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Posts posted by RudyHuxxxtable

  1. A VERY lite battle report from two players' first ever game of Malifaux! This was also originally posted in our groups Yahoo forums but I thought it might be fun to share here, too. Less battle report, more "impressions and observations"! I'll be playing again over the weekend and will provide a more in-depth batrep (with card draws and examples, etc., if I can)


    A cold wind whistled through the abandoned streets on the outskirts of Malifaux, and the sun grudgingly surrendered to the arrival of night. Winter, too, was coming, giving the air a particularly crisp bite. Neverborn whispers purred in the wind, trying in vain to seduce Perdita and her brothers, but she knew what she needed to do. Viktoria and her rabble were here, and they needed to be stopped. For


    Perdita and her brothers moved quickly across the field to the outhouses, taking cover and gauging their surroundings.

    "Mira," whispered Santiago, crouching low behind the outhouse, an evil grin playing across his face in the fading daylight. His eyes looked toward the watertower on the far end of the street. Francisco leaned against the wall

    facing back from where they had come and sniffled unconcernedly, fighting off a vicious cold and picking a bit of tobacco from between his teeth. Perdita, however, gazed intently from over her brother's shoulder and locked on the

    movement in the distance.

    Three figures moved swiftly in the back alleys, so fast as to be difficult to see by any but the most trained eye. In the wind, the faintest sound of chains could be heard.

    It was Francisco who spoke up, now paying attention. "Bishop is with her."

    "Si, and Taelor," Santiago said quietly, pointing towards the glint of a hammer head that shone slightly in the distance.

    "There she is..." hissed Perdita, proudly pointing. Not 100 yards away, peering from behind the back corner of the abandoned grocer, Viktoria searched the dusk for her prey.

    The brothers exchanged glances. They now could put a face on the depth of their danger. Perdita simply looked at them and smiled.

    "Well?" Perdita said to her brothers. She rose from behind the wall and stalked proudly, almost nonchalantly into the street.

    The brothers rose, drew their Peacekeepers, and followed her to the dance....


    We played a 3v3 slaughter in which I fielded Perdita, Santiago and Francisco, while Hector played Viktoria (incorrectly I think, see below), Taelor and Bishop. And about 3 hours later and a lot of "What the eff do I do now?!", Perdita comes up with a WIN! A slight win, like, ever so slight. By a butthair slight. I managed to off Viktoria early with a few well placed shots from Perdita's crew, but once Taelor and Bishop got in melee range it got very very dicy. I only won on account of Perdita's badass "Quick Draw" ability, which basically gave me a free shot prior to Taelor's charge. Had I missed that shot, no question it would have been my opponent Hector's victory.

    We enjoyed the learning the rules but it's the triggers, abilities and timings and all that stuff that makes it unbelievably complicated. "Wait, when does this trigger? When do I get to move? How come you're activating everyone at once?"

    Neither of us played to our crews' strengths really, and that's fine. Perdita's crew is better at range, while in a single turn he managed to kill one of my dudes and push the second to 1 point from death.

    A few glaring mistakes we made (and please correct me if we're still wrong):

    1. Viktoria comes as a pair of models not one! That means even tho we did 3v3 last night just to grasp the rules, Hector should have had one more troop on the field. A 3v3 should really "master and two crew members", so vikky as a pair woulda counted for one, right? That would have made for an entirely different game.

    2. When I drew the red joker on the double negative twist, I should have gotten to play it! Per the errata, the red joker, even on negative twists, trumps the low card. I'd've killed Taelor on that flip.

    3. Special events and encounters: it's probably better we didn't even touch this, but essentially there are things that happen during the game that are flipped for at the end of each turn (to my understanding). Fog rolls in and gives negative twists to damage, etc, or if you get pushed 3" from any other crew members you are automatically killed instead of just being pushed ("Alone in the Dark", it's called).

    4. When choosing to cheat fate or burn a soulstone, you can do either or both, but you have to choose IN ORDER. You can cheat fate first, then burn a soulstone, but if you jump right to the soulstone burn, you can't go and cheat

    fate afterwards. Re-read that in the rules last night.

    So it goes without saying we need to read the FAQ and errata. They are copious and comprehensive documents. And considering there are entire sections of the rulebook REWRITTEN in the errata, it's a must read.

  2. I agree with Jens on a key point, he uses a highlight of bleached bone, not gray....

    Hey Eric, I actually wrote to you on CMON about the jeans by accident when I meant to write to you about the Viktoria model you painted. It was very early in the morning when I sent the two messages and I got em crossed!

    The Viktorias look wonderful and I wanted to know what colors you chose for them, etc. They were inspiring.

    More about the denim, though:

    How, then, would you "shade the fade" for lack of a better term? Not bother because of the scale?

