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Posts posted by RitualNet

  1. Hi, I have Zoridia's starter (with the voodoo doll), a convict gunslinger and pandora's starter too. I want to start making an all rounder list for Z that can attend to a good wad of schemes and strategies, but to be honest I have no idea Where to start. I've read on here regarding other peoples lists but they vary so much.

    Edit: I own Ophelia and somer's starters too!

    Is it worth, for example, buying lillith's starter for the tots/mature? Or the puppet masters, for his dolls? (I can proxy wicked dolls with the little voodoo dolls that came with zoridia anyway).

    I know doppelgänger seems useful but also seems fragile, and I know I need a heavy hitter, preferably something that can be obeyed (so juju is kinda out), but not sure what else.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I just don't like the feel of Teddy, and was wondering if people have found alternative models to use.

    If I had the skills, I'd make my own, maybe a Victorian looking bear, with a leg missing (ala Kade's figure), dragging itself across the floor, and reaching up with one paw... something that my partner looked at the rough drawing and said "no. That's too creepy". As it is, I have no skills, so I'm trying to find figures that would work.

    I've looked at various bear/dire bear/were bear models but they are too 'bear' and less 'toy'.

  3. I'm pretty dire with painting, and they seem great. As people have said, it's a learned skill, so the more you paint (and enjoy!) the better.

    An example for me, is Chaos Marines (GW). I hate painting them, so my painting skills are dire with them. We're talking 'dip them in the paint pot and hang them on a line' level of skill. However, Ophelia and her gremlins, because I enjoy them (I love finding the details that Wyrd Mini's have put in them!), they look a bit better. Like, I dipped them in the paint pot, but at least thought to shake some paint off after! :P

    If you want to get better, look into tutorials, or visiting places that will teach you advanced techniques. Games Workshop do that (You can book a session, take a random figure in, and say 'hey teach me to do realistic animal fur!, and they'll spend some time with you), which is great, but make sure you only take in GW models or they get a little upset.

    Washes, drybrushing, basic highlights, all things that are easy to do, and make figures look great. I normally wash (say green over the gremlin's original green faces), then highlight with the original green again, and bang, highlighting done. (I could mix up green and white, in steps to make the layers, but I don't have a large enough magnifying glass!. Drybrushing white over anything just gives some detail back, and adds another level of highlighting too.

  4. I love my Gremlins to bits, but they're a bit of an investment. If you pick up a Somer box, you'll need him along with the 4 mosquitoes and a package of Slop Haulers is good, too. If you want to use pigs, there's a bunch of stuff you'll want to pick up in addition to Somer's box.

    I also love my Seamus crew, and it expands to 30-35SS very easily just by adding Bete Noir and a totem will put you comfortably at 25. His Avatar is also loads of fun.

    I decided for now to get Seamus as his starter is under £20, and then Re-evaluate. The belles can be used in Leveticus' crew if I go that way. The gremlins I think I I'll expand ophelia first with slop haulers and young, then when I need bayou gremlins, start looking at som'er's box set. Then I get him and a warpig to play with later.

    What has held me back from Ramos is the arachnid building. I am bad at constructing minis and they scare me. However I know someone on here used Necron scarabs and they Looked pretty neat. saying that, after research on how easily the Seamus set goes together (finding nothing), I place an order and then the next link I read talks about how much of a pain the belles are to construct :(

  5. I'm hopefully going to play in a group soon, and I have 3 starters... but I'm now on the look out to maybe get another, or expand (35ss brawl). I can't help it, it's like some kind of addiction! So, I come here, to Malifaux Anonymous, to see if others can cure me, by giving me some advice!

    I currently have Zoridia (although only she is painted, I wanted to get my brush on those saggy mammaries!), Ophelia (all painted) and Pandora (not painted or made yet). Ophelia, was more a "enjoyed painting, not sure if it's worth playing" thing for me, so to me their cost is paid back, while Zoridia was my first selection back in the days, as I wanted Pandora, but felt she was over-powered (before her Cuddling) and I didn't want to end up ruining the game for others. I eventually then got Pandora as I love the models.

    I'm looking at Seamus (undead hookers and Army of Darkness Pose for the win!), Leveticus (I *hate* the SPA models, but love how he lives to die) and Ramos (I like steam punk, but those spiders look a pain to make). I suppose there's Som'er, then I can use some of Ophelia's group in for an instant boost.

    If I was going to expand what I have, Ophelia seems a good choice for a basic "gun line", throw in some slop haulers, 3 young lecroix and some bayou gremlins to finish. For more complex masters, Zoridia is fun, especially with her 'Obey' aspect, but the Sillurid are a pain to finish off (maybe their sculpts are bad, but it's hard to pick out details on their faces), and not really sure what fits a crew with her, past the convict. Pandora, I think would be best as another "fun to paint" and wait until I've more experience before I use.

    So... expand what I have? Get new? Argh! Maybe i should just buy ALL the starters.

  6. Leave him in a disposable container to soak in nail polish remover (acetone) for a couple days. You'll have to take him off the plastic base first but the nail polish remover will make the glue very soft and flexible so it'll be easy to get him apart. You can save the container and reuse it as well. Just don't put plastic parts into it because it will ruin them but metal pieces are totally safe.

    +1. I was buying most of my 40 Chaos stuff from Ebay, and it first goes into nail varnish remover, to loosen joints and glue, then Fairy Power Spray to take off the paint. it softens glue up in a few hours, although it's best leaving it in there for a day to see how it goes.

