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Posts posted by HeaDHunTeRfs

  1. I don't see this as a disease but a sign of hope. The other faction players might be out there statistically working out which models do the most damage/control/etc whereas we Arcanists take pride in our fluff and choose gangs that look nice together.

    <---Insert heroic speech here.

    I totally agree with this post! I love the fluff and I try to win even though I play fluffy lists :D

  2. hmm, RM: a model is friendly when you control them, seems straightforward to me ;)

    It's also an enemy when hired by the other crew... I know it isn't that clear... But imagine you could alfa a master into drain souling himself? You would even get the ss xD

  3. jep something like that :D

    and don't forget, when the enemy model resists he has :-fate because of enemy, when you control it, it becomes friendly

    I'm sorry to point this one out, but if you control them, they don't become friendly, but they aren't enemy either... Its weird, I know :P But otherwise you could Alfa an opposing master and let him sacrifice himself for a soulstone...

    Also, dominance gives :-fate flips to resist duels... So it is less powerfull than Staredown ;)

  4. Allright, here are some small battlereports from the tournament yesterday. I hope I remember all the schemes from my opponent! The tricky 30ss format was special

    There were 21 players (sadly magicpockets and drake didn't make it :( )

    The strategies were shared and fixed, and you gained +2vp if you tried your masterspecific and both your factionspecific.

    Game 1 Marcus vs Hamelin

    Strategie: Shared deliver a message

    Schemes: Primal Source & Power ritual

    Opp Schemes: Stake a claim & Twart

    List: Marcus, Jackaloppe, 3x Silurid, Shikome, Molemen

    Opp list: Hamelin, Wretch, Nix, 2x Rat catcher, 3x Mx Rat, 1 Stolen

    My opponent (Bart) was a new player (3th game with hamelin) so for him, it was sometimes a bit overwhelming.

    I did what i would have done against any opponent, start the ritual and move forward with care. He did the same thing. In turn 2 i gave huntingpartners to a silurid who moved a whooping 20'' and still deliver a message ( leap + move in combat with rat + self preservation towards Hamlin) The Silurid died that turn to obviously... Marcus teamed up with the molemen and the shikome. The other Silurids leaped the flank. Hamelin tried to control the middle and Nix moved with some rats towards the Silurids.

    Turn 3 the Silurids ritualed the 3th corner and leaped for cover. Nix and his rats were way to slow. Hamelin was afraid of the shikome, and send his ratcatchers forward along with a couple of rats. After reading that ratcatchers can interact for a (1) I started to play even more with care. Marcus charged a rat for a (0) killed it (turning it into a beast) and jumping away. leaving his small molefriend behind who died from alot of ratbites...

    Turn 4 Marcus did the same trick, and scored Primal Source (he even killed a 3th just to be safe, (I always thought he needed 3 beast kills lol...) while the silurids scored the 4th tablecorner. There was however now way I could stop his stake a claim...


    Game 2 Marcus vs Ophelia

    Strategie: Shared Supply wagon

    Schemes: Assasinate & Stake a Claim

    Opp Schemes: Hold out & Stake a Claim

    List: Marcus, Jackaloppe, Shikome, Cerberuss, Myranda, Waldgeist

    Opp List: Ophelia, Pere Ravagé, Rami, Francois, Raphael, 4x Bayou Gremlins

    My opponent (Bram) is also a proud member of ROFLstomp who really loves playing Ophelia. So I knew almost exactly how he plays his crew, he on the other hand has only played vs Marcus once.

    Turn one my crew spreads out and Marcus claims the center of the table as his own. I'm just out of range for a Pere slingshot (well, he could have done it, but the damage would have been on to few models) but Marcus would be a serious threat in the next turn. Rami takes 3 shots on Marcus, and sqeeuzes 4 dmg threw (ouch...) Cerberus leaps in stalker position.

    I win initiatif and Marcus/Cerberus Howl/Roar his entire crew (he didn't spread enough...) Only Ophelia wins the duel. She shoot at Marcus, but his df 7 doesn't fail him. Cerberus eats Rami. His crew rallies and my crew moves up the table.

