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Posts posted by bbb

  1. I've been interested in Malifaux since 2009 and only managed to play half a game during 1st edition, but tonight I have my first game (hopefully a FULL game) of M2E scheduled.  Any tips for a first game?


    I've read the rules and have some counters made.  I've printed out quick reference sheets and scheme/strategy cards.  I have my bag packed and ready to go when I get home with my minis, rule books, tape measure, fate deck, arsenal deck and card sleeves. (need to grab a dry-erase marker)


    So I think I'm all ready to play, but just want to see if there is any advise people have for a first game.


    A little nervous since I have played a miniatures game in YEARS, but I'm looking forward to getting back to the tabletop.

  2. We may have maybe met once.  I haven't been in much due to life being busy, but there was one time back in 2010 or 2011 I came in and got a half a game of Malifaux in.  It was before Showcase moved upstairs.


    For me the best bet for getting a game in would be when they are open late on Fridays.  The kids aren't going down till around 9ish, so that makes it difficult to get out at times.

  3. I thought at one time I saw someone had posted a list of every counter/marker that you needed in the name and how many of each you needed, but I can't find that list.  Anyone know where it is?


    For a game that needs so many markers/counters it would be nice to have a list readily available.

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  4. Well, if you'd want to try to play sometime let me know.  I have read through the M2E rules and have a few crews, but no actual playing experience.  Showcase Comics in the Granite Run Mall still carries it as far as I know.


    Pics of my painted minis are here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-132-8279_Malifaux.html


    Northern Delaware, you say, HUSSAR1M?  Around where?  I'm in PA right over the border from Claymont.  My zip code is 19061.

  5. Here's a summary of the show segment from Dakka





    Ruined Planet is army sized miniatures game. 30-40 models for elite squad, maybe 100-150 models on the table depending on faction. Malifaux will never have an "army" scale. It's skirmish and will never change from that.

    Very early in the development cycle. Just getting sketch work done and it is even possible that they never actually produce it. Mack essentially dropped everything to start working on it over Christmas break.

    Six or seven factions. Two developed. One is the United Worlds of Sol - orbitals based on America. Radiation weapons, few bullets/projectiles because no mining. The second is the Pandemic. Related to the picture of the cube he's always had around. Alien super virus sort of thing. Spore cloud weapon? Requires higher brain functions so it can't use animals. Mexico built a wall to keep Americans out because America was hit hard by the outbreak.

    Story is progressing, unlike 40k. Player actions at conventions and sanctioned tournaments will affect how the game narrative moves. Possible that tournament players will have their characters (captains and such) incorporated into the background somehow, should that player keep winning games and such.

    Marines are short because they work and train in higher gravity (grav plates) and this reduces their height. Shorter is seen as military and taller is seen as lazy.

    Dice, not cards. Too many cards to flip or models in the unit don't feel to be contributing in any meaningful way other than a "+1" bonus. Dice allow each model to feel like a contributor without weighing down gameplay with excessive flipping. If you have a unit with ten guys, you don't want to be flipping ten times.

    Alternative actions, not turns. I do something then you do something. Reaction tokens.

    As you lose dudes, your remaining dudes get stronger. You can resupply somehow, based on faction.

    LoS is hard to do in a miniatures game. Ruined Planet will not use true LoS. Blocked = no shot. Exposed = bonus to shot. Otherwise all else is considered to have some sort of LoS but not entirely a clean shot. Game assumes that stuff is is the way unless exposed or blocked.

    Every game has an attacker and a defender. Every location such as Dallas, Chicago, etc. has its own tables - one for the attacker and one for the defender. Attacker gets to choose major objective and the deployment. The defender gets to choose the minor objective and the conditions the battle will be fought under. The players get to move the other guy's pick up or down one place on the table. So, you make your choice, say number five, I get to move it to four or six. You get the same with my selection. Meta can involve either playing to win or playing to hose your opponent.

    Wyrd believes there is plenty of room in the market. A game like this will have to be a big push on Wyrd's part, should they go with it because of the amount of figures to make and the price of the molds.

    Too early to tell if vehicles are going to be in the system but he has them incorporated into the initial design. There are Independence and Constitution class dropships he's worked up but they currently just fly over and deploy, they don't land like currently in 40k.

  6. Hi all,


    Rather than necro-threading my old mini thread from 3ish years ago (located here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/71254-ramos-crew-teddy/) I've opted to start a new thread and hopefully be more productive.


    I have a gallery of all my Malifaux minis on Dakka Dakka here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-132-8279_Malifaux.html


    Here are some recent models I've wrapped up.  Nothing phenominal, but at least I'm finally getting some stuff finished.







    And here's what I'm working on next.



  7. I have little to no music talent, but after reading the idea for the contest I thought of a title for an outlaw western ballad set in Malifaux: I've Got the Stones to do It

    ...and I just came up with a couple lines too. If anyone likes it feel free to take it.

    I've killed more than I can remember, but never forgot to pay my respects

    I've always followed through with a job, regardless if simple or complex

    My aim is sure, I shoot to kill, I'll help your schemes, it's what I do

    I know I've got the stones to do it, but my question is, "Do you?"

  8. I'm trying to get a better handle on things myself, so I have the following tracking sheet I've been working on maintaining.

    Green means fully painted

    Orange means it is at least playable

    Red means unassembled

    Purple means I know I have it, I just can't find it :facepalm:

    As you can see I have a long way to go, but I'm hoping to start making better progress in 2014.


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