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Posts posted by HeaDHunTeRfs

  1. Well, me and Magic and driving over to you guys this weekend, only a few hours to make the journey, give or take.

    Yeah, it's gone be a blast! :D You will recognise me as the Marcus player who is "Howling" and ROFLstomping players all the time ;)

    Ive heard good things about this tournament from those that went last year, definitely labelled as the highlight of the Malifaux tournament year so if you can make it I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy it!

    I know I would!! :D

  2. Hi all

    Played with 2 games with Marcus yesterday ;) I won both:D

    First one against Hoffman, both masters were killed by turn 2...But marcus his beasts were more resillient apparently xD

    (Highlight, the Razorspine Rattler killed Ryle in Turn 1 :D)

    Second game was against Nicodem. Nicodem was quickly killed by the shikome, but Marcus got swamped by alot of undead. Bette Noir turned the tide, but a turn too late.

    (played this game with a model from all the factions ;) That was a lot of fun:D)

  3. Hunting Partner lasts til the end of the turn as it doesnt state otherwise.

    I recently had the same discusion with our hencheman and he said that it stays untill the target dies. Because the ending is stated as "Target beast may not attack another model while this model's prey is in play"

    Does anybody else thinks this is the way it works?

  4. It always depends on the strategies and the schemes that you want... But most of the time you want to field those samuriazombies (beatsticks), 1 or 2 belles (just awesome...) some 1 or 2 necropunks, dogs (mobility/bodycounters) and perhapse bette (but she is tricky and a monster when used right...)

    I'm still not sure what to think of the nurses; but never field more then 1... The fleshconstruct should be summond by Mc Mourning so don't start with him.

    I wish I could be of bigger help but I don't have my book with me...

  5. I'm thinking about playing the acolyte, Hans the trapper and the gunslinger so you have like alot of firepower :D

    She seems a bit hampered in playstyle, but I don't believe she is. It's not because their is less synergy, the models will be less effective. (I think xD)

  6. Okay, this almost happend in a game a few days ago.


    The Gunsmith is within 4 inches of rasputina (so he has "frozen heart") A Gamin within 6 inches of the Gunsmith pops "bite of winter". The gunsmith gets +1dmg against targets without armor.

    He decides he wants to ignore armor, and shoots a freikorp. He ignors the freikorp's armor, but does he also get the +1dmg?


    Same as above, except he uses leadstorm against targets without armor, does he also get the +1dmg from "bite of winter"?

    Hopefully these aren't to n00bish questions ;)

    Thx in advance


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