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Posts posted by Mr_Smigs

  1. just a couple comments since mine arrived last night...

    1. Love the quality of the plastic.

    2. Love that there's actually "peg" mounts on the feet of the model (tho, I didn't notice until i had 2 mounted on bases by pinning already...)

    3. love that parts were labeled on the sprue...

    now for negatives...

    1. ??? No assembly instructions? (not that assembly was hard, but there are bits I have no idea what they're for on the sprue...)

    2. Is it just me, or do the figures seem smaller than the old metals?

  2. Oh, I was going more by physical model count. I was told the FCC uses the same model for 2 different specialists, and that the Saboteur made 6 distinct minis. Makes sense that there are rules that don't have figs yet.

    ah, yeah, kinda...

    the FCC Housemember / Chem Engineer / can't recall the dude's name ... all use the same core chest piece.... (you end up buying 3 housemembers and an expansion pack to build all 3 models...

    the models do end up kinda distinct (different heads/guns/backpacks/legs for the most part)

    Sadly, this was my biggest complaint about FCC...

    as for Deja Vu... it's because every minis forums has people who post and ask about other games (there was a similar discussion on the Infinity forums at the beginning of the year...)

  3. Last I checked it was 6. I like that you can currently purchase an entire freaking faction and everything you need to play it for $65 US- much like Malifaux, it only costs a bit more than a brand-new video game to get started.

    it is indeed 8. just not all models out yet.

    Right now, every army in MERCS has 6, FCC has 7. with 8 promised...

    it's a solid game, no need for pre-measuring (range is "X cards" or "LOS")

    but since it's basically 1AP for each model (move, or shoot. doing both requires weapons with special rules) the game rolls a little on the slow side at first.

    there's a lot of jockeying for position, then usually a pretty quick snap and one side is crippled...

    which lets the game play in a short time frame...

    locals here have referred to it as "Infinity Light" ...

    Right now, it's in my top 5 because of the size of the games (5 models max) and the ultra-simplified rules...

    (The others being, in no particular order: Savage Skirmish, Malifaux, Flames of War, and Infinity)

    Suddenly I get the feeling we've had this discussion before...

  4. i've been wondering the same for the last few years...

    now, a lot of it has to do with who you play.... some game crowds are just uber-aggressive...

    I know back in MK1, Warmachine players prided themselves on the Page 5 mentality...

    it attracted some players, and drove off others... creating a community where no one saw a problem with "play for the win" since that's what the game advertised...

    other games I've played since, haven't gone that route... with many being specifically designed where a tourney is terribly hard to organize since the standard gameplay isn't balanced (look at Flames of War for example)

    the "problem" (IMO) hits when a game that seemed to advertise a "play for fun, not profit" mentality then realizes the kind of sales a tournament-based game gets, and tries to get in on that action...

    then you get the casual players eventually clashing with the hard-core players...

    the up side is, rules get streamlines darn quick to make up for the "tight" play of the tournament crowd...

    the down side is, veteran players who were there for fun, walk away. (i've seen that happen with a number of games at my LGS... when we rolled casual, we had huge player bases... then when we tried to run a tourney, the player base diminished notably...)

  5. Really? If so, it's one more thing adding to my feeling how out of touch they're getting. For anyone who doubted whose footsteps PP's following...

    huh... all the time i was a Pressganger, I never got that impression (nor saw it stated)... quite the opposite... with more events thought around the 35-50 range, than over...

    part of the big more to MK2 was moving away from multi-caster games...

    but then, I left the PG community because I couldn't keep up with the latest-and-greatest...

    IMO, the game still holds its own at skirmish level (25 points) and I expect colossals to be functional at that level (tho they'll most likely be center stage...)

  6. can't say i'm surprised...

    just saddened I can no longer tell people WM is a cheap investment...

    prsonally, I like the idea, hoping they bring back destroying terrain as a big part of gameplay to go with these...

    but I'll expect only Khador and Cygnar to have even notably impressive models... and the rest to be overshadowed by the other options their forces can field...

