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Gremlin Luv

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Posts posted by Gremlin Luv

  1. Woo hoo! I just saw something about hans with nino...expensive, but gross at the same time. Off track though, this is guild only! I think the austringers, when they come out, will be close to this as well!

  2. I would never use the convict gunslinger over Nino, ever. For the extra SS I would rather be able to get 6" extra range and a CB of 9 with the ability to ignore cover and minimize forest issues. Also, if he does get roped into combat, I think he has a better shot of getting out of it.

    I want to put Samael in my list. Not sure he's an auto include, haven't used him yet so I can't comment. But Francisco is the MAN! I will never not have him in my guild list for any reason, he does everything well except take a hit, which can be managed with smart play. I've had him take out masters in a single activation on a couple occasions.

    I currently use Perdita, but I want to try Lady J out with a contigent of the Ortegas (probably Nino and Francisco). They are 12 SS of pure awesome spank time. :marshmell

  3. We played that your strategy was against the player to your left, and your schemes were to your right. Made things very interesting! The guy to my left pulled assassinate, and I killed the target. So we said that if your strategy is completed by another player you get half points for it in the case of slaughter and assassinate (slaughter being based on who killed the last model. If you did, full points and half if your other opponent killed the last model). Seemed to work well and created new challenges.

  4. Thank you all for the compliments! I wasn't terribly thrilled with the highlights on Francisco, but I think it ultimately works for him. I won't do such a vast highlight on the other models. Nino is the next model up, after I paint the model for a painting comp. due the weekend after next.

    And yes, Perdita totally has abs of steel, respect! lol

    I saw a gentlemen in my local area who used two toned bases and I really liked the effect, just a little something to make my models stick out a bit.

  5. I have almost fully completed my Gremlins now and so I started on Perdita just to take a little break from the monotomy. I went for a punk look on Perdita and her family, and I hope you all enjoy the scheme!

    I will also be posting pictures up from other projects I work on here from time to time, including a "create a chapter" marine contest and other assorted miniature painting competitions I enter (of which, I hope to win around .05% lol).




    Francisco and Peridata


    Francisco, the man!



  6. New pics! Also, see my Ortega blog for pictures of Perdita, Francisco, and other assorted projects I'll be working on. I recently purchased a gremlinette, so after I paint my current slated model for a competition I'll paint the last three gremlins and then on to Nino.

    Billy Ray, the violinist for the hootenany!




    And now, some old mini's with improved bases!







  7. I've been tinkering around with a new list now that I'm tired of playing the "kill myself to maybe kill my opponent" gremlin game. It's time for some no nonsense killers! The Ortega's are fun but unfortunately, Nino tends to place a bitter taste (and a bullet to match) in my opponents mouth. I want a challenge, and I want to play with hookers. Seamus! Here's the list I was thinking:

    Seamus (I really hope that goes without saying, but I said it anyway)





    Mortimer (First a question. Can he cheat exhume? If so, then he's just as good as and maybe even a better Belle maker than Seamus is)

    Samurai Punk

    I'm also thinking of dropping one Belle, putting 2 SS on Seamus and getting the Copy Cat Killer totem. I haven't played with the Ressers yet, so I have no idea! Let me know if I am totally missing the mark here.

  8. Angel, I think you are right. I'll try a small rehighlight with a touch more grey added in. Unfortunately, I wish I could stop buying gremlins but that's impossible! I want to try and convert a harmonica for one, but I suck with green stuff.

    Dgraz, I wish I would have seen that earlier! I bought some reed type grass from a hobby store and cut it down, but followed the same idea. I do need pictures up very soon and hopefully I will be tonight! Grad school is killing me.

  9. Yea, it doesn't feel to me that cheating an attack down is really a terrible thing. Some people do it to get a proc or something else, so if he wants to take the risk of likely doing low damage versus MAYBE doing great damage...I think that's stupid, not d-bag. Plus, it's one card. And in all honesty, 1/~48 cards (assuming 6 in hand and nothing else has happened) is not the best chance...6% maybe?

  10. I'm sure the mods will move this thread, but a good place to start is learning washes and inks. I think it is more important to learn shading versus highlighting first.

    For starters, I'd just use GW devlan mud and badab black. They are the easiest and most effective place for beginners to start as they are natural undertones to any color. I'm not sure what models you will be starting with, but I would start with clothings and faces using the devlan mud over your under tones. Simply follow the steps you put up above, paint all areas then go back over and correct any lining mistakes. Then apply a healthy dose of the wash ALL OVER (it's hard to get your head around at first, but this allows you to get those black lines that makes the models look so good!). Then wait for the wash to dry, you should notice that all the areas of the model are now darker in tone than they were the first time. You just shaded your model and have a great undertone to work from!

    Here is the largest difference between inks and washes, and I wish someone would have told me this oh so many odd years ago: inks will dry shiney and will leave more of a "wood stain" look on the model. It WILL seep into the cracks, but it definetly leaves more colour and does not run like a wash will. This is good for weapons that you want to dull down (see my post and look at Cletus, he has had this done to his tin cup of ale. I will dull the metal with an ink, usually black, and then hard highlight with the metal (either same tint, like bolt gun on boltgun, for a more toned down effect, or with one step up. I use bolt gun, ink, mithril silver. I am a huge fan of hard highlights!)

    Now we can learn the fine art of highlighting. There are two ways to do this, but I would start with the layering effect, and only a single layer. Once the wash has dried on your model, VERY CAREFULLY take the colors you used previously and paint just the raised areas. You will need a small brush and a steady hand, but try to avoid recesses. This will make the colors on the pointy parts pop more. That's highlighting!

    For multiple tones highlighting, I usually take the color I just used and add white in a 2:1 ratio. So if I am using red, I'll highlight the red with 2 parts red 1 part white.

    When I get ambitious, I'll take pictures of my next gremlin and show you my process! It sounds like a lot, but I've been finishing one gremlin a day in my blog to a decent standard.

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