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Posts posted by Justin

  1. On 9/13/2023 at 1:20 PM, SpannerRider said:

    So if Bayou Two Card may now be attached to the keyword rather than proximity to Sommer, does that significantly boost Big Hat in theory?

    They'll never do that. Cowards.

    • Haha 6
  2. I just finished The Traitor Baru Cormorant and The Monster Baru Cormorant and...

    It’s like Cormac McCarthy and Frank Herbet collaborated on a fantasy novel. It’s brutal. Take that as you will.


    I read the Stormlight Archives a while back, and I couldn’t recommend them more highly. They’re up there with The Lies of Locke Lamora for me.

  3. On 1/4/2019 at 4:14 PM, Nathan Caroland said:

    Business as normal. People come and go for various reasons. 

    The sky has fallen every time someone leaves the company. Justin, Mack, Drew, Zee, David, Aaron, Kai, Mason ... it's been a few years (14). More will come, more will go. 

    To be fair the sky did fall when I left. Very small piece. Mostly over Eastern Europe.


    I can’t really say I would worry about the state of a company I don’t work for. When the game comes out if it’s good, I’ll buy it. If it’s not, I won’t. And everything I’ve seen of M3E so far looks amazing! Can’t wait for it.

    Best of luck, Mason! You did awesome work! 

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  4. 4 hours ago, edopersichetti said:

    Not sure if this has popped up somewhere else already, but here's an excerpt from Malifaux Musings:

    All initiative can be cheated.
    You get pass tokens based on difference in activations and it recounts each turn.
    All models outside of the Keyword get the old merc tax penalty of +1ss.
    Damage scaled down.
    Engagement ranges scaled down.
    Charges are 1 AP Walks plus a single attack. No more than 1 charge a turn, barring special rules like Cojo.
    First Master hire is free, others pay the cost. Totems are free with their Master. No generic totems.
    Each faction gets Versatile models, like the Effigy, Emissary and Riders, which don’t pay the tax with any Master.
                  Peons are no longer a thing. All non minions are rare 1 unless specified otherwise

    What do people think?

    I'm actually in favor of most of those, even though there is a concern for watering-down that keeps creeping up...simplification is nice, over-simplification not so much. No more different charge ranges, no more stat for attacks, no more AP, weakened red joker, now no more peons...there's actually quite a few more that don't come to mind now, but all together, it looks like we're losing quite a bit of depth.

    The new charge is interesting, even though it is strange that there isn't at least a +2 to the Mv or something like this. But basically if you use both AP - pardon, actions - you get a movement and two attacks like the old one...or you could walk and then charge for very long threat range, but only 1 attack. So it's an interesting tradeoff.

    The reduction in engagement range means it's going to be harder to get engaged - I'll miss the 3" of some of the models, they provided huge table control! I'm a bit concerned about shooty crews being too powerful, especially since cover seems to have also gone down in efficacy - the :-flip modifier made sure that hitting in cover was almost impossible, now a mere +2 Df won't do much at all...

    Damage scaled down: not sure what to think. Games will last longer if no models die :D

    Pass tokens: completely cancel the advantage of out-activation? Man, that's harsh. You lose entirely one aspect of the game - again, we're losing some depth here. Some crews really relied on that to work.

    Cheating initiative: again it looks like an attempt to make Malifaux more "democratic" and less depending on fate. 

    In fact, now that I think about it, this seems to emerge as a recurring theme...both players have same number of activations (with pass tokens), both can cheat initiative, same amount of "cache" (0), red joker is watered down, etc. So less "bad things happen", and more chess? Mmmm. I kinda like the randomness aspect. I understand it can be frustrating at times, especially for beginners (and maybe that's why the change) but too predictable and too many "equal opportunities" becomes less spicy. I might be wrong, but that's my feeling.

    Overall, I thought M3E was going to be a minor rework with a few changes in selected aspects that needed fine-tuning, but it looks more and more like a major overhaul, and I think it'll be a very different game experience. Looking forward to the Beta, and hopefully some or most of these changes are still work-in-progress!

    Your thoughts folks?

    I think M3E looks like a far superior experience to M2E, and exactly what the game needs.


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  5. 13 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    Kk. So to the best info we have right now global based on the keyword the master has?

