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Gremlin Luv

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About Gremlin Luv

  • Birthday 09/15/1984

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  1. Jealous, that's gorgeous free hand. Simple and effective! Great job.
  2. Pandora games are over half of what I play against, and I hate it. She is the most obnoxiously boring master to play against. But I play Perdita, Lady J, and Seamus. I haven't tried Seamus yet...but other than that I've not lost to her.
  3. Santiago And Pedro, the Governor's Proxy Family photo!
  4. I got the rest of the family done! Papa Loco Nino
  5. If he gets caught in combat, he stinks. For the same cost as Nino, he's good, but nowhere near the same effectiveness. Nino has an easier time getting out of a bad situation (Where'd he go?)
  6. Woo hoo! I just saw something about hans with nino...expensive, but gross at the same time. Off track though, this is guild only! I think the austringers, when they come out, will be close to this as well!
  7. I would never use the convict gunslinger over Nino, ever. For the extra SS I would rather be able to get 6" extra range and a CB of 9 with the ability to ignore cover and minimize forest issues. Also, if he does get roped into combat, I think he has a better shot of getting out of it. I want to put Samael in my list. Not sure he's an auto include, haven't used him yet so I can't comment. But Francisco is the MAN! I will never not have him in my guild list for any reason, he does everything well except take a hit, which can be managed with smart play. I've had him take out masters in a single activation on a couple occasions. I currently use Perdita, but I want to try Lady J out with a contigent of the Ortegas (probably Nino and Francisco). They are 12 SS of pure awesome spank time. :marshmell
  8. Very good looking! How did you do that flesh?
  9. Update with an entry for a bartertown contest! I call him Sameed Jaekel
  10. We played that your strategy was against the player to your left, and your schemes were to your right. Made things very interesting! The guy to my left pulled assassinate, and I killed the target. So we said that if your strategy is completed by another player you get half points for it in the case of slaughter and assassinate (slaughter being based on who killed the last model. If you did, full points and half if your other opponent killed the last model). Seemed to work well and created new challenges.
  11. Most games I play, multiplayer games tend to suck. Badly. But the "I go you go" system fits well in a multiplayer game. And can lead to very interesting scenarios with the strategies and the schemes. When I played multiplayer games in 40k the last player to go usually ended up either losing badly or winning.
  12. I've redone the list, let me know! Seamus with 3 extra stones (total of 5) Belle Belle Samurai Convict Gunslinger Copy Cat Killer Sybelle
  13. Thank you all for the compliments! I wasn't terribly thrilled with the highlights on Francisco, but I think it ultimately works for him. I won't do such a vast highlight on the other models. Nino is the next model up, after I paint the model for a painting comp. due the weekend after next. And yes, Perdita totally has abs of steel, respect! lol I saw a gentlemen in my local area who used two toned bases and I really liked the effect, just a little something to make my models stick out a bit.
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