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Posts posted by corrinmana

  1. Hey Malifaux players, this is Corrin. We're holding another Malifaux tournament this weekend.

    We will be following the same format as before; Swiss rounds, 30 soulstones, one master. Must use the same master for each game, but can change your crew between games.

    Tournament will start at 11am. Buy in will be $10 or $20 in product. This tournament will use the scenarios released by Wyrd for Halloween. If anyone converts a Carver model for the third scenario, I will cut ten dollars of their product buy-in.

    Prizes will be based on how many entrants there are. Prizes will go to top place and best painted.

    Hope to see you there!

    - Corrin

    Game Empire

    2302 E. Colorado Blvd

    Pasadena, CA 91107



  2. Alright guys, our next Malifaux tournament is next Sat. (Sept 4).

    This one will be like last time. One master, 35 points, you must use the same master in every game, but you may edit your crew between games.

    Entry fee is ten dollars, or twenty dollars of Malifaux product.

    There will be three prizes, best overall (Swiss round scoring), most victory points, and best painted. Prizes will be store credit of an amount based on the number of entrants. If we get more than eight players, I will be giving best overall a model of their choice under ten dollars.

    Pairings will be random, and maps will set up before hand.

    Tournament will start at 11:00am at:

    Game Empire of Pasadena

    2302 E. Colorado Blvd

    Pasadena CA, 91107

    (626) 304-9333

    Hope to see you there.

  3. Ok Malifaux players,

    We've finally sorted out the details for the upcoming Malifaux tournament:

    the event will start at 11:00 on Sat. the 31st. It will be a thirty Soulstone scrap with a maximum of one master. Players will declare their faction and their master that they will use during the tournament, but are free to modify their minions for each game. We will be using the game set-up sequence from the Malifaux rulebook, which means that each round, players will determine their strategies and schemes, and then hire their crews. Terrain will be set up before hand, there will markings to indicate which chart the battlefield conditions will be chosen from.

    Entry will be $10 or $20 of Malifaux product. The tournament will have swiss rounds until there is a clear winner (usually 3-4, depending on the number of players), and each round will be 1.5 hours.

    As long we have eight or more players, top prize will be a copy of the upcoming second expansion, Rising Powers, after it releases in the store! Top prize goes to the winner of the swiss rounds. Other prizes (which will be in store credit and depend on the number of entrants) will be awarded to the player who earns the most in-game VPs from strategies and schemes and the player with the best painted crew.

    Game Empire

    2302 E. Colorado Blvd

    Pasadena CA, 91107



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