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Posts posted by scythewing

  1. Levi is my primary master and I have played him in so many different ways its funny. Only one thing rings true every time I play him. He is not a good support caster he carries the load of the force very well in the latter part of the games. That's why there are the spa or other heavy hitter to create havoc on your opponent to throw them off balance. The riders are just plane fun with their mobility as well as the peacekeeper. Killjoy and some necropunksare great for making your opponent think twice about your objectives. Crooked men punk zombies are always a good addition for their points. Canine remains are awesome to get that second waif in play ether as a graverobber or as a corpse itself. Rileis just too much fun with Alice for the amount of shooting your crew can have. The only problem with Levi is all the options you can have with him I mean most of my battlefoam case is devoted to Levi and his crew.

    I'm not ganna lie took me more than a few games to get used to him, but when you do you will understand the whole one man apocalypse. One time vs the dreamer he pope two teddys in from of me. I burned one down then turned him into a spa then burned the other one down to 3 wounds companioned the waif. As an ability was able to toss the top 3 cards how I wanted waif used the spell to turn teddy into another spa for me and my opponent looked at me and said...seriously. Of course chompy had to contend with a desolation engine and killjoy at the same time. It was an interesting game.

  2. In my area the neverborn seem to be the main crews most people play. I on the other hand love playing Levi I mean you can play the traditional spa and Alice or switch it up and do all constructs or undead. I love him for his versatility in crew combinations. But I am looking forward to playing Hamlin when he hits the shelves.

  3. Just wondering here can Levi use the Coryphee? On his rules he can use any construct or undead but on their rules it states can only be used by Arcanist masters. I'm guessing their rules override Levi's but I would still like to get an official yes or no.

  4. Played a big game tonight and somethin that never came up... why is the desolation engine not terrifying? Of course I charged a daydream with terrifying 13 and Lo and behold pulled a black joker. Of course Pandora was one of the masters along with Dreamer and Lilith. Let's just say they have a pretty good synergy together.

  5. They are awesome for slaughter cus they don’t count for points but you can make the desolation engine for some but whopping goodness. That’s why I go with a nice mix of necropunks with killjoy and the spa depending on points. They are just too good for objectives if you got the 6 of masks or better. Slow to die and hard to kill is so nice.

    If your opponent is running constructs you will be surprised just how many you can make. One game I started with 5 then was able to make a desolation engine twice and I still had another 3 running around. Just incase you are wondering he had a few constructs.

  6. First off that pic is awesome I think I'm seeing some wallpaper action in the future.

    Second I think the only people who can soundly answer your questions Jonas is the wyrd staffers them selves all we can do is toss out our opinions. Ya it would be cool if she had something like damage mitigation but I can't wait to see her avatar form. All in all I think she is pretty solid but it all depends on your play style.

  7. I have noticed a lot of talk about LJ’s survivability by way of looking at her 5 df stat. First off this is a game of combos and maneuverability and well out thinking your opponent. I think we can all agree on that one. One of the tricks I do when facing a ridiculous firing squad on the other side of the table is use my death marshals. That pine box is not just for the person you are playing against. If there is a ton of shooting I toss LJ right in the box. Then march the death marshal up then with any luck they are able to kill him off wile in range of a juicy target just. He makes his dying attack POP LJ is ready to activate and it happens to be my turn.

    LJ was my first master and still one of my favorite. When I break out my guild chances are I’m using her as she has never let me down yet.

  8. From what I have seen bishop is pretty good. With all the options he comes with for his melee. I suppose its all what you are going against. If you are facing constructs take Taylor without a doubt. Undead Von Shill is one of the best anti undead if not the best anti undead character in the game.

    All I have to say is test the crew out and don't be afraid to make substitutions to flush out your crew. Figure out what is best and most comfortable for you to run vs what faction and environment aka game terrain/ board.

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