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Posts posted by SuicideCommando

  1. You might also want to look at the textured rubber gaming mats from Zuzzy:


    I got one of these, a 4'x4', but you can get 3'x3'

    They are well done and decently priced, but you have to wait a while to receive it (mine took about a month) and deal with pretty much no communication whatsoever even if you contact them.

  2. I mentioned in some previous thread that I was thinking about making something, but it'd be for Android. To program for the iPhone you need to program on a Mac (I believe) which I don't have plus I'm not the hugest fan of Apple lately. Even me making an Android app depends on the drive and free time to be there though.

  3. Crap, I made some for a few buildings that I saw on the Gencon Demo video but I can't find the files.

    It's honestly not that hard to make your own if you have access to photoshop. Look at a picture, guess dimensions, whip up some panels in photoshop. In PS make a new US Paper sized document and show a grid for every 1" with whatever grid divisions work for you. Enable snap to grid. Use the selection tools to mark out your dimensions, fill with black, use select->modify->contract for about 3 pixels and then delete the remaining area, instant outline. Arrange these on a page, print, and glue onto whatever medium you prefer as a guide for cutting.

  4. I wouldn't mind having a local gaming club, the closest real game store for me is about an hour away which is way too far for me to rationalize to be reasonable. I have no idea how to go about getting one going though. o.O

    For me, I buy where my dollar goes furthest. It's as simple as that. There's no ethics or morality that goes into it. That said, I wouldn't have a problem with a game store charging to use their facilities for playing, and actually used to play at a store who did. Have a fee for playing and then give free play with X dollars worth of purchases. I've always been curious to see if a place were all they had were gaming tables and actual product and charged for their use would work.

  5. Currently have:

    Seamus box

    Lady Justice box

    Rasputina box

    3x Samurai punks

    3x Necropunks



    2x Hanged

    Copycat killer

    Grave spirit


    The only thing holding me back from buying pretty much everything is that I don't really get to play. Last two times I played were tournaments (which I failed at, but had fun) that were months apart. The geek in me is saying "buy everything!" but the practical part of me says "you're not even using what you have"

  6. Death at a Funeral was hilarious...three years ago when the british version came out. I don't see any need for a remake. Everything looks almost exactly the same. It's even got the same midget in it.

    Every time I see the trailer for the new version it makes me rage. I loved the original, and seeing it turned into some dumbed down American version makes me die a little inside. There was nothing in the British version that was culturally dividing or too high brow for American audiences, so wtf?

  7. I think a specific master with some poker related abilities would be better than incorporating it into the game as a whole. Make it so their control hand is limited to five cards and they have abilities that can be used if you have a specific set of cards (flush, straight, etc). This would require that the player reveal their hand, which would put them at a disadvantage, so the ability would have to be powerful enough to match that disadvantage. Maybe a master who's a card slinger, kind of like Gambit from X-Men. Could have a powerful ranged attack that requires you discard a control card to simulate the throwing of cards.

  8. Have you tried using the Automated cutting or doing it by hand? I have looked into the Craft Robo tool but it's £100 and maybe doesn't cut out all the sections. I need more info on this before I plonk down that kind of money.

    Is it quick enough by hand or does it get time-consuming and messy? The last thing I want to do is spend money printing off sheets and then mess it up by cutting the wrong place.


    I'm doing it all by hand. I haven't invested in a robo cutter yet (waiting to find it on sale for under $170 USD). Cutting by hand can also be cathartic for me.

    I've been working on stuff after work for usually an hour or two for maybe 5-6 days. So far I have about 24 6x6 tiles, 6 3x6 tiles, 10 3x3 tiles, about 16 6" walls, about 10 3" walls, 12 3-way posts, and then in progress is 6 3" railings, 9 6" railings, 16 2 way posts, and more 6x6 tiles.

    The posts are going to take you the longest as they have the most score lines and small areas to cut out. The good thing about TerrainlinX is there are almost no reverse score lines which tend to be a pain. The biggest thing to keep in mind is using the right glue. You want a glue that's not going to warp the paper. Recently I've been using this Beacon 3-in-1 that works really well. It's in between a craft glue and a super glue, as in it handles like a craft glue but bonds and smells like a super glue.

    If this is your first time with card stock terrain then it might take a little to get used to it. Once you start getting a feel for it you can get into a state where the process becomes fluid. The key, for me at least, is to bundle things together. For example, print out a bunch of 6x6 tiles and go through them all just scoring the fold lines, then go through them all cutting them out, then fold all the score lines, then glue the foam core template to the tile, etc.

  9. Well I just download the Hinnelveil streets and Thoumounts buildings PDFs so will get these printed off and see how they look.

    Thanks for the links


    I've been working on finally getting some Himmelveil Streets built up for the past few days. I plan on getting some pictures up once I have enough stuff to show it off.

  10. It is a fabulous idea, not sure how the morning and noon could be painted differently, other than the obvious shadow difference.

    As for the crooked rider, it was always on my must have list. It's now on my must have list and laughing in my face that I can't own it yet.

    My thought is to use OSL to paint the morning with a lot of yellow/orange/red, the noon normal, and the night one with lots of blue/black. Wouldn't be easy to pull off though.

  11. Speaking of which, who's going? I haven't bought a badge yet but I'm almost positively going as I job for which to pay for it now. I wouldn't mind splitting cost of a hotel room to give me more spending money. Eh? Chicago people? *poke poke*

  12. Something like what Alderac Entertainment does with it's LEgend of the Five Rings collectible card game would be a good idea. Each starter deck and booster pack comes with a proof of purchase printed on the packs, called Koku, with each booster pack worth 1 koku and starters worth from 3 to 5 koku. AEG then provides cards and other merchandise (t-shirts at one time) for koku. So if Wyrd can include proof of purchase points on starter boxes and blisters then the consumer can turn in those points for promo stuff.

    I like this idea, mostly because I used to play L5R, but the only issue is those who have already made a ton of purchases aren't likely to get much out of it unless there's a retroactive thing in place. Maybe put it in the hands of the henchmen to verify that a person has purchased models for a one time reimbursement of Malifaux Moneys

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