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The Green Git

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Posts posted by The Green Git

  1. Thanks for the feedback. Not really looking to develop Golden Demon level paint jobs here... just don't want to field unpainted minis. I'd rather spend more time playing than painting. :)

    Believe it or not that Peacekeeper actually *is* shaded, with Devlan Mud no less. The flash is so harsh it washes it out quite a bit, to the point of not being able to see it. Look around his claws and the hydraulics at the neck point and you can see where it's pretty heavy handed.

    Love the red Peacekeeper! He really looks dangerous like that! I went and did two of them in desert camo colors - they look cool if you can see them.

    Thanks dgraz. I was going for a "Peacekeeper in hot pursuit" look, all hunkered down and moving fast after a target.

    I had a look at your Peacekeepers in camo... quite a difference in the paint! Yours look like some uber Urban Pacification bots. :)

  2. Welcome aboard! You'll find Malifaux has one of the most innovative and tightly written rules sets around. Not only that, but the Wyrd crew and henchmen are committed to answering questions that do come up quickly and logically. Like you I've come from a GW background and find Malifaux surprisingly refreshing.

    Played a 40K game this week and it was like going from a sports car to a horse and buggy. :D

  3. Welcome aboard! You really can't go wrong picking any faction and master. Just find a mini set that appeals to you and start playing. The game requires just a few figs so it's not very expensive to have multiple crews. Part of the fun of the game is discovering what works best with what.

    I cut my teeth on Lady Justice who is fairly straightforward... run at stuff and chop it to pieces. Lilith would be a good starter too.

    As a quick guide, the Guild Lady Justice crew has strong Melee potential, where the Ortegas are more shooty. Arcanists tend to be more ranged combat but the Marcus crew and their beasts are strong Melee. Resurrectionists have strong melee especially the Nicodem Punk Zombies, but Seamus has some shooty as well. And of course, Neverborn have some of the best Melee in the game with Lilith being an absolute terror in combat, while Pandora can pick you apart at range.

    If you are ever in Atlanta, stop by Giga-Bites and throw down with us.

  4. Kick Drew when you're at Giga-Bites next times .. it's alright, promise!

    Welcome to Wyrd!

    Thanks for the welcome and the great game! Malifaux has quickly become the game of choice not only due to the awesome models and tight rule set but the Wyrd commitment to customers and quality.

    As for the kicking...:)


    No kicking allowed!

    Hey Drew! It's Richard. I have the Neverborn you and Z were helping me with.

    Really... I'm all bark and no bite. Or kick. ;)

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