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Posts posted by tokidoki2go

  1. So I am a cosplayer at heart, I love to take make costumes. I had this crazy Idea of getting togeather with a bunch of other people, and maybe just maybe make some Malifaux costumes and go to a park and take pictures. It is always fun when you do a group of them.

    Am I totally a lone nerd on this or would other people maybe be interested?

  2. So I totally know I am a little late to the party on the comments but seriously it is bitchin'. I hope that you love it!

    And for all those who don't like it or don't understand, take a breath and chill. In this world we need to do what makes up happy and obviously this made him happy. Let Beans just have his happiness.

    Raine Out.

  3. I'm also in the area (over in Santa Cruz), and I keep telling myself I'm going to go out and actually play this game more often (in a social setting), since it takes up so much of my life! But now that I'm digging deep into materials for the follow up book, my time seems to be getting all taken up again.

    One of these days I hope to get a Henchman in the South Bay, to set up fun events.

    Good luck! Let me know if you find any local groups as well.

    I would love to set up events. I am just not sure that I know how. I love doing that kind of stuff. Maybe I will start to it just out of my own freetime. Hah Free time.

  4. Wow you guys are really local to Santa Cruz? That is really really neat!

    I got a rule book as an early birthday present on Nov. 8th, read trough it cover to cover and the next day Nov. 9th my actual birthday I went and picked up a set of the Neverborns. I am really really in love with your game! I went to the game store by my house tree times this week to get stuff for Malifaux.

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