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Posts posted by Foxdie82

  1. Vermin is just a designator for certain types of models. For example, many in the Resurrectionists have the identifier "Undead". The Razorspine Rattler and Hoarcats have the identifier "Beast." All the pig models have the identifier Pig.

    Vermin is just another one of those identifiers. I believe, at the current time, Mosquitoes are the only Vermin.

    Does that help?

    Yes it help thank you :)

    Glad to see how in each game i chose always the hardest army to play, leaded just by the miniatures look :laugh:

    Gremlins book hurrayyy! ( crosses fingers)

    Every time I play this game I want to feel like a win is possible. I know my friends have this feeling when they play their non-gremlin crews. I accept that I may lose and I may even have fun doing it, but knowing that I'm F**ked from the start is boring and I happens all too often.


    I understand your feeling , this is the reason cause i don't like tournament usualy :shakehand

  2. Hello to all i'm totaly new of this game but i've already chose my team : Gremlin, cause i like the way its look , this is one of the most important thing when i chose an army i don't care to much of powerplayer army, still i'm reading this 3d to get some info, well i've not still the rulebook but in 7 days i'll get it, can you please tell me what kind of miniatures i can lead whit So'mer Teeth Jones?

    For what i understand are Grem, pig and vermis, about those last , where i can find its?

    Is a word for describe mosquito or other kind of monsters? I know what vermins mean but may be is a way to call some other stuff as "slang" :)

    How many point the game is played usualy?

    Any suggestion for good Grem list, not only powerplayer but balanced on fun and competitive for friendly game ?

    My apologzie for my n00b question and thank you for patience :)

  3. I've check it from my credit card company, and is like i wrote on the onlinestore page , not a single difference, still can't understand why dosn't work only whit this online store.

    Update : Done other 3 time, data are always the same :)

    3.23 Pm italy time :

    Your order has been processed successfully.

    Still the sistem keep told me about AVS problem , sending now a mail to support to understand the situation

    Thank you for patience and understading mates :)

  4. Today i try to buy from your online shop but even after a data check i keep to stuck on this problem

    Reason: Declined: The transaction resulted in an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder. (Reason Code 27 / Sub 2)

    To be sure about was not a fail of me i've bought whit this card on

    another webstite to, and this problem as been no showed.

    Any tips? I had always used those data , this is the first time that i've this problem

  5. Hello , i would like to know where i can find the card for play , if its are inside the rulebook or inside the army boundle, i mean not the card of reference for miniature but the ones showed at Malifaux Demo Gen Con 2009 on youtube :)



    Thank you :)

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