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Posts posted by Ratsmitglied

  1. Companies can only make predictions based on what the distributors they work with tell them. Even if Wyrd thought that the numbers they were being told were under, they can't risk ordering a lot more simply because of the costs associated with storing excess stock etc. more than a few gaming companies have gone under through ordering way too much stock to meet an anticipated demand that just wasn't there.

    My guess would be that they ordered somewhere between the two figures (their estimated figure and the distributors ordered figure) to try and make a balance. 


    At least the core rules are available as a free PDF!


  2. The following might suit for fully scuplted badlands:

    http://shop.microartstudio.com/wasteland-c-3_72.html - wasteland

    http://shop.microartstudio.com/desert-c-3_89.html - Desert

    http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=79_33_57&zenid=6665bd9405ca798ce81d52f9d57c6d43 - Desert Mesa

    http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=79_33_78&zenid=6665bd9405ca798ce81d52f9d57c6d43 - Rocky Bluff


    Just a few ideas from Secret Weapon and Micro art studio...


    There are a few other options from both that you could look at that fit this type of aesthetic as well

    • Like 1
  3. Odds are its all hands on deck doing orders/paperwork and someone is checking every few days. 


    Gencon for us turns into a 'grab everyone, including any spare children laying about, and put them to work'. 


    I'll ask that the ladies look at support e-mails.

    From the Boss...earlier in this same thread.

  4. First, props to Wyrd for getting the errata organized into a single location.  I was not aware it was ever done otherwise.


    No matter how easy it is to get to the errata the more casual players will likely not bother--or simply will not know that it exists.   An active henchman or two at the local store can ease the problem in their location, but the frustration of typos on cards/rules is still going to be as I described for those who drift towards the casual end of playing.  (And many newbs.)


    Editing and QC are indeed difficult--I certainly never intended to question that.  The challenge in companies both large and small is thinking of QC as cost savings and revenue generation rather than as an added expense.  


    Hiring an outside reader for Crossroads, on the surface, feels like an unnecessary expense--the guys doing the writing/editing are good guys who are likely very talented.  But as others have already pointed out, finding/fixing errors doesn't work when you are overly familiar with the work.  I read a lot of papers that have been written by teams of well educated people and the number of problems I find is often fairly large, and is never zero.  


    This is an area where Wyrd needs to find a way to get outside help for proof reading and such.  I'm not thinking a permanent staff member as they shouldn't need that much work of this sort, but some sort of consultants that can be hired on an "as needed" basis. (see those replying to this thread as a starting point.  Most would work for product and public acknowledgement of their contribution.)


    The number of errors will never drop to zero, but cutting them by 30% or more will help the revenue stream and reduce any costs that may be associated with error correction downstream.

    I never intended to imply that you were saying that QC and Proofreading weren't difficult - I was just pointing out that Wyrd have already made improvements to their Errata and FAQ procedure (the other point was in response to other posts in the thread). If they could find a way to hire proofreaders for books on an as-needed basis then this would be the ideal solution.

    @Kadeton - that is great news, hopefully this change will also reduce the cost to Wyrd (as a simpler mould should, in theory, cost less to create and there is less risk of the mould needing to be recreated due to an error).

    • Like 1
  5. Note that the metals can now be hard to find and are spread across 5 separate boxes (Box set, Multiplayer expanion, Pawns 1-3), and 4 are limited (Pokey Vik, Lucius, Teddy, Hooded Rider). The plastics are all from PWU.






    • Pokey Vik
    • Lady Justice
    • Seamus
    • Marcus
    • Pandora
    • Lucius
    • Hooded Rider
    • Judge
    • Bete Noire
    • Misaki
    • Rusty Alyce
    • Joss
    • Nino
    • Baby Kade
    • Sebastian
    • Teddy
    • Executioner
    • Death Marshal
    • Austringer
    • Rotten Belle
    • Nurse
    • Punk Zombie
    • December Acolyte
    • Razorspine Rattler
    • Silurid
    • Malifaux Cherub
    • Ronin
    • Convict Gunslinger
    • Witchling
    • Moleman
    • Bad Juju
    • Sorrow
    • Bayou Gremlin
    • Guild Hound
    • Guild Autopsy
    • Zombie Chihuahua
    • Mature Nephilim
    • Ice Golem
    • Hog Whisperer
    • Piglet



    • Lady Justice
    • Seamus
    • Pokey Vik
    • Judge
    • Bete Noire
    • Misaki
    • Rusty Alyce
    • Hooded Rider
    • Executioner
    • Death Marshal
    • Austringer
    • Rotten Belle
    • Nurse
    • Punk Zombie
    • December Acolyte
    • Razorspine Rattler
    • Silurid
    • Malifaux Cherub
    • Ronin
    • Convict Gunslinger
    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for the information Aaron - can I suggest that making sure that updates related to the Kickstarter are posted there as well may be a good idea, as lack of communication through that fora has been a bit bugbear of a lot of backers. I especially think that the news about fate decks would go down well (and the news about the female MPMs needs to be shared, but I don't know that will go down so well...)

    • Like 2
  7. Typos and stuff happen, I can understand that.  But the comments about confused new players are spot on.  My time on the forums is limited and I will take long breaks.  For someone like me it is going to be nearly impossible to keep up on the errata and it is going to be frustrating when the more active player ruins my plan 'cause he knows about an errata I don't.


