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Posts posted by dahli.llama

  1. Love the terrain.

    I do have one question, though. I'm currently working on a western style town and it's slowly nearing completion. I'm thinking of doing a Victorian type town next, and I really like the look of the buildings you're using. I can't seem to find if you've mentioned it already, but where did you get the textures for the buildings? Are they WWG or someplace else?

  2. Hey, I just saw this a bit late, but how was the turn out?

    I live in Jamestown, ND and there are a couple of us (myself, my wife and a friend) that play occasionally. Is there a site that has a calender of upcoming events?

    Also, who carries Malifaux in Fargo? I know Paradox doesn't, but I haven't had a chance to check out any of the other stores.

  3. A friend of mine and I played a 25ss game of Malifaux tonight. I decided to use my Lady Justice lead Guild crew consisting of The Judge, Taelor and two Death Marshals. He brought Lilith, a Mature Nephilim, a Young Nephilim, and three Terror Tots.

    We ended up with a standard 6″ deployment. I had the Reconnoiter strategy, and the Neverborn had Slaughter. We each took one scheme, with the Neverborn taking Kidnap and I took Hold Ground.


    The first couple turns were just positioning. One Tot grew into a Young Nephilim, and the Judge was able to damage another young one. That’s when the fun began. The Mature Nephilim swooped down on the Judge. My Death Marshals were able to take down a few of the Young Nephilim, but died to Lilith’s whirlwind. Lady Justice did a number on the Mature Nephilim, and then proceeded to duke it out with Lilith.


    By turn 4, all that was left was a couple Young Nephilim (another Tot had grown), a Tot, Lady J and Taelor. The Nephilim came close to taking out Lady J, but couldn’t quite finish her off. She and Taelor went to town on the demons and took them down.

    At the end I only had the two left, so I was unable to secure any table quarters, but I had kept the Neverborn out of my deployment zone for 2 points. The Neverborn had kidnapped their target (one of the Marshals), but weren ’t able to slaughter enough of my crew, so only got 2 points as well to force a draw.

  4. Especially since you can cheat his exhumed flip. So I you had a low crow in your hand, BAM!!!!!! Corpse counter.

    Yeah, I hadn't realized that you could cheat that flip. He'll be a bit more useful next time.

    I did pick up a Bette, so she will be running in my crew next time. I'm not a huge fan of the canines, but I may need to pick some up along with some Crooked Men

  5. Nice write-up.

    I just played my first game with Nico last night, and I definitely agree that he's tricky. I didn't realize that the flip from Mort's Exhume could be cheated, so that would have helped a bit, but otherwise the lack of ranged power to slow my opponent (Viktorias) hurt. I will have to look into getting some Crooked men into the crew ASAP.

  6. My wife and I played only our second game last night. She was playing her Outcasts (Viktorias, 2 Ronin and Taelor) and I was playing my Resurrectionists (Nicoderm, Mortimer, 2 Punk Zombies). The table was 3'x3' with three small buildings on the left, a group of trees in the near right corner and hills surrounding the area. The center of the board was relatively clear of obstructions.

    The Outcasts deployed in the far left corner behind the buildings, and I deployed in the trees. Outcasts were going for Reconnoiter and I was going for a slaughter.

    The first couple turns consisted of everyone moving forward, my zombies raced forward to get into combat, while Nico and Mort hung back and tried to generate some zombies with no luck. The gun-Vik moved straight at me with a Ronin, while the other Vik, Ronin and Taelor made a flanking move around the buildings to my left.

    I was unable to get my Zombies into combat before the gun-Vik got to them, so my Punks were dead quickly and then Nico was surrounded. He was able to kill the gun-Vik with Decay, and get some Mindless Zombies, but by then it was too late.

    At the end all, of the Resurrectionists were wiped out and the Viks were able to secure three of the four table quarters for the win.

  7. I just scuffed up the areas where I would glue the hands and put a drop on Crazy Glue on each. I haven't handled her all that much, but so far she has held up well.

    I don't have a small enough drill for them at the moment, which is something I need to rectify so I can pin them to their bases eventually.

  8. Good deal, what's the plan with the base?

    I ordered some Dragonforge wasteland bases that I will be using. I just need to paint them and then mount him on the base.

    love the cloth. Is it simply drybrushed?

    It's gray and then washed with black, with a heavy drybrush of gray again, and then a light dry-brushing of white.

    For the leather, a similar system but with brown.

  9. One suggestion for when you finally get your stuff.

    Start small. Play a couple games with just a master and 1 other model. That way you can learn the basics without having a ton of different specific rules to work out. Plus you can really focus on a single model to learn how they work. The games will be quicker, too, so you can get a couple games in while you work through the rules.

    That's how my wife and I have been learning the game, and it's been going great.

  10. As for getting the book before buying any minis, it can be useful, but not necessary. There's a lot of good info around the forums on each faction and the various masters.

    I went ahead and picked up the two boxed sets I was most interested in along with the rulebook, since I didn't want to have to make two separate orders.

  11. I'm also a bit curious on this.

    Is choosing you list done in secret and then both players reveal simultaneously?

    Knowing what your opponent is planning on taking could make a huge difference in what you take for your crew, especially if playing Guild.

  12. Awesome, these last two posts are just what I have been looking for all along!

    So, what is the "norm" SS value 25-30?

    I wish I had a hobby shop in my area that sold these games, so I guess I will have to order here!


    The norm looks to be about 30 for the scraps and then there are brawls where you can bring 2 masters at 40-75ss.

    I know your pain about the hobby store. There is no store in town and I have to drive 90 miles to get to the nearest one, and even then it doesn't carry Malifaux. Luckily I do have a good group of 3 guys that I play 40k with and hopefully I can convince them to play Malifaux.

  13. Outstanding!

    So as far as resource management, I would assume this your hand of cards that you use to "cheat fate" or is there something I am missing?

    There's 3 different resources that you need to manage throughout the game.

    The first is most obviously the cards you hold in your hand that allow you to cheat fate. These do get replenished each turn, and there are ways to draw more cards during your turn.

    The second is your Master's soulstones. These provide a second method of cheating fate by adding additional cards to a duel. Each master has a cache of them, plus any leftover stones after you build your army are added to the cache (ie. if you build an army that only uses 27ss for a 30ss game, then the extra 3 would be added to your master's cache).

    The third is your individual models' action points. Each model gets 2 AP when they are activated and these are used to perform the various actions. There are ways to get additional AP for specific action and some characters can provide extra AP to other characters. So a key element of the game is activating characters is a manner so that they get the most out of their AP.

  14. I haven't actually played a game of Malifaux yet, but just from reading the rules and some battle reports, there definitely is a bit of strategy to the game. It may not be at the level of Warhammer 40k simply because there isn't as much on the table to think about, but it's definitely more than the Clix games.

    I do play 40k, and if you've never played a wargame before, then this would be the perfect place to start. Warhammer and the likes have a huge initial investment that is a bit daunting. This game can be played easily with just the $30 boxed sets. So even if you decide that it's not for you, it's not like you're out a ton if you give it up.

    Also, I don't know if it has been mentioned, but you can use a standard Poker deck in place of the Fate decks. That can save you a little bit.

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