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Posts posted by Mazin1

  1. I think this is were Miranda comes in. She's doing her support thing and when thing get hot in the kitchen, she transforms and Hulk smashes anything in site. Once the coast is clear, she reverts back to support roll. At least that's how I see it.

  2. Im sure this isnt new but Ive started collecting Outcasts and realized I have the parts for any all girl crew.

    Vics 8 ss



    Convict Gunfighter (Mrs Demeanor)


    Female Desperate Merc

    Anyways, thought it was cool, flavorful and fun so I had to share. :)

  3. I see what you are saying Nix. I think it's really the bond rule that puts them over the top. I think if the didn't have that rule or if they were rare 1 each with bond they wouldn't be as mean. At least that's my thought after 1 game with them.

  4. So what is it that makes them so powerful. After playing them once using bond with the 4 of them is pretty mean but with one set, what makes them better the the other neverborn choices, especially with Pandora.

  5. Hey all. I played a game yesterday and I flipped Slaughter. So I chose Pandora and 2 sets of the twins and an in. Madness. I just got 2 sets of the twins so It just made sense to me to play them. Well it slaughtered alright. Now mind you I was getting amazing flips but is this crew over the top? I enjoyed it but my friend didn't. We don't play competitively so should I leave the 2nd set of twins at home?

  6. I've been enjoying this list.

    Raspy/ essence

    Keris/ Student

    Silent One

    2 Gunsmiths

    It's a pretty mean set up. Only problem is that Raspy and Keris end up fighting for soulstones. Still really fun.

    Looking forward to the Blessed also. I would love more options for Rasputina.

  7. Hey, Thanks. Im sure he could have bounced out of melee at any time with the Coryhees, but really he had to stay around where he was because of Reconnoiter.

    The Coryhees cause another problem for him. They cost so much he didnt have much more room for much else so I had activations on my side which hurt his scheme.

    After playing other games were killing is the focus its hard to sticking to a focus were you are not trying to kill everything in front of you. Cool thing is, Von Schill never made one attack the whole game.:laugh:

  8. Hey all. Got my 2nd game in with Von Schills crew with Tealor. Buddy was playing Colette with the Dreaded Coryphees.

    It was an attrition war to end all wars. My Armor vs his soul stone usage. I ended u winning 6-2. Von Schill

    Is a monster at scenario play. I got destroy the evidence for a scheme and he was instrumental in getting 2 out of 3 evidence pieces (the Specialist got the 3rd).

    Going into this game my focus was scenarios. I really didnt want to go head u with him. I kept the Coryhees busy with Tealor and the Librarian healing her when she needed it. Freikorpmen keeping Casandra busy all game.

    Only 2 models died all game. I lost the Sepcialist and he lost a mannequin.

    I really feel Von Schills crew is best at scenario play above all else. Especially him. He cant be locked down. I know you want to play him close to his crew but in both games I let him go off by himself to complete my objectives while the rest of the crew try to prevent your opponets crew from completing theirs. Also Thwart and Bodyguard seem to be no brainers with V.S..vb_cheers.gif

  9. Got to play my first Game with V.S. and crew today against Rasputina and It was a positive one.

    Von Schill was a beast. 2 shot a December Acolyte. Competed my scheme and helped with my objectives and withstood a turn of Rasputinas full magical wrath virtually unscathed. A nice bonus was giving her constructs slow.

    Librarian was nice but wasnt amazing nor worthless. She just followed V.S. around bumping his defense since he really didnt take to much damage the whole game.

    The Trapper was nice. Stayed in a building taking pot shots at Rasputina most of the game. Will buy a second.

    The Specialist was nothing to write home about. I really want to give him another go though.

    The Friekorpmen was what I expected for a 4 point model. He felt like a Guild lite model. Flurry is a nice ability for a 4 point model along with brutal and crit strike.

    Nice first impression. Very solid crew. Not sure how they will will fair against the more elite crews (Lilith comes to mind) but this is a fun crew to play.

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