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Posts posted by Mr_Smigs

  1. please, Sketch, so I don't accidentally push the wrong button...

    which should not be brought up again:

    1. The fact that on this forum, rules discussions turn into personal attacks.


    2. the post that actually degraded into a personal attack.


    3. the attitude that causes rules posts to turn into personal attacks.

  2. You are an idiot.

    totally uncalled for.

    this is the attitude i get every time I question definitions of terms on these forums.

    I get six people telling me I'm "over thinking the definition"

    four telling me "the answer is obvious if you focus on the intention of the rules"

    and a dozen people joking about how "math/logic doesn't apply to Malifaux."

    there are days it feels like there should be a sticky on the forums of "Posters who try to use Logic/Math methods to define rules" and "Posters who pull answers outta their 'Common Sense' " so people know what kind of people they're talking with...

    otherwise these just turn into troll baiting posts where someone tries to provoke the others into personal attacks (like above) and the thread degrades quickly. (or gets locked, like that one did while i was writing this)


    of the dozen or so game forums I partake in because I enjoy the game, this is the only one where I constantly see rules discussions degrade into personal attacks on the attitude/methods of the posters, rather than keeping it purely in the definitions and confines of the game rules.

  3. am I the only one who sees potential dickery in this?

    after maneuvering into position with a couple flimsy models to hold objectives,

    Marcus activates an Alphas Rasputina,

    uses Biting Chill to blast a friendly model (all flips are now on the Marcus player's control... )

    at which point he keeps choosing to tie the flips, and thus keeps successfully casting and overpowering, for 0 WD, until time is called... and walks away with the victory because the other player gets no other activations...

    for that matter, a Raspy player could use it as a stall tactic...

  4. The rules for falling say

    The Placement Effect Place always has a capital P. So in the case of falling all it is saying is put the model at the bottom of the fall.. it's not a Placement Effect.

    The model can continue moving as normal if it doesn't die from the fall.

    ok, continuing OP

    if the model falls, since it's placed, not with a capitol P,

    is the fall distance subtracted from its movement?

  5. This rule is designed so that a model that is hit with an effect that limits it's movement like Snare. Has that Snare broken when it is teleported.

    A Walk Action creates an effect that grants movement, not an effect that limits it.

    so... OP.

    does movement end when a model falls?


    if a model goes into Defensive Stance, then falls, is defensive stance ended?

    if a model in defensive stance chooses to fall, do they get back their lost 1 inch of movement?

  6. Walk action causes a movement effect, but I don't think the movement effect itself is an effect limiting the movement distance (the action simply allows movement up to the Wk stat value - limit is not imposed by the effect, but the result of the model's own stats).

    An example of effect limiting the movement distance would be Waldgeist's Entangle. If you somehow cause the affected model to be placed (Showgirls' teleportation for example), the Entangle would immediately end.

    therein lies the question.

    is the fact that the Limit for Walk is based on a stat enough to state that Walk is not a limited effect.

    or, because there is a restriction on how far a model can Walk, is it considered a limited movement effect, and thus ended by a place effect.

  7. the reason I ask the part about flyers is that they Ignore vertical distances.... so is that a part of the option they can turn off?

    say there's a 10" wall that is "climbable" in the middle of the field, with an enemy at the bottom, and another on the other side of the wall.

    Not wanting to end up in close combat with the one at the bottom of the wall, or in LOS of the one on the other side of the wall,

    can a flyer chose to hang out 6" up the wall....

  8. Ah I see.

    Rules manual page 38. "When a model is placed at a new location, effects limiting the distance it may move immediately end"

    So that means the movement effect of your walk action ends as soon as you are placed? That wording is really confusing but I guess you could be right.

    sadly, it's the only way reading it would work within the rules (that I can see at 6am)

    otherwise, the "limiting" effect of Walk (the part that says you can only move your Wk on your card) is the part that ends when you're placed,

    leaving the model still in the middle of a Walk action, with no limit to how far it can go...

    somehow, I don't see jumping off a building as justification for a model becoming The Flash...