  7. Ophelia and her crew were pretty easy to assemble. It was one gun to glue to a belt (or not, it's optional!), gluing the long rifle to the wrist sockets (pretty easy, the thing sits in there nice and neat), and finally a head and a gun onto the last gremlin.

    I'm really bad at gluing figures, and I had no problems with them.

  8. I kinda see problems with different faction PC's, especially with Neverborn.

    the idea that the PCs are humans brought into Malifaux, and during the process, they possibly pick up new and amazing powers, and then can be approached by the various factions, using them as agents so they don't have to get their hands dirty, could be interesting, especially when a rather successful campaign for the PC's ends with them realising their 'employers' were Neverborn, and they just aided in the destruction of a whole town of colonists.

  9. I've looked on the forums and it seems the spiders are a bit fiddly... one guy on youtube runs a pin through the body of the spider to the base, but that I guess means no magnetising.

    If I wasn't to magnetise, how many spider packs would you purchase on top of the base set?

    I did see someone who stuck his spiders on washers, then put magnets under the base, but I'm pretty bad at making my own bases, and Microart's bases look pretty amazing.

    I did buy, by mistake, some titchy tiny magnets, that were possibly the same size as pins from GW, if not smaller (had to use two of them to hold a gun onto a GW Stealth Suit in plastic!), maybe I could stick one in the bottom of a pin hole, so that I can pull the spiders out of their pinned base... but then that's going to eventually cause damage to the spider, the base's paint work etc.

    Does anyone have vids/pics of magnetising spiders?

  10. If you want to read up on those a bit more, check out the new Tactica wiki: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/home

    I was just looking at that earlier. Rather nice, especially as I was curious with what to buy for Ophelia next, and it explains it there in detail!

    For magnetizing the spiders, I put the magnet in green stuff, and then attached the spider to that. You can use the decorative basing if you want but I just painted them black. Also this way you don't have to have specific spiders go together in a specific base/spot.

    So you make a mini base for the spider, which then attaches to either it's own seperate base, or the multi-swarm base?

    The more I look at Ramos (especially that black and white painted one, wow!) the more I think I like him. I will pick up Leveticus on his own too, and then proxy the SPA/DE to see how they play, then I can look at bringing them in later.

  11. I have two starters so far, nearly finished painting the 'Born and the Bayou' set, and have had to stop with Zoridia's set due to a missing Ju Ju head. However, I'd like a construct set, to even it out (mix up with the 'evil alien race/witch' vs 'the gremlins that want to be more').

    I originally loved Leveticus, but once the SPA's came out, I really was put off. I don't like the SPA sculpts, which isn't to say they are bad (they are rather nice on their own), it's just they are a bit... gory? Maybe that's the point of him, that he takes some sort of morbid glee in creating these 'masterpieces'. If I do go down that route, I'd pick alternate sculpts, like maybe Cryx's Thralls., which also ensures I don't end up with two buzz-saw heads for example. The Desolation Engine however is rather neat.

    Ramos seemed rather amusing with his little clockwork spiders, that suddenly go boom, but unless you take extras to give him some range, he's easily picked off across the board. The arachnids are fiddly (have NO idea how you're supposed to magnetise them!), but have the whole steampunk feel.

    C. Hoffman looks kinda fun, although i'm not too sure on the neat, clean styles of his constructs.

    I will be honest, I have not got the 2nd rule book yet, so I'm going on looks or basic information picked up on here. Also, if I go Leveticus, then I already have a Rusty Alyce, so it would be purchasing him, the DE, and some thralls or such from Warmachine.

    So, what is a good starting construct master/starter, that can be taken further into different strategies?

  12. I was trying to work on my 'Hag's Puppets' set yesterday, and realised that some of the figures looked... well rough. I found it difficult to make out the features on the faces of all the Siluurid and the Hag, and on these figures most of the joints are not close fitting, requiring each figure to be green-stuffed. The siluurid's heads that are separate have no fitting "indentations", and need to be filed heavily to fit. With Ju Ju, there's a giant gap at the bottom of his arm joint if you line it with the top.

    Is this normal? I mean, I've bought this a while ago, but maybe I got a first batch from the FLGS or maybe a bad one?

  13. Gah, sorry for the long return. I've just finished Uni (FOR GOOD! bwahahaha!) so I'm going to start on my crew tonight. Typical, I've had them since nearly launch, not played the game at all, and now there's (hot) new figures coming out. I actually did 'lol' when looking at the gremlin 'Ortega' figures... the pig providing counter-weight to the repeater rifle!

    I'll set up my camera and take pictures as I'm putting JuJu and co together, and then slap them up somewhere if anyone's interested. Will be nice to actually *try* this game. Although, I have to admit, with how cute the new gremlins are, I might be able to get my partner into it, and finally get a game in!

  14. I just got to find a decent pin vise (the one from gale force 9 seems good, less hard on the hand when drilling) for a good price. I have Milliput (used some to make my first base, which looks more like a wall than cobbles sadly), so I can use that for the sqush-y-ness. I'm not much good at this kind of stuff, but I figure other people might have problems, so if I document what I do (and hopefully it turns out remotely ok), then other people can see. Maybe could have a section where you can view pictures and read-mes to assemble your faction boxes?

  15. I've just received my Zoraida set (and voodoo doll, gods that is fiddly, I don't think one of the pins will last!), and after filing down the mould lines, I noticed that the Bad JuJu is a little... difficult to piece together. Even after I've figured out the right position, there's big gaps under the arm and around the hand. I was just wondering if anyone's done a photo shoot of putting the models together, or could give me some info, tools I'll need etc?

    The most I've done in regards to building figures is glueing some plastic 40k Guardsmen together, so I'm pretty low on modelling skills.

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