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Posts posted by cdog80

  1. Bit of a bummer lol

    It is a bummer. I work for Mick, but have been gaming at his store for over 5 years, and I can't wait to get some games under my belt. The game systems is very unique and will hopefully catch on at the store, we just need to learn the rules.:blowup:

  2. Hey all,

    I am new to the forums, and new to Malifaux in general. I haven't played any games or even own any models at the moment, but that will change very soon. My FLGS has ordered me a box of the Viktorias, so it should be coming in soon. I can't wait to get a game in. It looks that it will be a lot of fun.

    I mainly play Warhammer 40k right now, and I have played Warmachine in the past.

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