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Posts posted by ShinNoKage

  1. Alright, you guys wanna know the wonderful Pandora nuke I found today?

    Recipe: The Pandora Trauma Centre


    1 x Pandora

    1 x Doppleganger

    1 x Baby Kade

    1 x Candy

    3 x Sorrows

    Take 1 doppleganger. Shake vigorously at Pandora and steal Emotional Trauma (1wd to enemies who fair WP duels within 12") and Unhealthy relationship (Friendly woes in B2B with this mddle are able to use it's (0) cost abilities.) Then mix in all your woes, stiring well and making sure they all use their (0) action to use the Dopplegangers Mimic and copy Emotional Trauma (Can ya see what it is yet?) Finally shift Pandora up the field and proceed to incite/pacify/self-loathe everything in the surrounding area. The base damage of this is 7 from the models in increments of 1 meaning resistance of damage reducing effects do almost nothing. You don't need to soul link, or anything... It just takes some serious set up... a little annoying but when your opponent doesn't see it coming, it becomes devastating... For example today... My most feared enemy, Perdita ran headfirst to grab some treasure. Pandora ducked out, Incited for 5 damage (Only had a few models in range of the dopple at the time.) Expose Fears once more for another 5, which my opponent used a large number of soulstones on prevention flips (having had to do one for each single point to stop dying) and finally a project emotions for a finisher.... The bomb works... just aim it wisely

  2. As I read it, the push doesn't break the link unless they aren't in base to base at the start closing. But it's the wording thats getting me. I don't have a rulebook to hand to confirm but the card states "When the linked model moves, push this model into base contact at the end of it's movement." I'm assuming that means that Pandy needs to make a move action as one of her actions in that turn to push the sorrow to her. Which poses some fun movement tricks with the sorrow. Pandy+ linked sorrow. Pacify/incite your way to their front lines, make a move to push the sorrow to pandy, cast a couple of spells with pandy then push her away leaving the sorrow where it is.it's close enough to give an extra point of damage on the failed WP duels(Emotional Stress) and because the link doesn't end until the end of turn it can cast a 1 cost spell with Pandy still linked right back at reletive safety.

    I mean if the models are placed right in an ideal situation i can see an assasination with pandy. Push pandy right to their master, move into combat range to drop a sorrow off on top of their master. Incite/pacify the master to move out of combat range (2 damage on a failed WP duel due to to Emotional stress/trauma) Self loathing 2 times, with soulstones (most masters minimum damage is 1 i think, plus another 2 from pandy/sorrow chip damage) Even at minimums it's still 8 damage in one turn. Chuck the doppleganger in there with a turns worth of setup (Turn 1 copy link, link to pandy, sorrow links to pandy too. Turn two copy emotional stress and emotional trauma, make pandy's pushes to get in close, drop the dopple and the sorrow off within 3 inches) and you increase that chip damage by a further 2 per spell for a total of around 14 damage. And thats just from Pandy, if you have the sorrow copy Self loathing for a further 5 damage, and candy with a sorrow for, depending on ranges and weather or not the dopple/sorrow are still alive, upto 4 more self loathings. Thats a dead master and if you place the other woe's right, probably a couple of others as well.... one turn board wipe anyone?

  3. I picked up the Pandora box a week ago and I've had 3 fights so far. Current ratio 2 wins (Ramos and the Vic's) to 1 loss/draw (Lady J - Match called due to time But it was 3 death marshals versus ). I've proxied a teddy for two of these matchs and seen some fun combo's with Pandora. I've not yet had a problem with Range as I pacify/incite my own troops and theirs to get the range on my opponent, Self Loathing, Dementia and Project Emotions in various combinations dependant on whats out there before pacifying/inciting their troops to get out of range. and when all else fails, you use it on yourself for a automatic 4" move. (You duel yourself...Pandora wins either way)

    Another point, I'm looking at the doppleganger and just looking at the amount of posibilities it has. For example, Emotional Stress and Emotional Trauma, make for another 2 points on what could be an already 4 damage should a target fail a willpower duel in the ideal situation of 3 sorrows around it, or copying Kade's lure and Teddy's teeth. Or worse still, 0 on copying Kade's where's teddy, using both points to shift the teddy, Flurry with the teddy's teeth, then use baby kade's ability himself to swap places with the teddy and using his Melee Expert for a third attack. The posibilites the doppleganger opens for Pandora are staggering.

    Question on Link and the Doppleganger though. Link states "(0) if this model is in base contact with another model, it can link to that model.....The link ends if the models are not in base contact at the Start Closing Phase." If the doppleganger gains link, links to say Pandora, and at the end of the turn, is still in B2B contact with Pandora, does it keep the link into the next round? And if Pandora pushes herself with Fading Memory, does the sorrow/Dopple move with her immediately, or does she have to take a move action for the link push to take effect?

    Admittedly with the fights I've had, I've barely used Candy, though I can see uses for her stood next/close to Pandora and using wail for upping the base damage by 1.

  4. Yo, my name's Craig, I'm one of Omadon's recruits down at Witch engine. He gave me a demo game last Saturday and I pretty much bought the Pandora box immediately. I just love the amount of movement tricks and chip damage she can play about with. Not to mention she can make use of the giant teddy bear....

    Looking forward to the releases as they happen. Catch you all soon.

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