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Posts posted by Mr_Smigs

  1. Ok.... so from this,

    for future reference:

    Killed is not an effect (although I was told the opposite in a previous question about effects)

    Triggers are Not An Effect (again, opposite what the effect definition of what i was told before)

    Ignore and immune are words that must specifically be used for them to be counted.

    Talents are not effects (again, opposite what I've been told before)


  2. Not sure why you're not considering the possibility of both being correct.

    Family models have it as a (0), McTavish and Sue as a (1).

    If your assumption is right however and one of them is in fact listed wrongly then I'd say it's almost certainly Sue and Tavish that should instead have them as (0) actions.

    consistency in rules..... generally a rule that uses a similar mechanic but has different requirements has a different name (like headshot and the other kill or discard abilities)

  3. Every model in the game has a long list of abilities that don't say you MAY use them. Are you implying that wherever the word may is missing, this means you MUST use them all?

    You pay the cost and the perform the action IF you choose to use it. Same as everything else.


    recent other discussions (like those on slow/fast) have established action modifiers as very different from other abilities/actions.

    even if they were not,

    other model actions are clearly defined that they must spend the AP to use those ability,

    but AP generating actions are not listed as voluntary... as Fast and Slow are not voluntary (while other actions that generate them might be) ....

    leaving the conclusion that, unless stated otherwise, actions that generate AP are not voluntary unless stated otherwise.

  4. Melee expert, casting expert, nimble. Are you claiming all these +1 actions must be taken too?

    I'm pretty sure I remember a rule somewhere that says these +1 AP actions are all optional.


    not must be taken,

    may be passed,

    but the AP is still generated for the model (as page 33, 32 shows)

  5. That, but in an obnoxious, feigned ignorance way.

    You're right, the wording is different than McMourning's, and a strict control on phrasing would be nice, but you're reading into a situation. There's nothing in the entire sentence that requires you to take the action. Nothing that makes it mandatory.

    how about Page 32 of the rules manual that says:

    A model may not have any AP remaining at the end of its activation.

    this abilities give AP with a cost. But do not mention the cost as OPTIONAL.

    Implying even an ALL or PASS action would still envoke their cost.

    basically. while there is nothing specifically saying they are mandatory. it is implied by the core rules.

    and there is nothing saying it is optional, compared to other rules that are optional.

    for that matter, page 33 further implies that the rules are not optional. that the ability grants the AP at activation.

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