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The Green Git

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Posts posted by The Green Git

  1. Riding motorcycles, both on the street and on the race track. There are several tracks around the Southeast US so variety is there and it's a great outlet for that need for speed. I can go out on the track and scare myself silly going 150+ mph and not get tickets.

    Target shooting is my latest favorite hobby. There's just something about a toy that shoots fire and makes loud BANG! noises that makes one smile... :)

  2. Now I've never played against anyone using Insidious Madness...

    I believe this may be the problem. A lot of things SEEM broken on paper but once you put them down on the table a few things come to light that don't lend themselves to immediate visualization.

    I won't regurgitate others posts but will say like other crews it's strong in the right situation, and can backfire in others. Proxy one and play a couple games with it and against it before you pass judgment.

  3. I hate the Puppet Decks printing. The numbers are too small to read and the suits as well. It's really hard to read from across the table. My eyes aren't what they used to be...

    Now before you guys go on about trust and cheating, blah blah blah let me just stop you right there. It's common courtesy to let your opponent see what you are flipping. Hell, I *WANT* my opponent to see my results as clearly as possible to remove any doubt. As Ron Reagan said "Trust but verify". I should be just as willing to have my opponent verify my results instead of them just blindly trusting me. People are fallible.

    A standard printing in the Puppet Deck materials would be money. I'd buy one of each color to go with my armies.

  4. But the Puppet Deck is easy to read.. if the picture's of a Master the Card is Good... if it's of a sorrow then it's not so good.

    Not to derail your thread Ratty, but I can't read the suits to save my life from across the table. The numbers I can make out but it's work.

    Just give me good ol' white numbers on black background. High Contrast please!

  5. I think for intros there is enough for a new player to concentrate on without having to worry about translating a different deck !

    Even if you run the other deck yourself, its still helpful for the new player to see and understand your flips.

    This. It might be cool for experienced players but for intros, no.

    I have a standard Malifaux deck and I struggle slightly if my opponent uses the puppet deck...

    Me too. I'm a little older and the eyesight ain't what it used to be. I love the material and quality of the Puppet deck but the suits and numbers are not very easy to read.

    Wyrd, please make a Standard Fate Deck with the material from the Puppet decks!

  6. I've run Pandora with Candy and Baby Kade with Teddy. The "Where's Teddy?" bit works pretty well, especially with Lure. Also a big fan of the Doppleganger and Poltergeist.

    Hooded Rider... hmmm... he could be a good transport mechanism to get Sorrows up to the front fast. Attach the Sorrows to the Hooded Rider and use that big 50mm base and height to shield them until you get close enough for them to spring off.

  7. If all the tiles are a certain length then it is too easy to know how far apart you are. Since I mostly play Perdita that would be nice for me but I think it creates an unfair advantage.

    Truth of the matter is for longtime wargamers most can judge distances pretty darned accurately by eyeball anyway. If anything it will help the less experienced players and possibly bring them up to where the more "seasoned" players are.

  8. I think the general idea is area denial...?

    You have the right idea here. It's not so much that the December Acolyte is a combat monster but that he can hit you from an unexpected quarter and you can't do anything about him until you get close. By placing him in a convenient (for you) spot near the center-ish of the board he now commands a large threat bubble with his harpoon gun. Now smaller minions must skirt the area entirely and the real heavy hitters still have to deal with DA as a distraction.

    It's much more the threat and not so much the effectiveness.

  9. I think your worries are largely unfounded. Malifaux in general is pretty well balanced and once you combine the large number of mission types and possible opponent crews you can't account for everything. You will win some, and you will lose some.

    Besides the investment for a crew is modest compared to other gaming systems. Buy all three. ;)

  10. Most fun?

    Pandora. Completely screws with everyone. Nothing more fun than watching Killjoy hack himself to death with his own cleaver.

    Leveticus is a close second. A decrepit old lech that does his best to kill himself and returns to life though a tawdry wench. Get close and I'll poke you with my finger (and do 12 wnd in the process).

    Lady Justice is fun. Sure, maybe not the most competitive but the look on your opponents face when you do the Reposte maneuver is priceless. "You did what? For how much damage?!?" <removes attacking model>

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