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Posts posted by Cryptkicker

  1. I made a Outhouse of Doom using a small Warhammer Fantasy building and the Sewer Accessories. Tentacles coming out of the window, Yellow Bathroom Sign on te door, rats running away, and everything.

    "Why did I order the extra large prune smoothy?! Gotta hold it, gotta hold it... oooop... can't hold it, can't hold it...."

  2. Just so you know, the Reaper skulls are out of print... have been for two or three years. You may want to check with the guys Reaper to make sure they still have them before you drive all the way there... like GW and their out of print stuff, they may still have a couple in "the back room."

  3. Never been to Louisiana, so I don't know any name-brand brick-and-mortar places you can go.

    You might want to do a search online for model train stores in your area for building supplies. A lot of those places will sell balsa wood, foamcore, etc. for buildings. Similarly, arts and crafts stores will sometimes have quartz crystals and similar in their "toys section" for use in microscopes, as well as wood of various types for dollhouses and birdhouses. Even a museum's gift store, particularly those catering to natural history or space, usually has cheap gems. They may also sell freeze dried astronaut's ice cream, which, despite being called "astronaut's ice cream," was never actually sent into space on any shuttle or moon landing missions, but now I'm just going off on a tangent.

    For paints online, you can go to reapermini.com/paints (Reaper), games-workshop.com (Citadel), store.privateerpress.com (Privateer). Citadel and Privateer have similar supplies (brushes, needle files, clippers, "green stuff" / epoxy modelling putty, if you can find a store in your area that carries miniature games in general, you can bet they have supplies too.

    I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention that steampunk often involves pipes, boilers, and other iron-and-steel bits. DIY stores like Lowes and Home Depot have tons of PVC pipes and fittings for less than $0.50 cents a piece, metal ones for more, but if you use PVC, go over it a couple of times with some fine sandpaper... just enough so that it isn't shiny... before painting it. Water-based paint, like the kind I mentionyou can get at the places above, has a hard time sticking to the PVC, and getting off that top coat will help. Failing that, spray it down twice with a black undercoat.

  4. Sorry if this has already been addressed....

    I picked up the Pandora Avatar over the weekend which, now that I say that out loud makes me think readers may get confused and think I'm talking about the movie Avatar, which took place on Pandora... anyway... and she didn't come with a stat card. Was she supposed to?

  5. I buy almost exclusively through my FLGS. In most cases, buying over the internet doesn't save me enough money to warrant the week-or-more-in-some-cases time it takes to process and ship the order. The FLGS is also convenient to my, being just down the street from where I work.

    The only think I buy online are Magic cards, and mainly because my FLGS marks up singles insanely when a new set comes out... and never marks them down after the furor dies down, nor do they restock the binders. (The owner has actually told us that if it weren't for the money we bring in, he'd have never allowed Magic into the shop all those years ago.)

  6. Mainly, it's from the Monster Mash song (see signature below... added it because other people had asked before I responded to this...), which is admittedly goofy and stupid, but then it was covered by The Misfits. Plus, it was a character's name in the Wildcards series by George RR Martin. I used it before as a callsign when I played Battlefield 1942, before changing it to Nasty Butler (on account of I loved Thumb Wars).

  7. I've never liked painting the base edges. When I was learning all those years ago at Games Workshop Fairfax (closed way back in the 1990s... they recently opened another a couple miles down the road... and it's a horrible little store... my bedroom is bigger than it and they intend to have people browsing, painting and gaming there? Delusional....), the guy doing the lesson said I had to paint the base Goblin Green. I asked why. "So it looks like he's staning on grass." "I thought that was why I had put the flock on."

    Anywho, I never trim the edges. I like 'em black. If I ever do paint the trims, it'd be cecause I'd put the miniatures in a diorama setting when not in use, and even then, I'd probably cut holes in the base of it to "sink" the minis into.

  8. I was toying with the idea of using the GW Empire Engineer's clockwork steed as the base for a proxy... but the thing costs $20 and I have no idea how if the rider is a piece in itself or if I'd have to clip the chap off... I just want the horse....

    Edit/add: There's also the Soulhunters from the Cryx units at Privateer... forgot about them.... They'd probably make a better proxy than my aforementioned clockwork pony....

  9. I'd recommend starting with one of the starter sets. They essentially let you go right out of the box with a balanced, similar-flavor force. Once you have a handle on the game, you can branch out, maybe run a second crew or start hiring mercenaries.

    As far as using the same guys, as far as I know, as long as you yourself aren't running two of the same-named unique characters on your crew, you can fight against your "evil twin."

    Each player will need their own fate deck, though you can use regular playing cards... the rules explain which suit represents each Malifaux suit.

    For paints, I'd recommend using acryllics. Avoid enamel stuf like Testors. Acryllics are smoother and blend better. Reaper and Citadel (Games Workshop) both have huge lines at relatively the same price.

  10. If there is an Iron Terrain Builder contest, will there be secret ingredients you have to use like on Iron Chef? I'm not talking about the overall theme of the terrain piece, which of course would be part of the contest, but something you'd have to use in the piece. Nothing wretched, like fish bones or eggshells, or anything that would start to smell after a couple days (not including the builder, of course, because, let's face it, somedays, we just don't feel like taking a shower), but like plastic (water) bottles, string/twine/dental floss...?

  11. Clash was disappointing... GI Joe level-disappointing... and I usually love bad movies. This one was just horrible.

    It is good evidence, however, that not all movies should be in 3-D. The only reason Clash was put out in 3D was because Avatar made as much money as it did. Like it or hate it, Avatar is getting a lot of studios thinking about releasing a lot more 3D movies, among other things... one of the previews I saw at Clash was for a Kenny Chesney (spelling?) concert... in 3D. "It's the next best thing to being there," the announcer said. No, the next best thing is to avoid it entirely... the closest thing to country I'll listen to is Reverend Horton Heat, which he classifies as "psycho-billy."

  12. I live in an apartment building, and I still spray stuff all the time. Never underestimate the calming effects off a beer outside and priming minis on the back of a pizza box.

    I don't doubt that. It has more to do with the condo association saying I can't do it than not being able to do it. I used to spray undercoat things all the time on the balcony at my old apartment in a Citadel mail order box, never made a mess. Didn't mater to them, they just said it was against the association code. Plus, I found it's illegal to bring paint to a park in my county; the police are worried about vandalism or kids huffing paint, or something like that.

    I guess I could always set up shop on the sidewalk in front of someone's house. ("Emily...?" "Yes, George...?" "There's a strange man painting tiny metal people on our sidewalk...." "As long as he's not doing it in the nude, I say we leave him be, maybe he'll go away....")

  13. There would be no point in buying, but spare minis would make neat place-holders until the Wyrd ones are released.

    What would you suggest for Doppleganger or Student of Conflict? Both Wyrd and Non-Wyrd suggestions are welcome.

    The Doppelganger is supposed to look human, but isn't. I'd probably represent one with one of the human Minion models already out, like a Ronin, just painted differently... maybe a stark white flesh tone with dark gray shading, black "mascara" and black-and-white clothes... like he/she just stepped out of a Tim Burton movie or going to a goth poetry slam.

    The Student... huh. To quote Ned Flanders, that's a noodle-scratcher. It's a blank slate, a homonculus created by a Master, and its form will be determined by its learning about conflict, according to the book. The only thing that really leaps to mind are the "dolly armatures" available from Reaper. (Hate to pimp another company on the forum, but he did ask for non-Wyrd suggestions, after all.) They're meant for people to use as a base for their own scratch built stuff, but they have no facial details, can easily be converted as to hold weapons, etc.

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