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Posts posted by D_Arquebus

  1. I love this sculpt! :D

    Pretty much what I was expecting from those who guessed the wild haired Oni look.

    I see a mad, psychically crazed woman with freaky hair. A telekinetic or hypnotic horror who's very ordinariness is a stark contrast to the horror when the proverbial hits the fan. The creepiest Japanese Horror for me is always the "Quiet, Silent" types. Making her overly monstrous would have been very samey to me. Like Kirai, who without the head (which i removed) is just a pretty gardener girl who happens to be the embodiment of rage incarnate! :P

    Not displeased to hear she probably has some sort of gaping maw and/or daemon on the flip side. Because again, the horror is hidden from plain sight at first glance. :)

  2. Somer Teeth Jones 1st Ed crew box was my buy in to this crazy awesome game.

    He was pretty potent back then, but in more of an oblique way. In this version he is versatile, pretty good at switching play even mid game, and also my most played Master. Plus he still amuses me greatly as the Big Hatted, Big Mouth, Belligerent "King of the Gremlins" :P

    Little play time in the last few years means I haven't had a huge chance to run out the new crews which Ive been buying up. So for "power" of understanding your own crew I find only Somer and Ophelia are the mix. Ophelia just always seemed a little to "potent" at the one dimensional blasting of stuff compared to Somer's more entertaining antics for me. She certainly has some cool movement shenanigans, but he just does wacky so well.

    I figured I'd fall in love with Ulix as the Bacon Baron to Somers King Gremlin, but even Somer still handles his Pre-processed Pork pretty well, and that lets me try new, interesting, and most importantly diverse things even in the heat of the tournament. :)


  3. On 26/05/2016 at 1:09 AM, Rathnard said:

    That's just my point though. Misaki might have her "Last Blossom" theme, but when I build a crew for her I'm usually drawing models from the other Masters themes too - Yin from Yan Lo, a Wastrel from McCabe, etc etc. The end result is a crew with multiple themes that kind of clash with each other. For me I'm not bothered by it (I started playing Malifaux with Zoraida - a Master who regularly hired models from multiple factions anyway ;) ). But based on my observations and interactions with other players over the years, it's certainly a negative for some. 


    I really like the theme of the individual TT masters but not the overall "Faction Theme" that ties them and their minions together in the same crews.

    The opposite to the Arcanists really, where i love the theme of the rebellious Witches and Underground fighting the Guild oppression but with the exception of 1/2 crew/s (Collette and Mei Feng) dont enjoy the individual Master themes as much.

    Probably end up with all the TT masters except possibly Shenlong, but use them within their Dual Faction instead. Not for 'power', but to maintain the aesthetic appeal for myself.

    Cheers :)

  4. Thoughts :)


    2nd image - I will echo what someone said above re the matador like pose with the cape flying out behind. Hoping this is arcanist and not another Samael style cowboy for guild.

    3rd - Crazy hair lady looks like she is also wearing a Straight Jacket (the hooks are the ends of the sleeves). Lean towards Outcasts mostly because the Horse rider feels more Resser.

    4th image: looks like an investigative reporter with camera in her right hand, a left quill in hand and a satchel on the hip. So Guild to go with the spoiled Reporter types from few weeks back?

    5th image- Sadly not enthused by the Gremlin (main faction) :( . The 50s style Retro Raygun Jetpack hero type with technical gadgets feels already covered for by Merris and Sparks. Hoping the background is cracking and not just a rehash of the others.

    6th The image below and in front of the Gremlin looks like he is wearing a Sidhir style turban and maybe carrying a "genies lamp" in the left hand? 10 Thunders dervish style vs Kung Fu?

    7th Looks like a noble lady riding side saddle as mentioned above. Ratty dress and the reins gives it the resser vibe. Would be cool to see something like Red Riding Hood and maybe some Werewolf style undead to go with, though that may be trespassing into Neverborn territory too much?


    • Like 1
  5. And to show Willing and Work :P in Progress.... base coats and the first attempts at adding depth with shading...



    Suffice to say the camera has not been kind :P . But deservedly so. They look a bit rough even in the flesh, and this will only inspire me to carry on and finish to a much higher level then normal for me :) .

    I put Wong on the barrel table and Zoraida on a 'yellow brick road' as a way of adding some slight difference to my other Gremlin Masters (Somer - swamp/ Ophelia - Jetties) and crews while retaining the folksey theme. Wong also I felt could use some height as he is hunched and otherwise you cant really see his face. The damage to the plaster table I am planning to paint up as a scorched and still hot hole blasted by his own wayward magics :P


    *Apologies for the double post... just wanted a clear delineation with the before and after and my time zone is a bit opposite to most on here :)

    • Like 2
  6. Chalk up a 2nd and final Mulligan for me :-fate:-fate:-fate

    Got painted a Dark Carnival Lola and Avatar Nico, but forgot to post in the relevant threads.