    Seamus is gonna get a new one then most likely. I would have thought it was belle, but if, again speculation, the master has to have the keyword they hire I doubt they gave him the belle keyword, 

    Don’t like the card size, do like how elegant and clean everything looks at the moment.

    Strong disagree.

    I want a Seamus resculpt where he's wearing a pretty dress and has the Belle keyword.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    I know that at least one faction change has happened that I remember clearly but it wasn't brought on because of balance issues. I might be forgetting some other cases though, so am willing to admit that I'm wrong and that balance-based faction-shuffling has happened. It has been super rare, though, in any case.

    (Though of course this beta is going to be way, way, way, way bigger than any before it so who knows how much shuffling will occur this time)

    As we speak Wyrd is assembling a Gen Con booth in Indianapolis heat and humidity. Next week they'll be swamped getting Gen Con orders out. And sometime soon after that the beta is starting (or at least that seems to be my impression). It doesn't strike me such a list could or would be posted any faster than getting the beta out itself so, eh.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Kyris said:

    I wouldn't even say it's Hard. At least not for me; White used to be very hard for me but i've gotten a lot better at it.

    it's just that it's very minute details. I usually don't bother edge highlighting unless I have to. But, since their armor is pure black, the only really way to add depth(which, usually i get from shading), is to edge highlight every, little detail.

    True, there is a distinction between hard as in "that takes a lot of skill" and hard as in "that takes a lot of work."

    Painting Ravenwing drove me nuts. Nothing but white and black.

  8. 16 hours ago, Kyris said:

    Which is what I did the first time. I've been nothing but perfectly civil to start with. But if I ask someone politely to not use such poor arguments against me, and not to put words in my mouth and their response is essentially "Oh, I'M SORRY, Here I thought you were a logical person. my mistake for assuming you had sense". I'm not going to remain civil.

    I do still hold that it is very odd to me that you care so little about the fluff you would be cool with the Masters not having names. It was legitimately an example I gave cause I didn’t think it was an opinion anyone would hold, and it would help us find some common ground. Basically I was saying, “Look, we all agree the fluff matters *some*, surely we all want the models to have names, right? So once we agree it matters some, let’s discuss how much it matters.”

    But no, you did not agree, and you seemed offended I would put words in your mouth assuming you at least wanted the models to have names, which was a surprise. And then, yeah, I was kind of a passive aggressive jerk. You’re right about that. Sorry!

    Can we move on? (And I ask this fully knowing you did not start this up again, so it’s not entirely directed at the person I’m quoting).


    Ravenguard are very hard to paint. People underestimate how hard it is to paint pure black or pure white.

    Also, I am very excited to see the new giant prophet Neverborn master.

    • Agree 2
  9. 30 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    I noticed it. I’m completely indifferent to it until I see the mechanics.

    I’ve never seen a system do pass mechanics well. For all the issues with out-activation in the current edition, and it was a serious issue, every system I have experience with that has tried a pass mechanic just creates an equally serious but different problem. Usually making lower costed options worth less and sub-optimal to  higher cost options. 

    Additionally the other common issue is it adds another layer of complexity to an already complex game for little gain.

    I’m not saying this isn’t a good idea, I’m actually glad they are testing something, and I’m hopeful they will solve the issue somehow since they tend to have more controls to tweak given the architecture of the basic scenario mechanics, and the way resources work than many other games, but It is a very complex issue that often doesn’t actually solve more issues than it creates.

    It’s all going to be about the execution, and until the mechanics are revealed past history with pass mechanics in other systems would indicate caution is warranted.

    I admit that we need to see the rules before really drawing conclusions, but this is the time for wild speculation!

    Besides, I have every confidence that Aaron wrote an excellent pass mechanic before he left, and then Mason rewrote it to something equally excellent.

    I am excited. :D

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  10. 2 minutes ago, MunkyMuddFace said:

    All these little nuggets of information! It makes me want to see the whole of the new rules that much more!


    Was I the only one excited about the pass tokens mentioned in Pandora's description?

    Pass tokens, people!



    (Just me? Yeah, ok, I'll stop.)

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  11. Just now, WWHSD said:

    I think it would be safe to say that the players at the store I play in that keep up with the lore are in the minority.

    I think there's a difference between really keeping up with the lore, and thinking it adds *no value* *at all*.

