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Posts posted by DonB

  1. I think having a strong goal will help, I was building mine to play with my wife in Korea. Don't know any other foreigners to play with in this city. But sadly she stopped wanting to play, the card mechanic and intricate rules put her off, and then I failed to complete the table. That or the break in hospital with appendicitis killed off my momentum! >_>

    I am 90% there! bloody little tabs on the board keep pulling off though, stick those on good when you do them.

  2. After being unable to wait for the terraclips stuff, I also went in for some of the himmelvale. Figured it'd be cheaper...

    Turns out it isn't. Went through about 10 ink cartridges to print enough tiles for a 4'x4' table, also I needed about 150 sheets of cardstock and 5 large foamcore sheets. It also took a LONG time. I was spending my off moments at work on cutting, and also up past midnight during the week.

    In the end I am happy with what I was able to achieve (though I didn't finish the walls or balconies), but also dissapointed. It's been bloody humid in Korea where I am now, and while I was playing with the board I was sweating. Now there are sweat drop stains on the map. Also to get any real variety in the board I will be forced to make a whole bunch more tiles and walls etc, etc.

    I really lost all momentum, and will struggle to get back to printing and cutting.

    Good luck with your project, I would however STRONGLY advise to wait for the terraclips.

  3. I find this thread amusing. I was under the impression that Hamelin was fair and not unbalanced, yet here is this thread. Ironic.

    Let him stay as he is at least until I've had a chance to get my teeth stuck into the actual game.

    Painting models has been fun, planning for playing is OK, but I really want the chance to play them now!

  4. Thing is the one that is standing on one foot barely balances. I think I should just bite the bullet and buy another set and glue these ones!

    Decided I'd redo the blue on my marionettes, made it a lighter shade on two and left the darker shade on one. Much prefer it now. But have to go back and redo the pink ribbons now...

    Picks tomorrow!

  5. So for a change I decided I'd put my work up as I go. I have 2 weeks before I leave Korea, and I want to finish my girls before I go. These are being painted primarily for my step daughter, who has been interested in my painting recently though less than ethusiastic when it comes to the subject of the models. She wanted something pretty, so I ordered the girls.

    First up Collette herself. The hair colour was my daughter's suggestion. I quite like it and I would not have chosen purple if she didn't suggest it.


    The girls




    and the assistant - (name escapes me momentarily)


    Gotta do some final touchups, around the face especially, and their bases are incomplete. NExt up will be the dolls, I'm thinking I will make them primarily blue, rather than pink. I'll see how it looks today.

    Thanks for looking!

  6. and the third re-read finds the rule. In the magic section...of course. >_>

    Thanks for that though Drake! :)

    Reckon I WILL be buying some Nephilim for my crew, something to add a bit of variety to the gaming experience. So Now I need Snow Storm for Rasputina, and a silent one, more undead for Nico, and some nephilim for Hammy. Poor Colette misses out. :(

  7. He can only Hire Ht1, Insignificant and soulless models

    He is the rat master of plague. doesn't need any big nastly monsters anyway...

    Thanks for all the kind words. Hamelin was THE master I wanted after getting book two. I've read his fluff and looked at the picture on the back so many times. I had to paint him up to match. I'm happy to have pulled it off.

    I did originally paint the rats black, but then realised I had forgotten an important part of the fluff. So had to repaint. Luckily it was only a couple that started life as black malifaux rats and not grey! :)

    Next on my paint block are some pretty dolls and performers...bit of a change of pace. I even bought some pink and purple paints in preparation! Pretty colours on models isn't something I am too familiar with actually.

  8. So here is the crew. I bought them and painted them before playing with them. Now I think they are so mean, I won't ever get a chance to play. But oh well. They look pretty sweet though! ;P

    starting with the main man himself!


    And my catchers...



    So the stolen...







    The Obidient Wretch


    Some of my many rats, I bought 3 Wyrd rats and 25 others from elsewhere.


    Nix still WiP


    The majority of the crew, some rats wouldn't fit in the shot!


  9. That's awesome, good luck finishing it off. I for one hope to see a Malifaux mod soon, and would love to see a community online using it.

    I'm currently working on an infinity mod, but that hasn't got a large following so I've stopped bothering on the update. Hope you can get yours finished!

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