I really really want to fit Mortimer into my Seamus list, I mean I love the figure. But when you Flurry your opponent's master to death with a Punk Zombie, or rapid fire a master to death with a convict gunslinger (both of which cost less than morty I might add) it is hard for me to justify bringing him along.

  4. If you want tricks GALORE! Then Colette is right up your alley I just played my first game with her tonight and while I got clobbered pretty hard there are definitely all sorts of things to do. The thing is though that it really is the rest of her crew that is tricksy, and Colette herself more or less plays a support role. The rest of her crew however runs rampant!

    No one has suggested the Viktorias yet and that makes me sad. They are a lot of fun to play as they have a HUGE damage potential and you need to use pretty much every trick in the book to take advantage of it. Otherwise they will just die. To me they are a happy medium between ultra tricky masters like Colett and Leveticus and the more straight foward masters like Lady J and Lillith. They have a learning curve on them though. You really need to master their teleportery tricks because at 7 wounds with a low defense they can't slug it out like some of the tougher masters. Still I had one butcher Killjoy in a single turn and that is no easy feat.

    As a final note Seamus can be really fun to play, lure offers you all sorts of crazy opportunities to either pull Seamus out of trouble or to put enemy models into trouble. He is also a master that has a decent amount of depth while still getting his hands dirty.

  5. The thing with the Viks is they take a surprising amount of finesse and a great great deal of concentration. Their learning curve isn't nearly as bad as say, Ramos or Leveticus, but I would definitely say they take a few games to use to their full potential.

    Before I scamper off I would like to point out this. This is important. Your viks are just about always one bad activation away from death. They require careful planning and I find them rather nerve wracking to play. As a result they have surpassed seamus as my favorite master.

  6. Whenever I run Viks it has always been at 35 points and I have always run 3 ronin, 1 convict gunner, and a bishop.

    Not very creative, but it cuts out the amount of math I have to do. Now then advice time, first question is what crew do you play against most often? I mean the sort of advice I would give you for dealing with a Ramos spider swarm would be different than dealing with Pedita, or even Seamus.

    Next thing I would recommend as a general hard and fast rule is no matter what your soul stone total for the game is, save 5. Your soulstone pool is spread between two figgures with a defense of 6 and seven wounds. Seven wounds. There are things out there that can kill you in one hit. You want soulstones.

    On the soulstone note, one of the most important things you are going to need to do with the Vickies is get the imitative. Getting the initative is important enough to torch a soulstone for. See the death yoyo is great and all but to often it leaves one Vikie out in the open, or there will be another figure near by to kill and eat, for the most part though going first means you can get a vik who is in trouble back out of it before the counter strike hits you. It is easier to just have them not be in the area instead of taking a hit. The Viks are more than capable of eliminating any figure in the game with their 7 attack and the potential to do 6 damage on a moderate hit, and since the sword vik has paired chances are you are gonna get your moderate at the very least.

    The rest of your crew needs to be running around helping to ensure that your viks can always get the kill shot. That is really where the hard part comes in. For the ronin, one thing to remember is defensive+defensive stance means you have an 8 defense model with 2 flips on the defense. To pull it off though you pretty much need to start the turn in base to base contact with another figure, remember defensive stance has to be your first action of the turn. I try to do this at the end of turn 2, I'll try and activate a ronin last and stick them out as far into the middle of the table as possible right where everyone wants to be then I will turn them into an unassailable rock then on the third turn they will be spending all sorts of time trying to avoid the ronin's charge range.

    But you can pretty much guarantee that your Ronin isn't going anywhere.

    Bishop is capable of moving a figure 8" and slowing it assuming you have the right cards in your hand. 8 inches is pretty snazzy and can mean the difference between a supported enemy model or a model that is in charge range of a vik, or within rapid fire range of a convict gunner however you want to play it.

  7. I feel your pain, literally because I was in the exact same position as you were a couple of weeks ago. Though much to my surprise my friends all picked up on the game instead of me buying everything so *happy dance*. Anyway on with the posts. A lot of what I am about to say has been said above, and I am sure many people will agree with my afterwards but what the heck right? Also I left my book at home and I am on my lunch break. I am also going to assume you are shooting for games in the 25-30 point range which equals out to a main box plus flair

    Guild: Lady Justice: She is a nice easy master to play. A close combat monster without the extra burden of having 68 thousand rules to back her up. The same goes for her boxed crew which consists of the Judge and 3 Death Marshalls. The Marshals are some of the sweetest looking figgures in the whole game and they are a pretty solid addition to the battle field so no matter what you do with the guild they will work out. When it comes to expanding up from 20 points, they also have tons of viable options in the form of their plentiful unique characters. Fransicisco Ortega is a favorite of mine, as are witchling stalkers, and Sam Hopkins. How you want to expand is really up to you but she has an extra solid boxed set that is easy to pick up, the sweet looking figures are also an added bonus. I also reccomend against Perdida, she just isn't something that is cool to use against a new player.

    Resurrectionists: Seamus hands down. He wins on the account of looking cool, best bang for your buck, ugradeability and ease of use. McMourning is awesome but he bears the dubious distinction of having the worst box set in the game. No seriously you will be hard pressed to ever use two nurses in a game no matter how large. He also needs Dogs, lots and lots of dogs. Similarly Niccy needs lots and lots of mindless zombies. Seamus though? Heck in the whole deck there are only five cards that lets him cast his summon spell unless you burn a soulstone so that isn't an issue. His crew is actually suprisingly manuverable which makes for some fun tactics, and his box is solid. The best way to upgrade him is some punk zombies and a convict gunner and you are good to go.

    Arcanists: I am going to go with some trend bucking and suggest you grab Marcus. Of all the Arcanist masters he is the most straight foward to play. I personally thought Rasputina wouldn't be to hard, and man I was wrong. You really need to get activation order down to a science with her. Marcus though, he is nice and straight foward, he comes with a three headed tiger, and he can buff himself up to stupid degrees with his Wild Heart Spell. Myranda is kind of a non starter but what can you do. She can heal your beasts on her activation and that can mean the diffrence between winning and loosing right there.

    Neverborn: Liiiilith. Unlike everyone else I have suggested so far I haven't seen Lilith in play yet. But good god with her stat line I don't particularly think I need to. I'd play her but I hate the Nephelim. The only caveat with using her is that you might want to pick up a Young Nephilim in case someone grows a tot. In a 1V1 game growth doesn't happen all THAT often according to a three page forum thread on the subject in the neverborn section but tot to young is by far the easiest because you can do it right at the start of the game with Lillith's soul stone cache.

    Outcasts: Viktoria! Hands down, especially if ease of use is an issue and you want to get a bang for your buck. Both Somer and Leveticus have a whole bunch of extra crap you need to buy, and the way Leveticus plays is just plain old counter intuitive. The suggestion about buying the Vik's seperatly from the boxed set is a good one. Personally I am a huge fan of both Bishop and Taelor but you are going to really really really want those 1-3 ronin, convict gunslinger, and whatever else you bring. Lastly, whenever making a Vik list make sure she has a soulstone cache of around 5. This is no joke. You have two masters, they need each other to be awesomely effective, they have only 7 wounds. You will need those soulstones for them to live. As an aside the Vik's are really nice because they walk the line between the ultra tricky masters and the straight foward beatstick masters like just about everyone I listed so far.

    Alright well that just about does it.

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