  3. A nice guy from Germany painted this Perdita up with denim.


    I wrote to him to find out how he did it and this was his reply:

    Concerning the jeans on Perdita: I used Bleu Abyssal from Rackham Color as base color. It is a very dark rich preussian blue (darker und more intense than regal blue from gw, but that would be the closest of their range) and I used bleached bone or something similar to highlight that color (might have been as well a mix of fauve and jaune parchemin - somewhat darker than bleached bone with a bit more of a yellow touch in it). I didn't bother too much with very clean blending (this created parts of that slight texture to the jeans), however I didn't do any 'drybrushing' - as you mentioned it tends to lead to somewhat 'random' results, instead I painted fairly thin lines with the tip of the brush and used a second slighty wet brush to smudge the start and ending points of these lines (you can usually somewhat erase paint if it is still fairly fresh ~ 1min). However the paint below should have been left to dry for ~5 minutes

    So I'll be using that technique for practice and, if it comes out as good, probably for all time hehe!

  4. Thanks for the tips guys. I should have taken pictures of what I did but basically I just pinned everything.

    For Nino, I actually pinned both his hand and his arm, and i ended up drilling straight through his back! Fortunately I used the pins from Privateer Press so I was able to snip it and file it down so that it sits flush with the rest of Nino's great coat. A dab of green stuff makes it unnoticeable.

    For Santiago's arm, I drilled out the arm and the forearm, then used another piece of Privateer Press pin and literally bent the pin into place because it was so malleable. Rubbed on some GS to seal the gap, and sculpted folds into the sleeves to make it look seamless.

    I'll take pictures tonight if I can. I mean, it's gs and modeling 101, but maybe it'll help anyone else who's struggled with the bits.


  5. Hey all,

    So before I go and just start gluing everyone, I'm curious what steps other people took to secure their minis? Santiago's arm is a bit problematic for me as, really, I'm kind of an intermediate/beginner at modeling. Also, Nino's arms (I got his leg pinned without a problem.

    Also, what can be done to keep the chains on Papa Loco's wrist from just snapping off besides tremendous care and prayer?

    Basically, I'm asking what steps you all have taken to ensure your minis have the lowest possibility of damage?

  6. Hey everyone,

    Per my introduction thread, I wanted to let everyone know that my local game store here in Santa Moinca is going to be the host location for a "Tale of Many Gamers", a loose competition amongst us to paint and present armies to one another.

    We're working out the start date and the actual competition criteria, but we were thinking it would be fun to kill two birds with one stone:

    1. Have a competition where we each painted up our crews, and whoever was voted "best painted" got some sort of price.

    2. Use Malifaux miniatures as a great springboard to teach one another more advanced painting techniques (wet blending, non-metal metallics, etc.). We'd probably get together one night at the shop and paint together and have the more experienced modelers give live tutorials.

    3. Take the time to build scenery for all of us in the Malifaux community to use at the store, and make it part of the judging criteria.

    It'd be a timed event, probably along the lines of:

    One fully painted miniature end of week; one full crew by the end of 60 days; One piece of scenery in a week, etc.... and having each round be a different focus.

    This is an open invitation to anyone in SoCal to come join us.

    I'd also love to know if anyone else has done a similar event or might have suggestions for competition milestones we might incorporate?

  7. We haven't started yet, but we'll probably begin playing as of this week, and the painting/modeling competition will begin at the end of the month. Join our Yahoo group and feel free to introduce yourself. The group is called "Aeroboyz" and we're easily found in Yahoo Groups!

    Most of the club is 40k/WFB gamers but there's plenty of other interests at the shop to keep you busy.

    And like I said, I kind of off-handedly said, "You know, that Malifaux looks fun" and 48 hours later everyone bought em! lol

  8. Thanks, Eric, that's awesome of you to say!

    I saw them originally on WarStore (Neal's got em up on the front page), and thought they looked fantastic. That Doppelganger is so grossly and wildly inappropriate I knew it was for me.

    I will create a thread once we get started, probably next week, on our "Tale of Many Gamers". Right now it sounds like we have 11 participants. Three guild, two arcanists, two resurrectionists, two neverborn and a pair of outcast boxes.

    I'm really excited to get involved, and it's great to be able to join in while the game is "young"!

  9. haha, thanks! People are either old enough to get it and laugh, or so young it sails clean over their heads.

    Our group has actually started to put together a sort of informal painting competition at the shop. Usually these events are reserved for 40k and Warhammer Fantasy, but there's enough interest in Malifaux that we've decided to go ahead and paint all of our crews simultaneously, while also hosting painting workshops so we can learn/chill while we do it.

    Should be a lot of fun, and I'll try to get everyone to post their progress here!


  10. I don't know how, but I seem to have managed to get my entire LGS to buy Malifaux minis lol I off-handedly said "I want to play a game that's fun and doesn't cost a fortune."

    Now we all have crews. I'd guess at least half a dozen new players in one fell swoop.




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