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Posts posted by Thor

  1. Check the wording: You can discard a card to avoid receiving Slow due to Dumb. This does not remove your Slow due to being summoned so it's quite pointless to do so, unless you discard a Joker for Fast (in which case Fast and Slow cancel each other).

    Tnx, one more "I told you so" win for me.. :D

    One more thing.

    Immune to influence only works when you are being the target on their turn.

    You can not ignore terrifying (harmless, etc)since you are not the defender.

    Cool, that's really good to know, as it could be easily missed!, Tnx! :)

  2. Thanks for your replies! Most of them were as I thought they should be, so I'll get a fair amount of "I told you so"s :D

    EDIT: Another question that I just remembered: When a Flesh Construct is summoned, does it's Dumb rule allow it to act normal if a card is discarded, or the Slow from summoning rule takes precedence anyway?

  3. Hey friends... I have a couple of questions that arouse during a recent mini-tournament we had and I'm finding mixed answers to most of them. So, here's some off the top of my head:

    1. Does the Nurse's Attendant & Bedside Manner work for only as long as the Nurse is in base contact with a model, or can that model wander off from the Nurse and retain the benefit?

    2. Is a model with Immune to Influence completely immune to spells that are resisted with WP?

    3. Regarding spell effects duration - if the spell's description does not state when/how it's effect ends, does it remain in play until the end of the encounter or the Start Closing Phase (for example, Rasputina's Ice Pillars or Guardian's Stalwart)?

    Tnx in advance! :)

  4. Hey everyone!

    Sorry for not posting recently.... :)

    Anyway, here are some of minis I did some time ago, but only now got around to photograph properly. This is Rasputina, and her crew. There are still Wendigo and December Acolyte waiting on the painting table, but I think they'll have to wait a little longer tho - Death Marshals are next most likely! :D

    Cheers, and I hope you like these... :)







  5. very very nice. i'm still not very good with blood.

    do you have any tips?

    Tnx! :)

    There are many, many mixes for blood around the web, but I still use one that I found out a couple of years ago. It's simple, yet gives good looking results. It's GW Blood Red and GW Flesh Ink in 1:1 ratio. Sadly, Flesh Ink is discontinued at GW, but you can try any similar ink, from Vallejo for example. The ink gives it great thinning and a slight gloss effect, so you cut your work there too.

    The splatter can be achieved in many ways, depending on it's source, ie. what kind of damage you want it to represent. Wyrd Chronicles V2 had a fantastic article on painting Killjoy that also discussed ways for achieving blood splatter. In a nutshell, you can drybrush the blood on a weapon for a cutting effect, you can sprinkle it, you can load your brush, then blow it on the mini (very messy!), you can dab it to create smudges, you can load it on a sponge and dab with it.... my best advice would be, don't be afraid to experiment, and less is more. :)

    I hope that helped.

    Cheers, Miljan

  6. how did you do the bases. I was thinking about something similar but I am not sure how to make them exactly.

    The Chiuahua base is from GW's WHF basing set, a little spiced up with static grass.

    McMourning's and Sebastian's base were created out of plasticard. I measured the tiles and then scored the lines with scalpel. I sanded the top a little with very fine sandpaper, and then painted them.

    Hope that helps ;)

  7. Yeah, the concept art gloves struck me too as human-toned in color. But I have to agree that on mini it doesn't exactly "feel" like flayed skin. So, to avoid any confusion, I painted them yellow (inspired by Mom from Dexter's Lab :D ). I thought it would look cooler and more disturbing if they were already bloody.

    From fluff standpoint, remember that Malifaux is set in roughly mid-late 19th century. Rubber was a know material, but not yet that common in making household items (first mass-produced rubber gloves were made in 1960.). And, city of Malifaux is set on the other side of a dimensional portal, so I guess it would be pretty hard and tedious for Douglas to go Earth-side every time he needed new gloves (i seriously doubt that Malifaux general stores sell rubber gloves, which are a rarity even Earth-side). So, he has a pair, after every use he gives them a quick rince in water, still some of the blood and gore stays on, and after a dozen uses we get the bloody gloves we all love. :D

    Do you do commissions?

    Yes, I do. PM me about it, if you'd like. ;)

    Oh, and thank you all for nice comments! I'm really flattered!

    If anyone cares, here are these pics on CMON, cast a vote if you want. :)




    Thank you all again!

    Cheers, Miljan

  8. A true craftsman always keeps his tools in good condition.

    You stole the words from my mouth! :)

    Essentially, I wanted to show that the only thing he cares about is that his tools are in as good a condition as possible, that he keeps them clean, although he obviously can't do anything about the wear & tear. :)

    My idea for the whole crew is that they don't wash they're aprons, but they've gone out to do their grisly work "just now"', so as to set the mood for the scrap or brawl being played. That's why McMourning's cleaver and Sebastian's steam-saw are so clean. That will reflect on all the future models, like Nurses and Flesh Construct for instance...

  9. Hey all.

    Long time, no posts from me here, and no pics that I promised... Well, that's about to change. Have been doing a lot of commissions lately, so I had very little time for my own minis. Here are some I managed to photograph today. Not the best quality pics, but much better than my home setup nevertheless. So, without further ado, here's Dr. McMourning, his assistant Sebastian, and they're adorable Chiuahua pet:




    Soon I hope to show you my brother's Lady J and Rasputina crews I'm in the process of painting (if commissions give me enough time to finish what I started, lol). And get some paint on the rest of McMourning's crew...

    Anyway, I hope you like these, and feel free to comment, criticize and ask any questions you might have.

    Cheers, Miljan

  10. Hey everyone!

    My name's Miljan, better known as Thor (and variations on the name :itsme:) on and off the 'net. :)

    I'm 23 and from Serbia where we have a small but growing Malifaux community. Hopefully it'll grow bigger and better with the game... I'm a freelance graphic designer, but am doing all kinds of odd jobs ATM...

    Hobby-wise I started off with WHFB, meddled a little in 40k, played Confrontation and a couple of other games. But, my interests are more in painting/modeling part of hobby experience, so I guess that's what will be my biggest contributions to the community ;) . I don't mind a game now and then, but it's still the pots & brushes that takes my fancy at the end of the day.

    Currently, I'm in the process of finishing my McMourning box and my brother's Lady J box. As soon as I have them ready and photographed, I'll post them in the Mini Showcase section, that's a promise. ;)

    So, that's about it... can't think of anything else to add... whatever interests you feel free to ask...

    Cheers! :vb_cheers

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