    Not really sure you can fix this or stop it from happening, but to the extent that Wyrd can address it, they should.

    Errata/FAQ are released bimonthly (odd months) and downloadable from http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/21-malifaux-2e-faq-errata/

    As such, it is easier to keep up-to-date with the errata/FAQ unlike previously when you'd have to check the rules forums regularly to do so.

    In my experience, QC and editing are both much more difficult than they seem on the surface, and require a particular skillset to be able to do accurately and quickly - this is why it is possible to hire professional editors - which would be why some things are being missed before release (particularly things like the Arsenal Decks and figure scale)

  8. @Ratsmitglied

    Evidence?? The fact that they did'nt even enter the gencon store is plain enough that they knew it or were aware of it. And at that point should have communicated to us. Also as emperornorton pointed out they should check for this before sending it out, they are an professional bussines. Also when we got them and the word came out 4 days before Gencon. They still did'nt say anything.

    Getting your ducks in a row for a reply is not even an discussion worth having really. If you recieve a broken or defect product it should be assumed you'll get a proper replacement. Again I don't mind the waiting time if that is needed. However the fact everybody is silent about it from the higher ups, is baffling to say the least. Considering how this kickstarter has been handled with the delays and now even a product that is basicly not correct.

    Even though it's payed or funded if you will through kickstarter, should not diminish the quality of a product. If they made an error on it and should still be replaced at the least.

    The fact that there was haste in the sending of it you problaby can blame on Gencon cause they originally wanted it to sell during that time aswell. (which they did and planned for aswell) To make sure that they barely hold out on their obligation, with a few days to spare they sended it out in its current state.


    I don't own actually any of the metals anymore i sold them off and waited for plastics when i heard they were going for those. However I don't see the point in raising a scale difference or anatomy difference for that matter on a old metal model and a new art styled plastic who carries the anatomy and sizes better. And is basicly a whole being of itself since everything is going plastic. Not to mention the Ronin actually had trouble for being Amazons themselves.


    @  Sephiroa

    I don't see a problem while building them as well either untill i place them next to another model and she's a whole head bigger. I find that annoying and it simply doesn't look good on the table. You might find it not important but i do, and since the model should be 32mm herioc and not 38mm herioc it should be corrected.

    Yes, that is evidence that they were aware of the issue at the point in time that the Gencon store launched. This is not what you claimed, which is that they were aware of the issue before sending it out.


    I think you're also forgetting how much impact Gencon has on a company the size of Wyrd - they basically shut down in the weeks leading up to Gencon most years, so when you add shipping 1500 packages on top of that then you are going to have a situation where it is expected that communication will be a bit limited.


    My final point about Rasputina and the Ronin was that odd proportions are common in the range - so relevant when people are saying it was noticeable because of this. I had my wife look at the photo of the sprues (she's not a gamer), and even after looking at it knowing there was a problem she couldn't see it.


    Also, the scale issues with the Ronin are completely relevant, as it took Wyrd a few weeks (months?) to acknowledge there was a problem, then it wasn't until February that it was resolved for early purchasers.

  9. I think it is quite easy not to notice - I've only seen photos and it wasn't until someone pointed out the odd proportions with the legs that I noticed it - and it was a few days after reports of receipt started coming in that anyone posted about it (there was one comment on the update announcing them, but nothing else). We have to remember that the first update about shipping was that everything was ready for the MPMs to be added to the boxes and shipped, so the MPMs probably arrived the day before they were going to ship without them and a quick check was done against the original errors rather than doing full QA on the sprues (not ideal, however not an unusual approach).


    When you add in that all this is going on whilst Gencon prep is taking place I think it is quite possible that something would be missed. Additionally, the proportions of Wyrd's figures have always been a bit odd sometimes (e.g. Plastic Ronin, Original Metal Rasputina).

    • Like 1
  10. The fact is they should've done it before the fact and not after. Cause they knew not just suddenly found out. and still shipped it nontheless without saying anything. And the best part is WHY? I mean like i said one post or sentence and a lot of stuff is taken careoff. I don't mind waiting another 3-4 months on a sprue since we waited a year and a half anyway. I just don't understand why a 15 sec post is an issue for them to do before Gencon has little to do with it at this point. And even then 1 post supposed to be not a problem. Then just letting people find it out like they have now. It's stupid.

    So what proof do you have that they knew before they shipped out? Considering previous problems with scale (Viktoria's last year for example) it is quite probably that they weren't aware of the scale issue until someone posted about it - and with Gencon prep underway they haven't had time to discuss it internally. It is also quite possible that they received the MPM shipment and simply assumed that they were correct this time, added them to the boxes and started shipping - not an ideal situation but completely understandable considering the flak they've been getting already over delays. If you look at the sprues in isolation the scale issue isn't particularly noticeable, it is only when you compare assembled figures directly with M2E counterparts that it jumps out.

    Not appearing in the Gencon store may have multiple reasons - maybe they noticed the comments about scale and pulled them so they can have a closer look when time permits, maybe they simply didn't receive excess female MPMs (or not enough to put up for sale). There are quite a few other options as well.

    As EnternalVoid has said, we are likely to not see an update until they've had a chance to assess what has happened and make a decision on how they will approach it (although a comment saying that they are now aware of the issue and will advise of a decision in future would not go astray, I still wouldn't expect this until after Gencon)

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