    I win initiatif again and devour Ophelia with Marcus (thank you red joker ;) ) The cerberus leaps and Roars again (I felt very bad for doing it, but Bram was actually laughing :D)

    He did however kill the Cerberus but focussing him to death. My waldgeist Stake a claimed and everything else tried to stop the the gremlins their stake a claim to succeed. Francois however one-shots Myranda and 1 Gremlin makes it to the Stake a Claim.

    Oh yeah, I completly trashed his wagon ;)


    Game 3 Marcus vs C. Hoffman

    Strategie: Shared Turf War

    Schemes: Sabotage & Breaktrough

    Opp Schemes: Bodyguard & Breaktrough

    List: Marcus, Jackaloppe, 3x Silurids, Shikome, Molemen

    Opp list: Hoffman, Peacekeeper, Guardian, Austringer, Watcher, Witchling Stalker

    I played against Kevin (aka Headcase2) who won the last tournament. We started the match, and it became quickly clear that neither of us could engage without losing... If he made a move on me, I would pounce him to dead, and viceversa... The game ended in turn 4 after 15 minutes... We could have settled for a 7-7 draw, but we both knew that wasn't the ROFLstomp way...


    Game 4 Marcus vs Colette

    Strategie: Shared Stake a Claim

    Schemes: Bodyguard & Kill protegé (Casandra)

    Opp Schemes: Grudge (Cerberus) & Assasinate

    List: Marcus, Jackaloppe, Molemen, Cerberus, Waldgeist, Shikome

    Opp list: Colette, Preformer + manequin, 2x Coryphee, Casandra

    My opponent (Tomas) is a member of the Puppeteers, a newly formed group and direct rival to the ROFLstompers! This would be the ultimate shodown. (Reallity, he's a fun guy ;) )

    He outactivated me turn one and moves his Casandra in breathfire range of the Cerberus, he flips a Black Joker for damage. His duet however dances towards that same Cerberus and filps red joker for damage. (thank you terrible damage output) only 6 dmg...

    Turn 2, Marcus wins initiatif and decides he wants to control the duet. He turns them in a beast and also the alfa works. The duet walks towards Casandra and hits her on the head. She only causes 2 wounds, but a 14 point model that doesn't activated this turn is always worth the money!

    Casandra kills the cerberus but gets charged and killed by the shikome. The waldgeist places his forest so Colette has no clear shot at Marcus.

    Turn 3 I win initiative again and decide to try the same trick, I didn't notice the dove however and the corryphee duet blocks my (0) action (I would have cried if he blocked my alfa...) So Marcus changes plans and decides to kill a preformer instead...

    Colette and the duet apears and drags Marcus down to 2 wounds. The plus side however -> Colette has 0 stones!

    Turn 4

    I try to kill Colette with Marcus but she flashes away, so now I need to kill the Manequin. I actived the waldgeist and companion the jackaloppe. With immens lucky they kill it!

    The Duet needs to start thinking about the claim jump (which was the hanging tree with Terrifying 12)

    Colette wants to try one last nifty trick and switches places with the duet only to become very afraid of the hanging tree.

    Finaly score: 8 - 2

    And the only reason I went to the tournie with Marcus was to prove he isn't that bad ;) Mission accomplisched I believe :D

  5. The tournament was awesome! Met some really nice new people, and played the most awesomest game in the world (i m talking about malifaux in general ;) )

    I will write up some batreps about my Marcus-games, asap :D

    Edit: going to sleepmode now...

  6. It costs Hoffman 2 AP per turn to assimilate Reactivate. Kirai can also gain Reactivate for 2 AP and a Seishin (which is little to no cost to her). Honestly, there is nothing OP about Hoffman gaining 3 AP, and another Construct getting 2 AP for the cost of 2 AP.

    necromancy, sorry about that ;)

    I don't really agree with you... Hoffman can hire Joss, hence his reactivate only costs him a (0) action...

  7. *cough* you should know it's very very important to choose the right UK player, assuming you want first place in your team ;)

    ROFLSTOMP for the win :D

    Magicpockets, You are now a proud member of the ROFLstomp team! Your own ROFLcopter is being deliverd as we speak!

    (thats right Drake, we have our own ROFLcopter!)

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