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Posts posted by tmsmnns

  1. It depends a bit upon where you are living of course. I live in Europe and I use a Pritt glue pen. Not a stick, the glue is liquid, but it is in a pen. The form doesn’t matter all that much, the important bit is that the glue is not water-based. Almost all other glue (like pva glue) is water based, which will make your paper wrinkle unless you use very limited amounts of it.

    I know the folks over at WWG have a separate bit of their forum completely dedicated to what glue to use. Maybe go have a peak there?

  2. It seams I am very late to the party.

    I based all my neverborn on foggy bases. I have very little painted to show you yet though.

    The best way to make foggy bases I found was with insulation foam. You know, the kind that comes in spraycans and expands after you’ve sprayed it?

    I put some foam on a separate piece, let it expand a bit and then apply it to the base with a knife or modeling tool. It takes a bit of getting used to (the foam still expands after you’ve applied it, so you have to find th right amont to put on there), but it looks great and above all, it’s tons of fun.

    I found some kind of tutorial here, although the pictures aren’t working at the moment due to some server problems.

  3. I think you have answered your own question:

    So I will use the woldworks files that I have... :D

    I don’t know which sets you have. For indoors, Dwarven halls, Himmelveil sewers, Oubliette, Thoumont’s and maybe even garden of the stone speakers are the best. Just make sure it is TerrainLinX.

    The system is built around modularity. I have a ton of Worldworks stuff in my attick. It is really easy to make and fully expandable. I started by making a few tiles, to use as a basis. Thoumont’s for example is ideal for this. You can build 1 house (which you put on a normal table, then make some more floors to make a bigger house, and so on and so on, until you have something big enough to cover the entire table.

    I have to admit that it can take a little while to make everything to cover a 3'x3' table, but once you are there, you will be very happy that you hung in there, because it will give you endless possibilities.

  4. So, this is where I start to make chicken noises?

    Let me remind you that you yourself have created your own pie-eating legend. So it is only natural for us to challenge it, isn’t it?

    But, fair’s fair. So I promise you that if you finish the cake, I will give you a painted miniature of your own choice. Maybe Yazza will match this offer, although that of course will mean you will have to finish his pie too.

    About the hair, if the hair is so sacred to you, tell us what you are willing to do instead of cutting it. How about you build me a piece of scenery if you fail to finish the pie?

    Oh, and the 31st should be fine.

  5. Anyway, bring me a pie worthy of the keeper

    And should the pie be so enormous, that finishing it would ,even for me, seem impossible i shall not eat an other pie for a number of days equal to the amount of gram i did not eat...

    Deal. Thursday? 35 SS? I‘ll bring the pie.

    And why not make it a bit more interesting? How about you only wear yellow for the time you can’t eat pie?

  6. I would love to see a guild master that encompasses the really, really bad side of the guild. Some kind of evil prison guard with a chain gang. With a warden who can clap the opposition in irons and have them join your own crew. Set it off with your own prisonners needing to be controlled (or they join the other crew) and you have some cool possibilities.

    Maybe an arcanist master that can really control the lay of the lands? Lilith used to have this nice abillity to walk through houses, which would be cool to re-introduce in a perhaps less melee-centered master. Sort of like Davy Jones in Pirates of the carribean. Maybe even let her move certain scenery around (and everybody standing on it too). Couple it with elemental minions that he can summon and boost. (this one is a request for my friend, who thinks Malifaux lacks really big models :D)

  7. My wife says you have to stop posting things like this. You’re giving me ideas and that isn’t too good for my marriage.

    She says our house isn’t big enough to stock all my terrain projects. I disagree. I think the kids can perfectly sleep in the cupboard under the stairs (Who knows, maybe it will make wizards out of all 3 of them).

    So please, either stop posting this stuff, or tell me that you have plenty of space at your home where I can put my stuff.

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