    Getting cracking again this week on my Master Program: Zoraida (15), Wong (15), Ma Tucket (15), and enough others to bring up 93 SS to get me back on track. Seems a lot but I have enough masters to make it from different factions if nothing else.






    • Like 2
  7. Post #39

    +1 to all of that.

    Some Masters have more utility across various missions and match ups. Others less. Faction wise they all balance out. Why? Because the good folks at Wyrd designed their shiny game that way :).

    Now I understand that the game doesn't necessarily flow exactly to that mold. I ONLY have Collette from Arcanists, I ONLY have Ortegas for Guild. Why? Because the fluff, models and theme of each force for me is paramount. So does this lead to some dodgy match ups? Probably. But is it a game design flaw? I'd say no. It's a personal choice, like any choice of army or crew for any game. I DO have 3/4 Outcasts now and 2/4 Ressers so obviously the themes there suit me better, different strokes for different folks.

    I play Blood Bowl mostly. In the good old days (and probably still today :P) their main fan forum would have on every page a "XYZ Team is broken!!" often sitting alongside "XYZ team is too weak". When I started Malifaux I took Gremlins. Most of the threads back then were "Gremlins are too weak" and talked about lack of WP, Damage output, ability to kill hard to kill models. Some were "Gremlins are broken" and complained about being out activated 2:1 and easy healing flips, access to Fast on everyone, etc. The difference? Some of these players were playing in a locality where they didn't understand how to get the synergies of the Gremlins to work for them against their opponent, or more importantly for the Strategy/ schemes they took. The others were playing where the Gremlin Player did understand these things and they hadn't thought of a counter.

    I have lost 1 from 18 games with Somer. I say this not to stroke my own ego but to point out the play style of Somer just made sense to me. Funnily enough a lot of the easy wins for me have since been cuddled. I never saw a treasure counter (mine or my opponents) that I didn't get to and move at least 5" from the centre by end of turn one. And good luck Slaughtering a Gremlin Crew that spams an average of two extra models per turn over the course of the game. I never even used the Skeetas, which some said were essential to stand any chance. Just spam gremlins and out activate my opponents. Focus on taking Schemes that are contrary to my main mission or my opponents. They have Stake a Claim, Take Break through. Force them to split their crew and magnify your numbers advantage. Sure my spamming wouldn't work against Nico and his Undead horde, it would just feed that beast. So I had to actually learn some of Somer's Crews other tricks. Because HIS tricks are somewhat specialised. Perdita's trick is a little simpler. Get into 10" and unleash lead filled death on the enemy. Works a little easier when starting? yes. Works against everyone? No.

    Probably the biggest contributor to any perception of imbalance is the tremendous learning curve in the game. Know not just your own Master, Crew, Faction but also your opponents. It is only after you know most of the nasty tricks you can pull and your opponent can pull that the game settles into a test of your ability to play your opponent. Getting hugely surprised is the main reason I've seen for people getting wiped out. Though again it should be noted from the 4 games I've been wiped out in before (3 with Somer, 1 with Seamus) I won one, Drew 2 and lost 1). SO make sure you play the Strategy and Schemes before going just for blood.

    Cheers :)

  8. @ D Arquebus: Gremlin love, sweet gremlin love! Are you waiting for a Ophelia avatar, too?

    Hey man, I think I may be one of the only Gremlin fans who is not too fussed with Ophelia, though I love the rest of the La Croix Kin :P. I'm more a Somer Fan and am waiting for his Avatar. Peaches and him = awesome!!! :D

    Need to get my boys all assembled tonight and ready to go. I've base coated Somer and one Gremlin but was planning on repainting them anyway as the job was a rush.

    Gentlemen, start your engines :)

  9. D_Arquebus

    Somer Teeth Jones

    I got to get painting and need an excuse to focus more on Malifaux (and stop being distracted by other projects). Somer is the Goal for painting and playing. Though not sure I'll get the option to play all Masters and henchmen. 26 is a lot particularly if others are trying for all the Scenarios etc with their own favorite.

    Great idea Rathnard and DAGabriel. +1 :)

  10. In the interests of painting the first crew I bought, and the one that drew me into this crazy little world of Malifaux, I will put myself down to start on Somer's gang.

    This may be added to later as I now have 8 masters and 2 henchmen. But I first need to paint through 130 ss odd of Gremlins and Hogs :)

  11. Pariah: means that if Levi joins or is part of a crew you can only have Constructs, Undead or Souless.

    So as I understand it he can be hired (as a Merc) by Ramos and Hoffman (at present). They are both constructs. If you do this (in a Brawl of course) then you can only hire Constructs, Undead and Souless but can do so from any faction.

    Unfortunately, no you cannot hire Freikorps into his crew.

    Cheers :)

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