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Posts posted by Mr_Smigs

  1. ok, been looking at building a Pandora list based on exploiting Sorrows...

    and realized, Link says nothing about Linking Linked models...

    as in

    Sorrow A, Links to Pandora

    Sorrow B, Links to Sorrow A,

    Sorrow C, Links to Sorrow B... etc...

    Pandora then zips around and Sorrow A snaps to her at the end of activation...

    then Sorrow B snaps to A after its activation...


    creating a "tail" of models that jump to Pandora after each's activation...

    is this legal?

  2. But neither are actually that essential for Pandora to work, even if your going to go Avatar.

    yeah, the only one I'm considering is Candy... tho I may have found a suitable munchkin with stabby stuff that'll work...

    right now, I'm still debating on the list...

    while I don't want to run the "auto-spam lure" list, I do like the woes in the second book sculpt-wise (which, IMO, is all that matters)

    and I'm thinking possibly bringing a convict gunslinger so I can spam paralysis ... but that's all tactics and for another forum...

    thanks for all the positive comments... sadly the yellow/green eyes don't show well on camera...

  3. still not sure... looking for options...

    there was a sodapop figure just released with scissors...

    but i really don't like the scupts for that one or the kid with the teddy.. (non-avatar)... not sure what I'll do for avatar form either yet, but I'll post it when I find something..

  4. both...

    she's on a 30mm labeled "Pandora" that's magnetized to fit on a 40mm that reads "Avatar of Insanity"

    I'm working on a custom 40mm base that'll have spirits from the warmachine epic asphyxius (much like the current pandora spirits) coming from the sides that that one will drop into...

  5. the idea came into my head moments after getting the actual model done...

    but i could totally see modding the box to a backpack and going with the alternate color scheme... (to have "Pandora the Explorer"...)

    in the mean time, I got my hands on the original Avatar and was a bit inspired, so I've been painting it (and the Woes I picked up to go with it...)



  6. I think for a true challenge 30 stones is a lot tougher. Makes you really think about what models you are going to take to achieve your strategies.


    but then, I'm definitely a "small skirmish" player.... where more than 10 models on each side is a concern...

    when you have enough resources to take "something for everything" the strategery starts to fall apart... mainly because you have a response to what the opponent is doing, now you just have to get it into position...

    i prefer when both players are going into the battle unsure if they'll be able to compensate for the other's jiggery-pokery..

  7. The discussion here:


    Has two interpretations:

    1. Flaming Bullets is a spell, so the damage generated by it is Magic Damage

    2. Flaming Bullets is a spell, but only modifies the damage of the pistol, so the damage is not magic.

    now, if it's #2... the question arises, what is considered "magic damage"

    aside from the Magic Weapon trait, where are expressly stated "magic damages"

    I would have assumed that any damage provided by a spell is "magic damage" but, looks like that might not be true...

    could we get a little clarity on this?

  8. sadly, the rules manual doesn't agree...

    Spirit modifies the damage,

    Flaming bullets modifies the damage.

    the book says nothing about applying modifiers twice.

    it just says

    Math order

    Modifiers should be applied in the following order:

    * First, Multiply/Divide *Next, Add/Subtract

    no "modify the damage, then modify it again"

    now, if you want to talk intent of the rules,

    this would cover situation of "is flaming bullets magic" because by the order of operations, it's bonus is not halved. so the spell doesn't have to say it's magical as it will not be affected by spirit anyways...

    but then that opens the question of other damaging spells... if the effect of Flaming Bullets is not a "magic effect",

    then that would imply that no spell is a "magic effect" unless it specifically states it...

  9. ok...

    if the (+1) is not the AP cost and a note that the ability generates the AP for the cost,

    is the (+1) like (+1)Melee Expert where it grants an AP?

    this is where I'm confused to start.

    lets do a comparison:

    (+1) Melee Expert generates 1 AP that can only be used for Melee attacks.

    (+1) Relentless generates what?

    if it doesn't generate AP, then it's not modifying AP, why is it listed in the Actions section?

    there are other Abilities that provide movement that are not in the Action section... they don't have the (+1) modifier.

  10. And you never spend AP to activate Relentless.

    If you never spend AP, why is it listed as an Action with an AP value?

    That aside, I'll assume what your asking is can I use Relentless twice so.

    question was supposed to be more general, but as a specific example, yes.

    (+1) Abilities, allow you to gain 1 more AP in an activation. If they have a cost attached to them you may choose not to pay this cost in which case they give you no extra AP.

    ok, now we're getting on the same path here.

    (+1) Abilities are generally listed under Actions

    so the question is, since they have an Action AP value, can I spend AP to use the Ability multiple times?

    if they are not Actions then why do they have an AP cost? and Why are they listed under Actions

    if these are just Abilities that can be left inactive if I don't want to pay the cost, can I choose to not pay the 1 AP to activate the Ability of Slow ... and why is it different than the others?

  11. In the OP you asked if you used relentless to perform a specific action, could you use General AP to perform the same specific action.

    That's why I asked for an example.

    Do not mis-qoute me.

    I apologize, the way I intended that to be read and the way it was read seem to have been different things.

    special actions, like Relentless, generate 1 Specific AP that can be used on that special action...

    but can general AP then be spent to do the action again if the ability doesn't say it can only be used once?

    to clarify (restaing the OP)

    My current understanding of AP granting Abilities/Actions is as such:

    An Ability like Relentless grants 1 Specific AP which may only be used on the Relentless Action.

    This Relentless Action is a Special Action only available to the model with Relentless

    Can a model spend additional General AP on a Special Action, like Relentless, if the Special Action does not state it can only be done once an activation?

    then you asked for another example, I then asked about actions such as

    (+1) Driven by Purpose

    (+1) Passion for His Work

    and other (+1) actions.

    using Ratty's style of phrasing

    If Relentless takes an AP (the +1 given by the ability)

    can I spend an AP to Relentless again.

    this all stems from not understanding how (+1) actions affect a model's AP "pool" when activating.

    There are statements in the rules manual that imply that these (+1) actions are Abilities, and Abilities are always active, and thus always must be used.

    but, comments on the forums have implied that because these (+1) actions are Actions, they do not have to be used.

    so I'm a little confused.

  12. double sided parts are a little annoying as you either have to make a 2-part mold and lose seam-line detail, or wrap the entire piece and hope you can cut it free without destroying detail...

    in my experience, you lose about 15-30% of the detail, particularly fine lines...

    obviously, the more complicated the piece, the more you have to massage the plastic to get it into place... and having only 10 seconds or so to do it means multiple tries before you get a workable mold...

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