  9. the problem I see with it is the fact that we've already got some of those "acts" as separate crews....

    "people with painted faces"/Performers - Colette

    "Beast Tamers" - Marcus

    as for the freaks and geeks...

    living in a world of magic, and Neverborn... probably makes that kind of act a notably lower draw than a couple of scantly clad dancers...

    so that really just leaves acrobats, and tight rope walkers... which is hard to build an act on just by themselves...

  10. Sounds awesome. I will be there sir!

    Hmmm von schill, guild, rats or ramos... or undead... what to bring what to bring.

    Hmmmm... von schill is my fav, rats are cool but new for me, guild just rock and ramos and nicdems summing stuff is sweet....... hmmm I will really have to think on this.

    Bring out the dice of decision making!

    Hmm rolled a 4, wonder what that means

    it means, run Ramos, with Von Schill, Hamelin (the non-master) and rats...

    Sunday's alot easier to do than saturdays for me... so I expect I'll be able to make it... (will attempt to do all grading friday/saturday)

    will there be any special events?

  11. Wow this thread is going in a different direction than what I intended. I'm really surprised by that ruling that you don't measure diagonals. That makes walking up a sloped terrain just as fast as flat terrain which seems odd but whatever.

    faster actually.

    your horizontal distance will be constant, which means a ramp will GAIN you inches you otherwise wouldn't have had...

    for example, a 3" tall ramp, 4" long... would have once taken 5" to move to the top (Diagonal movement)


    since you only care about the 4" long, you get 3" of climb for free, and gain an inch of movement...

    totally taking my TI-83 and a protractor to the next tourney...

  12. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23896&page=2


    If a model wishes to fly over Impassible Terrain, they don't lose any distance moving atop the terrain...


    if a model wishes to fly over climbable terrain, they must sacrifice movement to "climb" the appropriate height before moving over the terrain?

    must they also "climb down" on the other side when they leave the terrain,

    or do they ground themselves for free at the end of their movement?

    what if a model has Flight and is moving from atop a Height 13 building to another Height 13 building that is 4 inches away? is that 5 inches of movement (to end atop the building) or 31 inches?

    if a flying model has to "climb" to reach the top,

    then can they fly full speed half way, and "grab on" like a spider if they don't make it to the top, or is it impossible for a Wk 5 model to ever reach the top of a 12" building with flight?

  13. With the introduction of the proper Elevated terrain characteristic in the Rules Manual, together with small changes to all the relevant rules (los, measuring etc) it pretty much works in 3D now.

    LoS rules allow for measuring line of sight in 3D and Measurement rules are now explicitly base to base, so 3D too. And "any direction" in the movement rules does cover up and down as well, as far as I'm concerned,


    if you measure base-to-base distances in 3d,

    the question could be, given

    (1) Walk: This model moves up to its Wk in inches. This may be in any direction and does not need to be in a straght line. A model may Walk into melee combat if it chooses.

    are they defining this as

    "The model's total Displacement from where it began the Walk action cannot be greater than its Wk in inches."


    "The model can displace itself in a number of 1 inch increments equal to it's Wk"

    if the former,

    then the final destination in 3d needs to be determined and there's a little Geometry to be calculated there (Pythagorean theorem and all that) but it also implies a model can shimmy around terrain without penalty... so this seems counter to the rest of the rules...

    if the later,

    then the question is, do the models have to obey gravity?

    assuming so

    to fall down from an elevation, place the model at the base of the elevation

    When a model is Placed in a new location, effects limiting the distance it may move immediately end.

    Page 38's rules on falling seem to imply that, if you voluntarily fall, you become The Flash and may move any number of inches with your Wk as a reward for base jumping...

    alternately, we could argue that since "effects limiting the distance it may move immediately end" and Walk limits the distance it may move,

    that then, the Walk ends when the model is placed.

    "within the spirit of the rules" ... the last part makes the most sense. The Walk ends when you fall.

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