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Posts posted by Grimmark

  1. Awesome ive been trying to see if any others living in AZ are into malifaux :D,i havent played a match or even knnow how to play i just bought them cause they look cool right now im working on my gremlins i have 2 gremlins fully painted and based and 1 fully painted not based.

    i live in tempe right now,i havent been doing much maybe give me a pm and possibly u could teach me how to play :D

  2. Thanks :), i havent been to my local game store since i took a break so maybe ill meet someone or something :P when i go there and maybe ill buy some mini's just so i can get back into painting.

    What primer do u recommend?

  3. Hey im fairly new to this game(havent bought an mini's yet) but been looking into it for about a month,i recently stopped painting for school reasons and i need to get back into it.

    I like Malifaux because there no DICE!!! the deck of cards is an awesome idea and the few models u need is great im a former Warmachine player and 40k player so kinda have experience but not much.

    I live in Tempe,Arizona and i was wondering if anyone that lives close could maybe give me a demo PM me if you have the time.

    i think its called Cult of December and Som'er teeth jones/gremlins those 2 are my favorite and Ramos is pretty cool and has some good character to the models.

    Thanks for all the help you give me. :)

  4. I used this name for almost everything starting 2008?maybe 09 i forget,i came up with it when i was playing a pc game called Warhammer Online:Age of Reckoning and i play a goblin shaman so i needed an orky kinda name so i picked Grimmark but sometimes i use Zephyr cause my favorite song by Red Hot Chili Peppers is The Zephyr Song and alot of my friends know me by that name.

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