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Posts posted by Raven28256

  1. On Saturday I'll be up at Paper Heroes in Lake Charles, LA running demos and helping out some of the new guys. I'm still building up a player base around here and most of the guys only have a basic grasp of the game, if even that. If by chance you are a Lake Charles gamer interested in Malifaux then come by, everyone is welcome. I'll be up there around eleven in the morning. You can find all you need to know about Paper Heroes at their website: http://paper-heroes.net/

  2. I'm going to be running some demos at Paper Heroes on Ryan Street this Saturday in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I have demos lined up for specific people, but I'm sure I'll have time for others that come by. I expect to be up there from when the store opens until closing time. You can find information on Paper Heroes, including phone number, location, and directions, on the official site: http://paper-heroes.net/

  3. For the next several weeks I'm going to be running some demo events at the local game store in Lake Charles, Louisiana. It's mostly to get the game going again in my area after the previous Malifaux group fell apart. It will consist of both re-teaching some of the older players that haven't played since before the release of the V2 rules and trying to get some new people into the game.

    Each event will be from around noon until five at Paper Heroes on Fridays. First event is this Friday, the 21st. I'll post again before each event. You can find information on Paper Heroes at their website: http://paper-heroes.net/

    Paper Heroes

    3941 Ryan Street, Suite A

    Lake Charles, LA 70605-2835

    (866) 594-5125

  4. I'll be running a Malifaux demo event this Saturday at CyPhaCon, a local anime/gaming convention in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The con will also have Warmachine, 40k/Fantasy (On Sunday), a Magic tournament, a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament, a Halo: Reach tournament, 4 MechCorps battlepods, other miscellaneous tabletop and video games, various anime booths and cosplay contests, and about a dozen different panels on anime and sci-fi topics. The entry fee to the Con is $10 Saturday, $5 Sunday, or $15 for both days. You can find all the information regarding the convention here:


    I'll be there sometime after the doors open at 11.

  5. Specifically, I want to know from experienced Kirai players how many spare Gaki and Onryo I should have for summoning purposes. See, I do hate using proxies, so I want to make sure I have plenty of stuff for abilities like Weigh Sins or Spirit Food. I currently have four Onryo and expect to only take two, maybe three in bigger games. I also have four Gaki and expect to take at least 3 in almost every game. This gives me only one or two spares of each model right now for summoning abilities, and I can tell already that isn't nearly enough Gakis.

    How many more Onryo and Gaki blisters would you guys recommend me picking up?

  6. Whew, busy day. The demo event ended up kicking off earlier, at around 11. At first I was just teaching the guys who bought starters but hadn't had a chance to play until today. Around 2 was when people completely unfamiliar with the game started coming over to see what we were doing. We ended up playing until just shy of 6. There are at least four new guys who have expressed a lot of interest in the game and may buy stuff soon, and numerous others came by to watch and ask questions. Don't know if they will buy into the game yet. In any case I'll be running another demo event on the 13th.

  7. I'll be running a demo event in the Lake Charles area this Saturday, October 30th.

    Where: Paper Heroes ( Website with all relevant information about the store can be found here: http://www.paper-heroes.net/index.html )

    Time: Things should begin around 12 and the event will last about 3-4 hours, depending on the turn out.

    This is part of the store's big Halloween gaming event, so there will be plenty of other stuff going on besides Malifaux. If any of you live near Lake Charles, Louisiana, feel free to come by and play Malifaux or any of the other games we'll be running.

  8. I'll be running a demo event in the Lake Charles area this Saturday, October 30th.

    Where: Paper Heroes ( Website with all relevant information about the store can be found here: http://www.paper-heroes.net/index.html )

    Time: Things should begin around 12 and the event will last about 3-4 hours, depending on the turn out.

    This is part of the store's big Halloween gaming event, so there will be plenty of other stuff going on besides Malifaux. If any of you live near Lake Charles, Louisiana, feel free to come by and play Malifaux or any of the other games we'll be running.

    Edit: Oops, I posted in the wrong board. I re-posted this in the Malifaux Matters board.

  9. The Hooded Rider is on a 50mm base and is Ht 3 in the game, I think. It is a mysterious-looking figure with a giant sword riding a horse. His concept art is actually posted on the main page. So yes, I imagine that he will be a pretty big mini.

    If Rising Powers is any indication, it looks like they are going with a Four Horsemen theme here, as the Arcanists and Resurectionists are getting their own versions in the Mechanical and Dead Riders. I'd be willing to bet that the Guild gets one in the next book to finish the cycle.

  10. Guys, unless there is new ruling I missed then you wouldn't need to bring two Shikomes in a Marcus list to get Hunting Partner. The bonus says target friendly beast, not target friendly Shikome. So in a Marcus list you could give the bonus to pretty much anything. Having a pair of Shikome to gain Hunting Partner is only required when running her with Kirai because, chances are, the Shikome are the only beasts you would have with her. So, you could bring just one Shikome with Marcus and make, say, a Sabertooth her partner.

    Anyway, I must agree with Adran. It would probably be best to try out the models in different lists. The two don't have so much synergy that they would require each other anyway. Sure, you could make the RN the Shikome's partner, but that is just silly and rather unnecessary. In a 30 soulstone game, 18 points for two models is a pretty big investment no matter how good they are. You really would be better off testing the RN in one list and the Shikome in another instead of trying to cram both into one list, especially at such a low point game.

  11. Customs opened it? and you have to pay the additional 40? That doesn't make sense to me. My apologies as I don't live in the UK but shouldn't that mean it's customs fault for opening it?

    I think a few other people on here have had the same issue. Is customs that afraid of this book? I don't think Wyrd secretly put in a book code, one that is a how-to cause mass destruction and chaos..... or maybe they did. :D

    Privateer Press has this issue a lot with their shipments. Apparently, US Customs are afraid that a game about giant monsters inspired by Japanese kaiju films beating the crap out of each other might have something to do with TERRORISM!! :eek:

  12. Is anyone else having trouble getting the Rising Powers book and minis in? I've been checking my LGS regularly and the owner's supplier still doesn't even have any of the stuff, with no idea when we'll be getting it in. Hasn't all the new stuff been out for a few weeks now? Has Wyrd experienced some shipping problems that I don't know about or something?

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