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Posts posted by ducat

  1. In the latest book there is referance to the "hunting" organisation. I would love to see this fleshed out as an outcast crew, with an outcast master(mercenary) that could be teamed with the viktorias for brawls.

    Misaki Experianced, yes I think could make a good henchman(with the special forces moniker) option with the use of ten thunders, ronin, and some named(special forces moniker) ten thunders brothers to add a little variation to her crew.

  2. I colour photocopied all of my cards, stuck the two sides lightly together then laminated them.

    I then put all the original cards in plastic bags in a nice and safe plastic box.

    If I lose a copy(this has happened), or it gets damaged somehow(not happened yet) then I just redo that card from the original.

  3. no one has mentioned her yet, but I think sonia crid and her witchling stalkers could fit your bill quite nicely. I think of her as more a swiss army knife kind of master, able to do many tasks well.

    the stalkers are great in many rolls and have great fake speed - ie scout ability, and make terrific road blocks.

    there are then many varient models you can add in to your list for different scenario/objective pieces.

  4. As they are for my own use, I colour copied both sides of the cards, cut them out and with a glue stick tacked them together, then laminated the copies.

    I find I then get to keep the cards all nice and safe at home, and can easily replace any lost/damaged ones if required.

    Takes a bit longer, but worth the effort imo.

  5. Well having read what preceeds, I think I have to disagree with nearly all.

    I use the Viks and Sonia as my primary masters, and find both equally good. Obviously some masters give them a harder time than others, but this is true of any master in the game.

    I also have Levi, and he can prove difficult to beat, but I would say its a lot harder work to actually achieve a win with him. He requires a very high level of concentration I feel to get him working well

    I also agree that Ramos feels like a master it could be hard to win with, he just appears very slow, but then I have only played against him, not with him.

    To be honest, I think most of the masters can win, its more down to what strategys you and your opponant get and how your schemes pan out in conjunction with your crews choices. heh a cop out answer....

  6. - Shooting through obscuring terrain. Ok, so Hans can see through an unlimited amount and Nino can only see through 6” worth.

    something to note from this is hans can see through it, nino and other hunters can only see into it. this is quite a major differance.

    also put nino on the table, most players will try and squish him like a bug, but put hans on the table, and he has not got a big target on his back.

  7. I had a nice random occurance today.

    I printed off a version 2 canine remains card for laminating and then use with my Leveticus crew today, not noticing that I was very short of blue ink.

    I ended up with a wonderfully washed out yellow border on it which fits in rather nicely with the rest of the outcast models cards, rather than the deep green ressurectionist colour border which stands out.

    Very trivial, probally a lot anal, but cool non the less.

  8. Figures are looking great. Something to consider if you are spray varnishing them - beware the dew drops on the grass.

    Myself, I have taken to using paint on varnish, I seemed to have way too many misting white occurances, especially with the GW product, when using sprays.

    I am using a coat d'arms matt varnish atm, which gives a very good result, you can even paint this over a gloss to dull the shine right down if you want extra protection.

    I also have used vallejo Game Colour varnish too, which works equally as well...

    The other nice thing is I can use this in the house without complaints....

  9. Some great pics there, and a very interesting interview. Its always cool to find out other peoples views and thoughts on gaming. Thanks, your site is just getting better and better.

    The closest I get to atmospheric gaming atm is if I am playing against rasputina, as my table is in my garage and its blooming freezing in there at the moment.

  10. After reading the book two storys, I would say granny fits in rather well with sonia's fluff. So although you are not going "ortega" just using granny feels ok to me. And as she has even more blast damage fun, whats not to love.

    Also putting a shotgun wedding on a austringer can add quite a nice sudden mass (fake = deliver orders) companion chain with granny, austringer, sonia, totem.

    I quite like the purifying flame totem, I have started using it often these days with sonia. I think it is a model that you have to work at to get the most out of it though.

  11. I find with the Viks, most of their crew can be more determined by the mission, rather than a purely generic list. Sometimes fast moving is better, sometime the slower heavy longer lasting dudes are better.

    I do tend to stick to a basic crew, then add various dudes in and out, as the mission tends to dictate more.

    My basic set up is 2 ronin and taylor. This trio of hard to kill, hard hitting models seem to cover a good solid base for anything I want to do at a resonable cost. After that I look to my other figures for things I think will help me shine with my objectives/the type of foe I suspect i am facing/enemy oblective denial etc etc.

    A couple of figures I notice you didnt mention were hans and jackdaw.

    Hans(much the same for Bishop) is like marmite, some love him, some hate him. I find he can be a very good figure, but as I am not blessed by freekorps, he is my only long ranged option, so perhaps I am biased.

    Jackdaw is the figure I am looking to add next to my repetiore. I think he is one of the few models who will be of help to the viks with some interesting synergys to one of their spells that i think I have only ever used once(attacked my own falling back model to get a huge shift across the table and thus reach on a couple of enemy dudes).

    The other figure that may have some interest to viks is that mercenary undead neverborn, Killjoy. Again not something I have used yet, but he does look like he could affer a few tricks in, particularly with some of the speed we have available to deliver him into the enemy areas.

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