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republics fury

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Posts posted by republics fury

  1. As a reminder, we host Malifaux the Second and Fourth Saturday of each month at Area 51 in Grapevine Texas. The event usually kicks off at 6pm but sometime it's earlier.

    This weekend we're doing a two sided head to head alliance game. We've done it in the past and it was great!

    Game point total: 3 card flips plus 15points.

    See ya there.

  2. And still they do nothing. I want to WARN them (the owners) NOW that if they continue down this road... a road of inactivity and setbacks they will, and their company, will fail.

    I'm starting to have some success at my venue hosting the game, but I have seen it time and again that inactivity leads to failure. I used to be the Level 4 for WizKids, overseeing the entire state of Texas. WizKids is gone.

    Continue down your path of inactivity... if you choose. Seamus can't unbury some things.

    A word of caution,


  3. With the introduction of the new rule book interest was generated in Malifaux. A greater degree of focus was put on the game, many people wanted to play and sought out the figures and places to play.

    Sadly release dates have been pushed back, causing people frustration. Not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself. Wyrd is a new company, people will endure... for a time.

    One thing Wyrd can control is the story line events that are supposed to be on the website. There is a url link in the new rule book directing them to a website. If you go there it is true story line events are listed (Christmas and Holloween). The ones for the new Encounters are not up yet. Further frustration...

    I would suggest that you two have the capacity and ability to put those story line events up on the website. When can we expect to see them?

    I had been considering applying to the program to run events for Wyrd... and may still do so. I would love to see those events posted up, to the link in the new rule book.


  4. I neither confirm or deny any rumors about Malifaux: RPG


    As long as it's nothing like the d20 system and focuses on actual role playing it'd be good.

    I currently use the Shadowrun 3rd ed. engine for role playing.

    If it ends up being a d20 system product it'll stink and won't be worth the paper it's printed on...IMHO.

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