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Posts posted by Richelieu

  1. Patience is not a problem for me.  And if we didn't find out until next Tuesday I can cope on a personal level.  What puts me in a bind is a certain friend who wants me to pick up a bunch of stuff for them, and yet isn't willing to pay up until they know exacts.  Puts me in an odd spot.  Be a good friend and have a potentially significant amount of cash tied up, or be a jerk and make them order it off the website.  Decisions...

  2. Josh has his M2E Checkers/Chess aha moment and joins Biggles and Myself to discuss. And Oddly Josh takes the time to talk him through the mental baggage that can happen while your fully fleshing out an idea.

    And I know this episode may cause some yelling at the Pod catcher so feel free to tell us your thoughts.

    And for Episode 46 Malifauxlady, and Abraxus04 join me for a very in depth overview of the Arcanists. Stay tuned for next week and enjoy!

    Episode 45

  3. Some of you may know Tablewar is a sponsor of the 40k Podcast I was on and still am tied to via the wonders of editting. Yea Editting! However, I have never been fully able to endorse them on the Malifaux side of things. And still am not there yet, but the current Kickstarter by Tablewar will go along ways towards fixing this situation. In the past even the half case has been too roomy for Malifuax. I was able to using the washer system to put Seamus, A Seamus, Bete Noire, Sybelle, the Copy Cat killer, and 4 belles on one unit tray. The half case comes with 2 display shelves which would hold 6 unit trays, and there would be room for yet another display shelf AND the drawer. So a bit over kill if you asked me.

    Now via the magic of Kickstarter and some continual perstering of when they were coming out with a skirmish kit (ok i'm sure my pestering had squat to do with this.. but hey it's my story) they are doing a 2/3rds funded Kickstarter for a smaller case. AND allowing for international shipping. Which if the current governmental fun continues you non - US citizens might be able to get this for a song if the dollar depreciates into ... yeah anyhow.

    Table war is a an excellent product that i highly recommended to anyone with an army scale project, until now. Well made, with the addition of magnets never have to worry about will model X fit this foam, or will the foam rub off my paint job. Truly worth a look.

    This message was approved by me!

  4. http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=259

    We dive into the corpse cart this week looking for gems of goodness. And surprisingly we find a few goodies on our first glance at the M2E version of the book 1 ressers.

    In the second hour of this episode Mark goes back to the Jwar Isles and talks with Greg Leonard, Ret-Crazyfish, on his experiences of doing the Gencon Demos, and hopefully providing the humble listener an assist in showing Bushido to friends, colleagues and other gamers.

  5. We really haven't tackled M2E as there is nothing solid yet and didn't want to really sit down with it until everyone was present. So Ok this time we are going to just go at it as everyone will be here and Oh Josh will Miss for OFCC and Jonathan is off in Michigan. Or we were going to hit it and then well crap it was Fathers Day so there was Biggles and Jonathan out. We have Antonio and the Omaha group in the we love M2E camp. Josh is sticking with 1.5 until December. Plus it didn't help that we had a buffer of about three episodes from right before the public beta to put out.

    All in all we need to make the decision as to when to switch over to cover M2E and let each host decide if they want to continue on or not. It feels as tho Gencon will be the point where that decision starts to get made as we will have book in hand and don't have to worry about making decisions on things that may not be true.

  6. Everyone who has orders with Fate Decks in it. They have all been packed and assigned tracking numbers (except the UK group order, need to get an address for Mr Craig) 6 boxes went out, the others will go out tomorrow. 97% of you have tracking information sent to your paypal address. If you haven't and need it/want it email me mark@throughthebreach.com.

  7. So just so everyone knows.. The post man has just dropped off the final boxes. So packing and mailing shall begin tomorrow April 2nd. This is not an april fools joke. I hope to have everything taken card of by thursday. I will attempt to flag everyone's paypal with a tracking number. Seems the easiest way to deal with this.

  8. Mister Q,

    It was one of those odd things were a portion of the notices have come in with email addresses on the from line and those are easily replied to. Others come in as something like service@paypal.com. Those I don't tend to reply to not knowing if paypal will eat the email or not.

    But guys we are done. Time to send it off into someone else's able hands and see what magic they work!

  9. Send payment via paypal to markdieter(at)netzero(dot)com (of course, you'd be wanting to replace the (at) with @ and the (dot) with .). Along with the payment, include your name, e-mail address, how many of decks you are ordering, and your mailing address.

  10. Sorry, Grim! The blank scheme card was more of a filler because of the number of cards that are printed on a sheet (and the number of Book 4 Schemes). The cards won't be printed separately, so we can't print extra of any one card. If we could though, and extra red joker or two might be nice. :)

    Note to self. If playing Jim ask to count his deck...

  11. One week left everyone!

    As I am sitting here thinking about the fact that I just haven't had enough Coffee today, it occurred to me this thread doesn't have enough coffee. Of course, Mark, it doesn't have coffee because there isn't a mug to put it in!

    Lets change that. I have a coffee mug sitting right here, still wrapped up with our Red Joker plastered on one side of it. I'll send it out to some lucky person when this is all said and done.

    Yeah Coffee!

  12. Ok guys here is where we are at. Jim is looking pretty tied up for time being with Walpurgis preparation, his own gaming and making sure the fate decks are ready for the printer.

    I will go ahead and throw in the Gaining Grounds cards to the Upgrade set for anyone who has pledged, or will pledge for the upgrade set.

    They however may look just a hair different than the rest of the strategy/scheme deck ;)

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