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Posts posted by Waaagh_Fangrot

  1. Ok now virgin really are taking the piss.We got offered the xl tv package for a months free trial so naturaly wee took it at the end of th mth we phoned up and cancelled the package the nxt month we get charged for it,So phone them up and ask them to remove the charge and to cancell the package yet again so skip 2 months forward to yesterday our full service's get cut off so the missus phones them up to make a payment and to find out why the bill was so high that they cut the service's £150 so she goes and asks why is the bill so high"well miss fangrot you have the xl package" that was it the missus went nuts*one bit of advise never anger a pregnant woman* they have charged us for 2 mopnths of the xl package even though we cancelled it they even tried to say we hadnt cancelled it.Finaly after get past to diffrent advisors she got a nice one who said they would refund the cost fo the 2months xl package and put our stuff back online so im now going to speak to my landlord to see if i can get a satalite ftted so i can have sky as virgin are really ripping th piss now

  2. Ok o started painting the bone whisperer got the basecoat of red and first highlight of red done will be startuing on the skin tones today will try and get pics up today if my cams batts charge in time.Plus have almost fully built my heresy necromancer and have started cleaning kaptain badrukk for my ork army should have him built by tommorow

  3. A KINDRED SPIRIT...you have my condolences! Mostly I paint/model for other Folks gaming thing, but, when left to my own devices, I paint Orks & Night Goblins for no particular reason other than I LOVE them...possibly a rooting for the underdog thingy. :guns:

    I'd love to do commisions but dont think i have the skill for it just yet lol,Nice have thought about doing orks and goblins myself but after i piant the 4000+ pts worth of 40k i think ill be all greened out lol

    on a side note

    So have just finished building Bruma the bone slayer she is made by enigma models there was a tiny bit of flash on the rock/skull bit on her foot and slight mold lines but other than that was all good,the white metal she is cast in is slightly softer than im use too,Here is a pic of her painted up the way she is done by the company that made her.Im tempted to paint her up simaler to the way they have done except maybe lighten up the red and the skin tones will be diffrent.


    Here is mine fully built just waiting to be undercoated


    Also have started building my heresy necromancer will post pics of him up later

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