    The lore is in everything. The character's name. The names of its abilities. "I'm making a Greatsword attack" sounds a lot better than "I'm making Short Range Attack X"

    It even influences the art descriptions which influences the aesthetics which influence the game mechanics.

    And I get that advocating that character names and ability names having no value sounds extreme but, apparently, there are people who advocate for that so... *shrug*

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  12. 1 hour ago, Kyris said:

    For me, it depends on the model Some models are just a pain to paint. Others, are a fun challenge. others, are just enjoyable.

    Personally, the fun I have the most, as far as hobbying goes. is planning, and finishing. I like being able to plan out what I'm going to do with my models, how I'm going to theme them and things like that. and then seeing it all come to fruition, and the satisfaction from seeing everything come to together.

    the actual painting..well, depends on the model. right now I'm working on some 40K stuff before jumping back into finishing my Malifaux models up, and then going to touch up almost every malifaux model I own. and, I am not having a lot of fun with these models for reasons that are entirely my own fault.

    Kids, take it from me. Do NOT paint raven guard unless you really, really like edge highlighting.

    Oh man, I painted a Ravenwing army a few years back and I so feel this.

  13. 1 hour ago, 7thSquirrel said:

    I hate the act of painting, it is a massive chore to me. But I really enjoy the result/fulfillment that comes after it is done and my crew sits on the table.

    I get that.

    Like a good workout. Not fun perse but fulfilling and worth doing.

    I genuinely enjoy painting, but this makes sense to me. Thanks for letting me see it from your perspective. :)

    • Like 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, Kyris said:

    then, respectively, don't ask me a question if you're going to assume the answer and put words in my mouth. If you want my opinion, you're more than free to ask for it. If you want to have a conversation, I am more than happy to have a conversation about the ways in which we agree or disagree on this move on Wyrds part, or anything else, really. But I take exception to this sort of rhetoric.


    I think there is a difference between putting words in your mouth and abstracting an argument to absurdity. It seemed a logical assumption you wouldn't be in favor of the absurd argument, but apparently you are. My apologies.

    If you don't care about the story *at all* and think it adds *nothing* to the game, we are at such opposite points of view there is very little point in discussion, though you are of course entitled to your opinion.

    I legitimately hope your issues are resolved and you get a ton of enjoyment out of 3rd edition. See ya around. :)

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    • Respectfully Disagree 3
  15. 8 minutes ago, MunkyMuddFace said:

    Oof, yeah, waiting is the worst!
    Usually, when I am in that situation, I will paint the minions because (in my mind) they can get away with the less quality paint job. But in the case of Titania's box, her minions are so characterful that the lower "minion quality" is a disservice to them! But if you work on them now, while the queue is empty, it is a few less things to paint later :)

    This is true...

    Yeah, a few times I have jumped in and painted the master or other centerpiece first and I get noticeably better by the time I'm on to the minions and they come out better.


    On 7/25/2018 at 11:51 AM, Kyris said:

    false dilemma. You can advance the story and the game mechanics without risking pissing off or alienating players who main one of the masters that are now gone, or play a master in a faction that is no longer allowed. i don't see how doing that serves the player base at all.


    Also. Don't ask questions and assume the answer just to further your own argument. I would absolutely still play malifaux without the lore. The lore is frankly the thing I care the least about. I play Malifaux because its fun, and different enough from other war games that I can play it, and 40K, and other war games without it feeling too much like the same thing.

    I asked the question and assumed the answer because not caring about the story *at all* is sort of a ridiculous position the vast majority of people would disagree with. But, ok, you do you. :)

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  16. 19 minutes ago, MunkyMuddFace said:

    What I am playing drives what I paint. I have hit a wall recently on two fronts: 1 - I paint nearly 100 models in 2017, and I am (still) a bit burnt out (I have painted some, but they have been rushed, and felt like chores). and 2 - Not that I have run out of things to paint, but I have run out of things I want to play that need paint. That said, with the Outcast addition of Zipp, I have a whole new crew to get to in prep for M3E, so that might just be catalyst I need to break this funk!

    I'm kinda torn right now.

    I want to start Neverborn and I'd love to paint Titania, but I'm not gonna play again until third comes out. And I have a bunch of ToS Abyssinia stuff on the way from the KS which I can paint, but I don't have it *now*. And I could pick up Titania and paint her now...

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