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Posts posted by yslaire

  1. for her i play with 2-5ss. If you still want to stay in the family idea then for 3ss you can get Latigo Pistolero.

    Familly themed choice but with less synergy due to ornery (which is a bit of a turn off).

    With a slow moving team I would maybe consider an Austringer for a bit more long range interdiction paired with Nino.

    While fighting resurrectionists or constructs I would consider replacing one family member (maybe not Abuela - her healing spell may be usefull against resilient ennemies but it has a very high CC) with a Judge (a bit faster than average), an Executioner (though a bit slow) or a pair of guild hounds (much faster). Just to try to clean some scrap and corpse counters.

    A less soulstone effective choice would be a couple of Death Marshalls, that I would replace with stalkers against good casters.

    Like said above I would consider the pale rider for its speed and added firepower when available.

    Is the Nephilim absolutely usefull ? I would maybe drop it (especially to field 2 Death Marshalls or Stalkers).

    My two cents. I'm not a tournament player.


  2. This is not "hard" to do I just don't want to start a game with an opponent by seemingly suspecting him and arguing about the cards.

    A game, even competitive, is supposed to be a relaxing and fun moment. That's why it's better to ask a neutral referee to have an up to date list of the errated cards and make a check at the begining of the tournament.

    I mean a tournament in the Montreal area is likely to have 10 participants that's not a HUGE job if you have a checklist of errated cards.

    At least the errated card list with changes should be displayed.

    Of course someone can always bring two sets of cards but in this case he will take higher risks because cheating will be obvious.

    I know that it's up to everyone to be aware of game developments thanks to the forum and that people should make the effort...I like to do it once a while just for the intellectual challenge of team and combo building.

    But honestly the fun of Malifaux is its richness and variety.... That also makes it a huge task for the average player to follow all factions and model related rules discussions on the forum on a regular basis. I think it should be up to the henchman / referee to make sure basic developments such as use of v2 cards are applied during a tournament.

    PS : just to make a few things clear. I'm a not a tournament player (and this kind of issue reinforces my taste for friendly non competitive games where you choose your opponent - not because they're weak but - because they're fair and fun).

    I'm not criticising the game in itself for being errated and not being perfect. I've been playing miniature games for 18 years I know perfect games don't exist.

    What I am pointing out is that, without some good habits, a tournament can give a wrong image of the game.

    I mean if Wyrd took the time to improve their game and produce v2 cards + an updated, easy to use, rules manual then this kind of attitude (or mistakes) just ruins those efforts and are a prejudice for organised play and the reputation of Malifaux as a game.

    My two cents.

  3. I see.

    I can't imagine myself asking my opponent to show me all his cards and make a croos check with v2 card just to make sure he won't "cheat". So I think this checking shouldbe done by the henchman organising the tournament.

    I'll discuss the issue again with my friend because he thought that the guy using v1 cards was a henchman. And I'm not sure of this. This would be embarrassing or proove that the opponent was really cheating (also pretending being a henchman)

  4. One of my friend participated in a recent tournament in the Montreal area. I don't know if it is this one.

    I'll ask him more details if needed.

    This tournament was a bit deceiving form him and he got a false impression regarding the game after that tournament.

    Apparently, a player has won many matches (and probably the tournament) with a Pandora crew by using tricks that sounded a bit dubious.

    He exposed the issue to me and another gaming friend recently and it appears that one of the tricks used by this competitor and his Pandora Crew relied on the use of Incite and Pacify on Pandora in order to benefit from several pushes in the same round.

    Our friend told us "mmmh I think this issue has already been fixed by Wyrd"... I've just checked the v2 cards I've downloaded a few months ago from this site and... It looks like this competitor has exploited or benefited from the v1 flaws to get an edge over his opponents.

    Of course this can also be a human mistake.

    What's the official policy regarding the use of v1 cards in tournaments?

    Is there an easy way to differentiate a v1 card from a v2 card?

    This is very important because the knowledge of the opponents' factions and models are one of the keys of the game which is very rich and it may be very difficult to be certain that the opponent is actually using v2 cards if nothing cleary designates them as v2 cards.

  5. Just added a Silent One today :




    A bit different from the original concept due to her air color and her eyes that are "ice blue" - just because they're not really human beings. I thought it would get along nice with their fluff.

    It's tabletop and the photos are mediocre. Don't enlarge them too much. This gives you the actual effect the mini has on a tabletop - dont't look for awesome details :o))

  6. I stopped painting minis 18 years ago and I've benn painting again since last year.

    18 years ago my painting skill were already quite modest (I mainly use dry brushing and water washing instead of inks).

    Anyway here are my first painted minis (the bases were not made by me but by a friend who gave me these figs in exchange for old Mid Nors from Rackham) :


    My camera is 9 years old too... So forgive the quality of the photos.





    Many more to come :


    My Sonia Criid crew is in the process of being painted actually but I gave it to a "subcontractor" who is a better painter than I am ^^

  7. I'm attempting to make a Bayou Themed list (non competitive - just for fun and fluff).

    I want to put a goblin taxidermist in it because this model and his stuff pigglets are sooo cool...

    But it seems I can't put any stuffed piglet in my Zoraida band because the stuff pigglet has a willpower of... 5!

    I guess I have to buy both pigglets and stuffed pigglets in order turn my pigglets into stuffed pigglets thanks to the goblin taxidermist?

    Right? Di I miss anything?

    No other way to get my stuffed pigglets with Zoraida?

  8. Unfortunately I think someone already has the Zoraida avatar...... Do you have a second choice?

    I did not find who's supposed to have the Zoraida puppet avatar (I checked all the thread twice but who knows... I'm 35 so I start to feel the pain of aging :sleepy: )

    We need the Beiber to disappear...the real one as well.

    No way! Bieber is the most dreadfull weapon of war Canada has ever had. I'm proud of it!:love:

    Proudly Canadian! :reddy:

  9. @ Barby: Sorry, I wasn't meaning to say that you should write the Viks tactica, as that would be silly, since you were asking for it so you could get some help. Was more referring to yslaire about Sonnia.

    I did not get it too... Sorry

    I'm a brand new player, I've just bought Sonnia and I am in the process of assembling its crew.

    Moreover english is not my native langage so I may not be the perfect writter for this tactica.

    On the other hand, I should have searched the forum before asking for it. Though it is WIP (and thus not complete) I can see that people are working on it and I thank them for their efforts there is already a very strong base with excellent advices.

    I'm also aware of the huge efforts made by the guys at Pull My Finger and saying that some tacticas are not available yet was NOT a complaint or critic I well know how much effort and time this kind of volunteer job can take and I took profit in reading what's actually online : great job! Two thumbs up! :You_Rock_

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