  7. There is a way to give Taelor armor, and I think make her immune to blasts as well. Take her with Raspy. Give her frozen heart and use Rasputinas ice armor spell on her.

    they could update her... make her a Master.... have her step in with the corps, and due to the unstable events in Malifaux, find herself quickly promoted in the ranks...

    then she'd have all the fun of the immunities AND use soul stone!

  8. Is there an official ruling / clarification that expands upon what an effect is? It seems that there is a lot of tribal knowledge and inference in some of these explanations. I am reading the rules one way, and you are reading them a different way. Both are valid, from what I can see in the rules. I am just trying to figure out why everyone has determined that this is the way it is.

    I should probably just shut up and accept it and let other people tell me when effects happen and when they don't, but it just doesn't make sense to me.

    you're not the only one...

    see, in the Rules Manual,

    Effect is a game term defined as something that "changes the state of the model"

    alas, "state of the model" isn't defined.

    now, you can find an updated definition/ruling here:


    which is what makes this whole thing kinda strange....

    the Fast/Slow interaction is the an effect that removes status from a model, rather than modifying it. creating a null-spot that is not an Effect, but a lacking that resolves at the end of the round (or end of next activation)

    in response to the captain's Slow removal ability, it's been covered above.

    because Slow/Fast interaction is resovled IMMEDIATELY upon application, there is nothing to remove.

    this only seems weird if you're used to the old ruling that said BOTH Slow and Fast could exist on a model simultaniously (contrary to the rules) until activation.

    This new ruling basically makes the application of the modifier immediate, although the model may not suffer for it until its next activation.

  9. ok, that makes sense.

    ---------- Post added at 01:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------

    It comes back after the model activates or the next closing phase, whichever comes first.


    do you mean after its activation ends,

    or does it "count as" having Fast when it activates...


    Model has Fast

    gets Slow

    Activates (no AP modifier)

    if actions during its activation give it slow, does it forfeit 1 AP,

    or does it continue acting as normal because it has Fast, just without getting AP from it... ?????

  10. This question is completely valid. What he's asking is:

    If a model starts its activation with slow (having gained it from some game effect, say), it has 1AP. If it gains Slow again, the new Slow won't take affect until its next activation.

    But, if a model is shot with both fast and slow giving effects before its activation, this ruling is saying that it has both fast and slow already on it and the action modifiers cancelled out eachother in terms of AP. So if it gains fast again DURING its activation, since this new fast replaces the original, does it now gain 1AP when the 'new' fast applies? Or does it stay at neutral AP gain since it has already had fast applied to it once this turn?

    that part of this question was answered above (other thread on fast/slow)

    you DON'T have both fast and slow at the same time. they disappear. this is new from the old understanding

  11. What does the wording on Slow say?

    Mine says: This model forfeits 1 general AP during its current or next activation, whichever comes first.

    (I just don't understand the question, here, I guess - sorry!)

    because SLOW "refreshes"/Replaces on a model now (New ruling)

    Model has SLOW

    Model Activates (FORFEITS 1 AP)

    model receives SLOW again .....

    what happens?

    because it's a "new" SLOW, does it have to Forfeit another AP?

    justify your answer. 'cause one person already said "No, Slow means you only get 1 AP" implying SLOW doesn't take AP from the model... and I've already had a problem with that definition and the (ALL) action stuff being confusing....

  12. Fast does counter-act a Slow (and vice-versa), giving you a net result of a normal AP dude (+1 AP from Fast, -1 AP from Slow), but, like Slow, a model cannot 'store' Fasts for a net gain of 3 Fasts and 1 Slow still equals Fast.

    All that convoluted explanation make sense?

    not what i was told in the FAST/SLOW question thread.

    elsewhere (Slow on a naturally FAST model) I was told the FAST and SLOW cancel and are both erased.


    In your first post, your model activates, fulfils its Slow, and can activate normally on its next activation (I'm assuming the model does not have Slow as a permanent ability, but rather the Slow is the effect of something). If, after its activation, it gets another Slow, it'll have that new Slow to contend with. If the model did have Slow as part of its permanent line-up of abilities, and something slapped an extra Slow on it, it will not become uber-Slow, the new one will simply replace the old one.

    not after its activation. during.

    Slow model activates, and somehow gets slow WHILE active. what happens?

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