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Mala Fide

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Posts posted by Mala Fide

  1. This is a bit of a twist on the native american idea thats floating around (and am planning to use as an adversary in a roleplay);


    A mining construct that has developed rudimentary intelligence and has escaped into the wilds where he is worshipped by feral gremlins. Over time he has become a walking icon to the tribe (like a walking totem pole).

    In game he uses a mix of technological and shaman abilities while around him run a group of indian-style gremlins.

    Forgot to mention he has (in rpg) a lot of toughness but is slow, very slow. Most of his abilities are support in nature

  2. This is a bit of a twist on the native american idea thats floating around (and am planning to use as an adversary in a roleplay);


    A mining construct that has developed rudimentary intelligence and has escaped into the wilds where he is worshipped by feral gremlins. Over time he has become a walking icon to the tribe (like a walking totem pole).

    In game he uses a mix of technological and shaman abilities while around him run a group of indian-style gremlins.

  3. I have to say I will regularly quit/conced; always have done, a;ways will. (I dont play tournaments). To me a game is a social event, its for chatting and having fun. If Im getting murdered in a game (ANY game) Ill happily quit and play something else (unless its a multiplayer boardgame). My time is valuable, I dont see wht I should waste it going throught the motions of a foregone conclusion.

    Usually against me hey? lol :P

    Na I agree I once folded a game in a warmachine tournament just because the opponent was not fun to play at all... Now I only play with friends as more of a social thing.

  4. I love the suggestions, I'll point them all out to my group see which one(s) we like.

    Also I'm gonna chuck an idea at you involving converting the system to cards. It came to me in work today here goes;

    As per mali each player would have a control hand (an ammount equal to fate chips-as they effectively do similar things) and when using a skill would flip a card adding the die value as a modifier to the flip (so d4=4, d6=6 etc). I don't know whether this would work or completely throw the system out.

    I haven't figured out how to perform damage yet :)

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