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Posts posted by Kruentus

  1. Thanks all for the advice, I think I try a few different lines out as suggested. I'll order some probable after pay day now. If all else fails I do have a local GW near me, which I could all ways grit my teeth and bare the over euthastic staff if I need paints quickly LOL.

  2. Okay after nearly waiting a month for my legion of sorrow figures to arrive 0_0. (Not dealling with that company again in a hurry).

    I got the majority of my tools sorted out after years of not modelling. Now I just need sort of what paints to use and brushes.

    I was just wondering what people recommended?. Please dont say Games workshop as their over euthastic sales staff set my teeth on edge.

  3. Thanks for the kind welcome. I just placed a order for the Legion of sorrow boxset and hope to get a Teddy when he comes out.

    Just realised that I have none of my modelling gear since moving. So better order and buy some of that at some point as well LOL.

  4. Hiya I'm from the south west of the UK. I generally have not done modelling in years, I used to do games workshop figures in my long forgotten youth (mainly epic and some 40k). But been thinking of getting back into just painting mini's for a while now. Since I feel too old to be playing with them now and secondly doubt I able to find anyone to play with in my area LOL.

    Anyway came across some of the Malifaux range of figures on e-bay.. bizarrely. As I was not looking for them in the first place. But something about some of the figures took my fancy, especially the Neverborn range.

    So after putting in Malifaux in a search engine I found this site and here I am :).

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